what would you do if the best part of your game went overnight?


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Jun 9, 2009
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I'm struggling with my tee shots at the moment, which previously had been the strongest part of my game. Never been long off the tee but always straight and hardly ever missed a fairway. started to hit blocks and when there is thoughts of that, go and pull it instead.

Played last night and my driving was erratic to say the least, made 5 birdies but also lost 3 balls. My mate who ive played a fair bit with said it was the worst he had ever seen me drive the ball.

1st Pull into left rough bogey
2nd pull into left rough bogey
3rd slight push, par
4th (iron) straight at flag par
5th pull ish par
6th iron straight at flag birdie
7th slight draw middle fairway par
8th slight pull hybrid par
9th slight pull hybrid birdie
10th block lost ball double
11th iron straight birdie
12 pull hook bogey
13th push bogey
14th push iron bogey
15th slight draw middle fairway birdie
16th slight draw middle of fairway par
17th block 3 wood poor strike short of trouble bogey
18th slight draw birdie

by the look of this its not like a can just stop using the driver, the other woods are just as bad.

had a lesson stripped everyone straight, so none the wiser.

Big comp on Saturday off the Blue tee's so will need the driver a fair bit.

anyone else lost the strongest part of there game and how did you get though it?
If you had a lesson and everything was fine, I would just put it down to one of those days and forget about it. When it starts happening every round, go back to the pro and diagnose.
Do you think you might be rushing the transition at the top of the backswing?

no idea Bob, always had a fastish tempo, pro use could't see anything different, as i hit everyone in the lesson fine, it just on the course.

Always had a bit of a slinging hook the started right a drew back to the fairway, so always aimed right, now its staying right:(
lose the strongest part of my game over night? I guess that must have happened a year or so back on consecutive nights, now with nothing to lose I just hack a little white sphere around a nicely maintained field.

One day my game may return and I may get a cut, but these days the only cut I'll get is through not being careful when turning the pages of GM.
I've had this recently mate . Having a lot of lessons at the moment , due to driving being the strongest part of my game we have only just had a look at it . I've never been long off the tee , never been short either , probably somewhere around 230-260 average maybe . Always hit a slight fade(very high) but always hit the majority of the fairways.
The guy i have lessons with think I can get a lot more out my drives by losing the height and left to right . Made a few adjustments and found it great on the range .
Took the same swing to the course and hit 1 good drive in 8 attempts . Pulls / hooks / blocks / slice you name it , no control . Due to not having a lesson till next Thursday I decided to go back to my old swing , played a few last night and hit 5/6 fairways . I don't really know what's different I just kind of have that swing drilled into my head as I've been playing with it for probably 6 years + . Will continue the same way until my next lesson and re-assess !
I'm struggling with my tee shots at the moment, which previously had been the strongest part of my game. Never been long off the tee but always straight and hardly ever missed a fairway. started to hit blocks and when there is thoughts of that, go and pull it instead.

Played last night and my driving was erratic to say the least, made 5 birdies but also lost 3 balls. My mate who ive played a fair bit with said it was the worst he had ever seen me drive the ball.

1st Pull into left rough bogey
2nd pull into left rough bogey
3rd slight push, par
4th (iron) straight at flag par
5th pull ish par
6th iron straight at flag birdie
7th slight draw middle fairway par
8th slight pull hybrid par
9th slight pull hybrid birdie
10th block lost ball double
11th iron straight birdie
12 pull hook bogey
13th push bogey
14th push iron bogey
15th slight draw middle fairway birdie
16th slight draw middle of fairway par
17th block 3 wood poor strike short of trouble bogey
18th slight draw birdie

by the look of this its not like a can just stop using the driver, the other woods are just as bad.

had a lesson stripped everyone straight, so none the wiser.

Big comp on Saturday off the Blue tee's so will need the driver a fair bit.

anyone else lost the strongest part of there game and how did you get though it?

My faulty but grooved simple swing was the strongest part of my game - but it fell out of the groove and I can't get it back - and the faults have been killing me. Nothing else for it but to start from scratch taking lessons and trying to learn a completely new swing.

It's not going to be at all easy and I don't really know if I'm up for the practice it's going to require for me to really 'get' it - but there doesn't seem to be any alternative but new swing. I wish I was 30 yrs younger and had the enthusiasm for it.

With yourself - I'd just persevere - it should come back. Taking lessons risks chucking baby out with bathwater - though that is often necessary.
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Check your fundamentals to make sure everything is correct....stance, grip, alignment etc. It is very easy for one of these to move without realising it. I had a spell a few years ago where I was hitting everything straight right, turned out I was hitting it exactly where I was aiming :confused:
lose the strongest part of my game over night? I guess that must have happened a year or so back on consecutive nights, now with nothing to lose I just hack a little white sphere around a nicely maintained field.

One day my game may return and I may get a cut, but these days the only cut I'll get is through not being careful when turning the pages of GM.

LOL. Just about sums my game up nicely.

The one exception being I never had one in the first place!
My driving is right off at the moment :o
All I can hit is massive hooks
I reckon I have a grip issue!!

It's weird, off the deck I'm fine. Just off the tee I'm rubbish.
Lots of pulls here suggesting that you were swinging too hard. In fact, often the 'game' goes because the adrenaline has got the better of you. Drop down to swinging really easy, say 60%.
I would say to you to relax and not think about it too much. Make sure you are not standing on the tee thinking about where it is not to go and concentrate on where it will go. Sometimes we just let this stuff get in our head. The more you think about it the more it settles in there. On the flip side, you were +3 for the round not playing well. I dont know your handicap but I'd take that positive if I were you.
I would say to you to relax and not think about it too much. Make sure you are not standing on the tee thinking about where it is not to go and concentrate on where it will go. Sometimes we just let this stuff get in our head. The more you think about it the more it settles in there. On the flip side, you were +3 for the round not playing well. I dont know your handicap but I'd take that positive if I were you.

its only because a sank a few putts and hit a couple of really good wedge shots. Also found 2 drives i though were lost but lost the prov.
opposite to the OP.

My driving is exceptional just now, long and laser straight, I have to step to the side of the flight to see the pin:)

Irons and fairway woods are also stunning- PP's are in awe of my long game.

My short game however has gone Pete Tong, 2 and 3 putts are the order of the day and greenside chips are to 12 feet if I'm lucky.

Some radical change is required, but what.

I feel your pain OP as I used to either hole chips or be very close.
I'd hit the range, check my setup, slow things down and try to recapture the feel of the swing. Then gradually turn the power back up.....

Managed to do that successfully between rounds last week after driving it badly in the morning. Hit it great in the afternoon round.

If that didn't work I'd take few days off golf and hope it fixes itself! :o