Challenge Tour Pro
I guess it depends on what the vendors have interpreted that "attestation" means.
It appears to me that, the way things have been implemented, attestation is simply "I agree with the scores that the player has entered"....whereas the expectation, from your (not unreasonable) point of view, is that attestation should involve the automated cross checking of marker v. player scores and flagging any errors, if the score data is there to support such a thing.
As I understand it in the England Golf app (and in the MasterScoreboard App...front end of HandicapMaster) there is absolutely no compunction on a player who has been nominated as a marker by someone else, for that player to enter his own scores, or those of the player he is marking for, in the App.....so there can be no automated cross checking by the "system". Thinking about it....I'm not sure why would it work this way....its perfectly possible for someone to play in a comp with someone who is not in the comp and for that player to act as their marker.
What was the new "attestation functionality" advertised as being able to do?
This was released by ClubSystems in June 2021 and was the basis for my expectation.
• Enhanced Markers Scoring Example
Connor would select Adam as "Marker" and select Darren as "Marking For", Adam selects Connor as his "Marking For" and Darren as his "Marker", Darren selects Connor as his "Marker" and Adam as his "Marking For".
Connor enters his own scores and Darren's scores, Adam enters his scores and Connors scores, and Darren enters his scores and Adam's scores. At the end of the round, it will validate all of the scores against each other, flag any discrepancies and scores won't be able to be submitted until they all tally up.