TBH i rarely play any stableford comps, but need to break 80 to buffer
Is that really true though?! My 45 points off 20 I referred to above included 2 blobs. I was still quite happy with my round....
Just looked back at the scorecard on my phone:
2 x birdies
7 x pars
7 x bogeys
2 x triple bogeys
Pretty ridiculous really.
A recipe for unhappiness ! (unless your handicap is 'managed').
Your average score should be pretty much a shot outside the buffer zone, so depends on your handicap category. For me, I suppose one should be happy enough with that which would be half of your games or so. If a shot or two better than, then you are into you best 10% of games, even if that doesnt mean 36 points for many golfers, and should be please with yourself knowing you are playing in the upper end of your range. 36 or better - well they are the great days, but you wouldnt want to play this game if it takes that for you to be happy with your game.
Are these net scores or gross? I'm assuming gross.
A recipe for unhappiness ! (unless your handicap is 'managed').
General consensus was we were happy if we got high 20s. I think though that comes from the fact that we don't play regularly. I think you guys are all regular players and club members, so I guess it follows you'd expect some consistency.
I need to join a club and play regularly. Just don't have the time!
Well if you were regularly scoring in the 20s that basically means your handicap is too low. Obviously we expect to be in the 30s otherwise we're not playing to our handicap, and thus it's going to go up rather than down.Interesting replies here. Seems most of you expect a minimum of 32! You'd all have easily walked the competition between me and my mates then!
General consensus was we were happy if we got high 20s. I think though that comes from the fact that we don't play regularly. I think you guys are all regular players and club members, so I guess it follows you'd expect some consistency.
I need to join a club and play regularly. Just don't have the time!
Yeah, ok. I think the cut off is probably 2 for me. No blobs I'm delighted, one or two and I think 'that's a shame, but to be expected', three blobs and that's quite disappointing. Four or more and I feel I've done poorly.My previous post did not ask how many blobs you're "happy" with, it was how may would be "ok".
Maybe I should have worded it differently along the lines of how many blobs do you usually have during a round.
Nobody "likes" a blob, but at the level that a lot of golfers play, they are somewhat inevitable.
Slice or hook your tee shot into the jungle and you're going to struggle to avoid them.
My 2 blobs yesterday weren't a result of me playing a bad round, it was just that I sliced my drive on 2 consecutive holes.
I do tend to tire towards the middle of the back 9 and my game can easily fall apart, which it didn't yesterday.
So I guess that I could say that I was OK (or dare I say "happy") with my just 2 blobs.
Back in the day maybe 30yrs ago there was a comp run by one of the national newspapers (Daily Express I think) that had you winning something if you were able to 'keep a six off your card' in a formal club comp. I still aim for that (though rarely achieve it)
he doesn't have a handicap, he's a pro
Not only did you have to keep a six off the card you also had to better your handicap by at least 3 shots. A feat I am proud to say I achieved once. What you won was a box 3 Maxfli golf balls (when Maxfli were one of the top brands).
I play a few times a year with old cricket mates who are social golfers and they seem to always think that 40 is a good round. They don't believe me when I tell them that this isn't how it works. I've given up negotiating on handicaps as they are always gunning for a handicap that gives them a good chance of getting to that 40 point total.