Which electric trolley?

Had big probs with motocaddy and their service once out of the warranty period was shocking, replaced it with a Golfstream Revolution and couldnt be happier, british company with excellent products and service levels, as for the bag having gone waterproof i wouldnt want to go back so can only recommend the H2NO cart bag
Just as another little sub question would people recommend going new or used? There doesn't seem to be a massive difference in price in all honesty.
I would defo recommend a GoKart. I bought a 2nd hand one from the For Sale section here a few months ago, it's great - the battery is around 4 years old and still easily holding an 18 hole charge.

The repairs are also great. My Dad bought one new about 6 years ago, and it's had some minor issues (E.G a strayed tee shot cracked the front wheel bag holder part) and for a measly £12 they sent him out a new one which he was able to fit. They also provide services, and you can even upgrade a 'normal' one to an auto one, so you can 'upgrade' the functions for a fraction of the cost of buying a brand new one!

Just can't fault them. I know a few people who have them (including one or two on here) and no-one can say anything bad against them!