WHS working well for me


Sep 21, 2014
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It’ll hopefully be the death of the bandit to a certain extent as their HI will follow them rather than putting 3 cards in again at a new club.

I’ve also noticed there’s fewer runaway winners at our club.
Wish we could say the same. Absurdity this week of a 48 point winner coming down from 20 to 11. Beyond me why people with so few rounds are given a handicap capable of playing in a competition.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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At what stage do you think a new player should be allowed to enter a comp.

After they have all 20 cards so you see their true average as in 20 rounds you would get a full reflection of ability

The old 3 card system could be first 3 rounds you have swung a club then easily improve on that with practice

Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
Instow - play in North Devon
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After they have all 20 cards so you see their true average as in 20 rounds you would get a full reflection of ability

The old 3 card system could be first 3 rounds you have swung a club then easily improve on that with practice

There are guys on here who wouldn’t play 20 qualifiers in a year yet you think that a new member can’t join in until they have completed 20 cards. I’m not sure how long they would hang around for.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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There are guys on here who wouldn’t play 20 qualifiers in a year yet you think that a new member can’t join in until they have completed 20 cards. I’m not sure how long they would hang around for.

Now the app is there 20 rounds is easy

Deleted member 15344

I’m not sure if you are involved in the workings of your club but it will never catch on. I presume you were able to enter comps once you had a handicap yet your not keen on others having the same opportunity.

I can just imagine the reaction - it’s a nightmare as it when people are complaining about having to get three cards in etc

All those new golfers or return to golf being told they must have 20 cards in before playing

Also there a still a lot more people who aren’t putting a scorecard in every time they play


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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So how many cards did you put in to be able to play in a comp.

I joined under the old system so was allowed to play however now the new system is in I really don't care about comps. I used to enter as was the best way to get cut. That's it. Golf is about scoring your best score and getting cut to low as possible (whilst having fun) it's not about winning.. now the app is here we put in every single round we play as a group as it gives us a good reflection of how we are performing.

Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
Instow - play in North Devon
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I joined under the old system so was allowed to play however now the new system is in I really don't care about comps. I used to enter as was the best way to get cut. That's it. Golf is about scoring your best score and getting cut to low as possible (whilst having fun) it's not about winning.. now the app is here we put in every single round we play as a group as it gives us a good reflection of how we are performing.

Funny how people look at things differently. Our comps are about meeting other club members and having a good social time, not about winning. Possibly the drawing of most of our comps adds to this.

Winning, unless it’s the club champs is a side line.

Deleted member 15344

Funny how people look at things differently. Our comps are about meeting other club members and having a good social time, not about winning. Possibly the drawing of most of our comps adds to this.

Winning, unless it’s the club champs is a side line.

I guess that’s prob one of the difference between a members clubs and a proprietary club - our clubs are all very social , lots of side bets between groups and a great presentation night especially with the historic board comps - newer proprietary clubs don’t have that history to follow on


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Funny how people look at things differently. Our comps are about meeting other club members and having a good social time, not about winning. Possibly the drawing of most of our comps adds to this.

Winning, unless it’s the club champs is a side line.

Which is fine, meet new people. But I've always been of the opinion that people can enter the comps but be excluded from prizes until their handicap is verified

We used to have people turn up at society's off 24 and we never let them win until they had been least 3 times so we actually got a reflection of their ability.

No reason people can't enter comps with a block on prizes until maybe not 20 rounds if that's too hard but 3 rounds in the comps if their putting in 45 points a time their handicap is far to high .. if their pulling a 30 35 34 you know their not riding a horse home


Sep 21, 2014
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At what stage do you think a new player should be allowed to enter a comp.
A minimum of 8, say. No reason why they can’t play any time, including comp days, just with their card only counting for handicap purposes. Take maybe a month. Doesn’t seem at all unreasonable to me. And much fairer on the other 100 people in the competition.

sweaty sock

Mar 2, 2013
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Funny how people look at things differently. Our comps are about meeting other club members and having a good social time, not about winning. Possibly the drawing of most of our comps adds to this.

Winning, unless it’s the club champs is a side line.
I agree whole heartedly with this, just cant get angry at a good score, in a no name competition, at a no name club, played every week, with handicaps. Its absurd.

Statistically, the number of people on a more or less level playing field due to one handicap system is phenomenal, to complain about the odd outlier winning £25 on a saturday shows just how near perfect the system is.


Sep 21, 2014
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So how many cards did you put in to be able to play in a comp.
But this is a poor argument. We’ve just changed the whole system. It should have been improved in this respect, but hasn’t. What’s wrong with putting in 8 cards? I really don’t think that most new players would object to that, or put them off.
And it would reduce the absurdities that I’ve given above, where someone has manifestly been playing off a wrong handicap.