Which electric trolley?


Jun 13, 2014
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Hi there,

I've had a search through the forum on this topic but some of the threads seem a little dated and was hoping for some up to date views on the electric golf trolleys that are available. I've been looking at gokart, motocaddy and powakaddy.

Something that I have picked up are that gokart trolleys seem to come highly recommended. They probably come with the least amount of features but how many of the features that come on the other models out there are really useful or necessary?

Also do people tend to use the brand specific cart bags with them or just go with one from the club manufacturers and fit it to the cart?

I look forward to hearing what people are currently using and what features they think are worth having.

If I was looking to get a new one it would be the Gokart. A friend has one and it is lovely and smooth. Lots of good comments on the customer service too. Hope this helps.
I use GoKart and have one of their bags too. They give the best service I've ever experienced and the trolleys good too
Ha ha, yeah that one is probably just a little out of my price range. Thanks for the first replies, out of all the features on the pricier/more equipped carts the run on feature is the only one I could think I might use but even then I'm not entirely sure when.

Don't forget to let me know about what bag you use with the trolleys you have.

Thanks for the welcome too.
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Ha ha, yeah that one is probably just a little out of my price range. Thanks for the first replies, out of all the features on the pricier/more equipped carts the run on feature is the only one I could think I might use but even then I'm not entirely sure when.

Don't forget to let me know about what bag you use with the trolleys you have.

Thanks for the welcome too.

I have a £20 off voucher if it helps......;)

I use a Callaway bag on my GoKart.

With regard to the run on my friend has it on his, the only time I see it as handy is when you can send it off to the next tee when going on the green. I have to say at my place this is not that frequent and I have seen a trolley nearly tip over as it has gone too far and caught a slope.
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Another Go Kart user here. To be honest I have looked at the Motocaddy as the in laws and the wife were mumbling about a pressie for my birthday. Having looked at the features, there isn't much on there I'd really consider as necessary and quite happy to stick with what I have. Their customer service is superb too
Any cart bag will do you. Just pick whichever one you like the look of and has the pockets and features you need. They all fit on any trolley.
I used my "gokart automatic " for the first time today. It was great. Would recommend

Also, i drag raced it against a motokaddy s1 and s3. Whooped them both
I was torn between the gokart and motocaddy after getting rid of the clicgear.
Motocaddy won as it was in the shop and ready to go that day so couldn't compare to gokart despite both having great reviews.

The motocaddy had a slight issue but the after sales was probably one of the best I've ever received and they certainly looked after me and got my trolley sorted ASAP.
Motocaddy every day for me now.
There is only so many feature you need on a trolley before going into stupid prices.

Gokart with provide all you need. Will fit easily into a car. Has multiple battery options from 18 holes to lithium and is backed up with great customer service. A few little extras like the Umbrella holder and the bag are good. I had the GPS holder but it was poor to be honest but they gave it to me for free.

Here is mine with 36 hole battery in the boot of my Kia Rio with bag minus long clubs.


Can't do that with my dads Powerkaddy.

It's an MD Deluxe Cart bag. Fits very nicely. Had a Gokart bag previously and it was great for storage and organizing the clubs but the putter well liner came out (allowed it to fit a large grip though) and a small rip happened near the top pocket zip within the first 2 weeks shows the quality isn't the highest. The older bag was better.
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There is only so many feature you need on a trolley before going into stupid prices.

Gokart with provide all you need. Will fit easily into a car. Has multiple battery options from 18 holes to lithium and is backed up with great customer service. A few little extras like the Umbrella holder and the bag are good. I had the GPS holder but it was poor to be honest but they gave it to me for free.

Here is mine with 36 hole battery in the boot of my Kia Rio with bag minus long clubs.


Can't do that with my dads Powerkaddy.

Yep. First perfectly in a Fiesta boot too
A vote for a motocaddy

The S1 is nice and simple , light , the easiest to fold up and down and very simple to use

Had mine 4 years now and not one single issue.
I got a gokart at the start of this year and I can't fault it. I just went with the basic model, on/off switch and a roller to control the speed. I only have an 18 hole battery but it'll do 36 no problem with plenty of go still in it, I realise this may just be the case as it's new might be different this time next year but you can get an upgrade battery and the price isn't too deadly.
I use a Motocaddy S3 digital 2011 model, and its served me well.On their website you can buy ex demo and refurbished trolleys at a reduced price,aswell as getting your accessories and spares directly from them.
Lots of good feedback so far. Been having a browse about. Doesn't seem to be much in the used markets, or limited as people don't want to ship which is understandable. Hopefully come across something soon.
For the trolley, I would strongly recommend the gokart, simple to use and fold, good quality good price and excelkent customer service.

Sadly I cannot recommend the matching cart bag. In theiry it is great, good price with all of the storage you could need. Sadly mine looks a right state after about a year of use. Frayed in places, putter well lining shredded etc. Actually looks worse than my 5 year old ogio atlas that I replaced with it and I may be going back to it until I have the cash to replace it
Cheers for that, I think the likelihood is that I would go for something like the Callaway Chev Cart bag that AG are doing for £100 at the minute or something to that effect from another retailer if it were to be the gokart.
Just been looking at the DG web site. If I had the cash the Big Max Silencio looks a great and inovative design