Why do YOU play golf?


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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I hate to bring bad news.....it doesn't get any less frustrating as you get better.
It goes from...
''Why is it sometimes I play not bad then it all falls apart?''
''Why is it I play well for 17 holes but still have one 3 putt.''

My last amateur round was a satisfactory 2 under but the 3 putt bogey at the 3rd still grates 19 years later.


No 5 on the card though, that’s pretty sweet 🤘🏻


Tour Winner
Aug 6, 2010
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It is fairly obvious that this forum has a diverse range of ages, political opinions, nationalities, abilities and so on!

Despite our differences, we all have one thing in common. Our love for the game of golf.

But what is it YOU love about the game?

Why do you play golf?

Please appreciate that others have a different view and be respectful of their reasons for playing.

Sometimes I wonder why

Red devil

Well-known member
Sep 26, 2021
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I was maybe 11 and my Aunt Chris suggested to Uncle Les that he take me down to Ainsdale Beach (we were visiting them on holiday) to hit balls about the beach - he played a bit at Southport & Ainsdale. I enjoyed it and so we went to the Southport pitch and putt a couple of times. I got home I started trying to hit a ball about the playing fields next to our house, my dad had a very old mixed bag of hickory and brown painted steel shaft clubs.

I did that on and off for maybe a year or so without going anywhere near a golf course, then one Saturday I phoned my pal Alan to see what he was up to, to be told by his mum that he had gone with Crawford (a pal of ours who lived next door to him) to Deaconsbank municipal to play. Hmm…thought I, don’t like being left out so best see if I can join in. And the next Saturday they went there were three of us down Deaconsbank municipal, and me and Alan, especially, just kept going, as Crawford had joined Eastwood.

And for the rest of Why, see @Voyager EMH above…👍. Having now played for over 50yrs golf is simply a very important part of who I am, never mind ‘what I do’.
My old stomping ground. Played on that pitch and putt many times over the years. Was 18 holes then cut it to 9 to build car park for new cinema etc. Think it's a foot golf now.


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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It's my escape from the world of work and improves my mental health.

It filled the competitive void when I could no longer play cricket or footy.

Finally, it's a game where you can continue to learn and improve , irrespective of age.


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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I’m not sure why sometimes
At my best I can hit 90 and get my name on the boards, at my worst it’s 110+ and what am I doing here.

However considering all the medical stuff I’ve been through, it’s a total miracle that I can even swing a club, let alone maintain any sort of handicap.

So, I play golf because I can 👍😎


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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My old stomping ground. Played on that pitch and putt many times over the years. Was 18 holes then cut it to 9 to build car park for new cinema etc. Think it's a foot golf now.
I thought it was great…IIRC it had little bunkers and mounds just like a mini links. Though I am going back to the late 1960s. It provided an excellent alternative for me to spend an hour or so to the model village which I also loved.


Medal Winner
Jun 19, 2014
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The satisfaction of hitting a shot well.
This for me.

Love the fresh air, nature, banter, beer etc but don’t need a golf course to enjoy those pleasures.

But the occasional well struck soaring golf shot, softly landing pin adjacent is my serotonin booster of choice.


Medal Winner
Jun 19, 2014
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I play with some, on beautiful sunny days, who do manage to hit some glorious shots, spending four hours away from whatever it is that causes them stress, but fuming that they got nowhere near their holy grail of ‘36 points’ that day. Don’t get it, never will. I’ll give up the game when my points total overwhelms everything else.


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May 25, 2022
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I think it's something that I can really see myself getting good at, because it's up to me, it doesn't rely on anyone else, and I will get out of it what I put in.

I played football for 10 or so years and while I really enjoyed it, I knew that there were kids better than me and I was never going to be the best, and even if I did have a really good game, the team could still lose through lack of effort or ability on the part of others. With golf, there's nowhere to hide!

I've not played football properly for a while, only 5-a-side, and even though I enjoy it, I just get more out of golf now. It almost hurts to say it because football was my thing for so long, but I've gone without any sort of competitive football for just as long as I played it.

What I love about golf is that so many people have a similar story. There are so many ex-footballers who have got into golf now and they absolutely love it, and I can listen to them and relate so strongly. Everyone says the same thing - it's hard, it's frustrating as all hell, but you get that odd shot that makes you want to scream, "I LOVE GOLF! I'M GOING TO BE THE GREATEST GOLFER THAT EVER LIVED!"

It also gets me out in the fresh air for a few hours in a world that these days makes it so easy to just sit inside in front of screens all day.


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Jun 17, 2021
Birmingham, UK
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It's hard, it gets me outside whatever the weather with some pals, a bit of exercise that doesn't involve running, and you see some absolutely stunning scenery depending on where you play!


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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I started because I needed a sport to replace playing rugby when injury forced me into retirement.

I stopped because there are too many aspects of golf clubs (at least those near me) that irritate and annoy me to the extent that I stopped finding it fun. Yes, there are attitudes, behaviours and requirements that annoy a 50 year old so God knows how the younger generations feel.

Now I play the odd round with mates for a laugh and for good company, the course and the score are largely irrelevant


Sep 11, 2011
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Not played for 13 months, and didn’t play for 2 years prior to that. Too much arthritic pain. Will I play again? I hope so, when my son comes to visit. I first hit a ball in July ‘68, right through to Dec 2019. For me, once I got good enough(1973), it was chasing a level par round. There weren’t too many but hitting that number, or even beating it, gave me a mega buzz. Loved to win but that wasn’t what I went out for.

Also, had brilliant group of mates in the swindle. The craic was brutal!


Assistant Pro
Dec 11, 2013
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To me playing golf is just a part of being immersed in the game, which I have been since I was a boy. I haven’t played since October due to health issues, and may have to give up. Last Saturday I was at the club and for the first time I felt sorry that I couldn't join my friends on the first tee in the Medal. What did I miss? The fresh air, the exercise, the company, and the challenge of compiling the best score I can.

I am still involved in the game administratively, and enjoy watching people far better than me, be they amateur or professional. I've always got as much out of that as much as playing the game.

Deleted member 15344

Have to say it’s a great thread

What it shows to me is that most of us play the game for enjoyment , we all want to improve as golfers and challenge ourselves

It’s not just about winning for us


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Because I can’t play football anymore!
I was injured quite young and could not play anymore.
golf was never on my radar ,old man’s game!
as a shift worker I needed something to do during the week when everyone else was at work.

golf saved my sanity I think. Gave me a goal to aspire to.