Journeyman Pro
I know years ago people complained that knowing what scores were in put them off their game.A question for all of you WHS experts. Since having Club V1 installed, we have had access to a live leaderboard for most competitions. At the beginning of this season the club announced that it would be turned off during play, effectively doing away with it, this is a trial for a month.
What they didn't say was why. I mentioned this to a couple of people who might have known, but their answers were vague and woolly. I have emailed the club but have as yet not received a response, and think it is because they don't know the answer.
Furthermore, I was trawling through the minutes of the Competions Committee meetings and found reference to this subject. It was regarding a seminar that was held by Durham County where the attendees were informed that E.G. recommend that live leaderboards should be turned off during play, but the attendee couldn't remember the reason why this should be.
My question is. Do any of you club handicap secretaries know the reason for the recommendation?
They thought it changed the way they played knowing what score they needed to compete.
We had one but it was removed in a vote of members.
But the fact EG have a live leaderboard facility then advise you not to use it seems mad.
For elite comps maybe but handicap golf it’s unessesary imo.