What part of your game are you working on?

Been trying to get rid of any technical thoughts when I'm putting.

As a kid I was fearless and putted really well so I'm just trying to trust the old feelings.

Apart from my eyesight being worse, green-reading being worse, feel for distance being worse, nerves over missing the putt being huge, and general talent at getting the ball in the hole ? almost disappeared, it's going really well thank you ?.
That’s a description very close to my putting atm.
Been trying to get rid of any technical thoughts when I'm putting.

As a kid I was fearless and putted really well so I'm just trying to trust the old feelings.

Apart from my eyesight being worse, green-reading being worse, feel for distance being worse, nerves over missing the putt being huge, and general talent at getting the ball in the hole ? almost disappeared, it's going really well thank you ?.

I was discussing this with someone a while ago and told them that once I've lined a longish putt up I try to switch my brain off and just let my body naturally decide the distance - much as it's easier to throw a screwed up bit of paper into a wastepaper basket if you just do it without thinking than it is if you take deliberate aim.
I’m currently working through the basics - grip, stance, club positioning.

I’ve been to the range the past few weeks. First to get some confidence back and today working on some course scenarios, so I’m not mindlessly hitting the ball whilst working on the basics.

First round of the year on Wednesday!
I was struggling with driver - generally blocking it to right & so have taken it out the bag & last 2 rounds have been using my Taylormade Aeroburner Mini Driver, which has so far been a massive improvement. Much straighter drives & at 14 degrees loft am not losing that much distance compared to my 11 degree driver. The mini driver has 200cc smaller head than the driver, but the shaft is 43.5" against 45.75", which seems more in control to me.

Another area I need to focus on is short game; 70 yards in - particularly re which club to use. Rather than trying to use SW/GW/PW, I wonder if I am best sticking with one club & simply altering swing length to vary distance. Likewise around the green, am very tentative & the number of times I leave a chip 10 feet short of hole rather than going past it is ridiculous.
Working on my hand at impact. I've always had a flip at impact which results in a high ball and club face issues. So looking to try and keep some of the wrist angle as the feel.

Been doing a lot of exaggeration drills like Alex Noren and that's now part of my preshot routine. It is working for me the few weeks I've been doing it. I'm not there fully but have definitely seen an improvement in ball striking. My shots from about 110 and in have definitely got better, especially the half and 3/4 wedges.

Also changed the position of my right hand on the grip to a weaker one, this has helped with not controlling the club with the right hand like I used too. Resulting in my short game being much improved around the greens. Enjoying playing different types of pitches and chips now that I have the confidence.
I joined a club for the first time ever mid-May, after a few years of playing perhaps 5-10 times a year as a nomad.

So I'm now playing much more often - once or twice a week.

Realising that it's like learning to drive a car; so many things to focus on. Striking the ball cleanly, pitching and chipping, and putting. As well as learning how to play my way round a course to manage a score and how to make good decisions. When one thing starts to click, something else seems to go to pot away! Two steps forward one step back!

Probably have another month or two of just enjoying it, then take a few months to have a series of lessons and put in the practice before submitting cards for my handicap. At the moment, it'd be around 30, but sure I can get that down.

So, having had a bit of time like a kid in a sweet shop playing on the course, now booked the first of six lessons with Lee Scarbrow to run from Mid July towards the end of the year, to allow practice in between, with a view to getting a respectable first handicap card towards the end of my trial membership (Mid November) as I move to full membership. Quite excited to see what I can achieve having resolved to substitute some of my course time for practice ground time, with such a great coach. Broken 50 for 9 a few times, yet to break 100 (though come extremely close). Wonder what my first handicap will be. I'm not especially competitive, except with myself, and I love learning new stuff.
Managed an hour over the short game area, chipping / pitching to a fast green from tight lies / rough / uneven lies etc. Its clearly a confidence issue, I was hitting them close no problem but on the course I was all over the place.

Wanted to work on a few things tonight but that wind really hasn't abated and couldn't see any point hitting balls when the wind would affect the range balls. Short game also need a little work so may revert to that tomorrow if the wind doesn't die.
Managed to get out tonight to hit a few balls. Working on this drill
and making good progress. Definitely feel as though I am a lot more shallow in the swing than any of my old videos and definitely getting better distance, better flight and a few more yards even with range balls
How are you quantifying that?
Which bit?

The ball flight is straighter than it has been with less sideways (fade/draw - usually a fade though) movement. Visually I feel it is flying higher and I was hitting towards a 150 marker on the range from the same spot I've used the last few times and got much closer to it with the swing. I even checked the wind was into as it was before and definitely no stronger than when I hit balls last week.
Did you take any videos?

You know well after ur lesson with the Top 100 teacher that what you feel you are doing and what you are actually doing can be very different.
Did you take any videos?

You know well after ur lesson with the Top 100 teacher that what you feel you are doing and what you are actually doing can be very different.
Not had a chance yet as the club are being quite restrictive about filming on the course or practice ground at the moment. I am playing tomorrow so we'll see how it transpires on the course. Once I can get a video done I'll let you know
I've just taken the plunge and ordered a putt out pressure trainer and mat, I never practice putting and its really starting to show. Embarrassing myself on the odd occasion with putts that make the mind boggle :S
Our patio is nice and smooth but with a slight runoff toward the grass, planning on using the slight gradient to practice left to right, right to left and uphill\downhill putts.
If this fails its new putter time :D
I've just taken the plunge and ordered a putt out pressure trainer and mat, I never practice putting and its really starting to show. Embarrassing myself on the odd occasion with putts that make the mind boggle :S
Our patio is nice and smooth but with a slight runoff toward the grass, planning on using the slight gradient to practice left to right, right to left and uphill\downhill putts.
If this fails its new putter time :D

Save your money on the putter and get a putting lesson first.

SAM putting lab is eye opening for showing you how bad your stroke is and what you need to do to fix it.
So, having had a bit of time like a kid in a sweet shop playing on the course, now booked the first of six lessons with Lee Scarbrow to run from Mid July towards the end of the year, to allow practice in between, with a view to getting a respectable first handicap card towards the end of my trial membership (Mid November) as I move to full membership. Quite excited to see what I can achieve having resolved to substitute some of my course time for practice ground time, with such a great coach. Broken 50 for 9 a few times, yet to break 100 (though come extremely close). Wonder what my first handicap will be. I'm not especially competitive, except with myself, and I love learning new stuff.

You've taken a really sensible approach mate! No harm in getting the handicap sooner rather than later and letting it progress downwards as your golfing improves though? Very jealous your practise facilities are open - my course has shut them all down and no timeline on them opening back up. Only real practise I can get is playing rounds for my chipping and putting!
2 things, keeping it in play of the tee and work around the green. Driver only comes out 4 times (more for social rounds) now, 3 wood 5 times, hybrid 4 times.

Around the green I have significantly improved the number of one putts (from missing GIR) and this has been massive. My 2 best scores this year though have come from hitting a high percentage of GIR and 2 putting (31 and 33 putts) but in some cases when GIR hasn't been good, I'm still scoring well with 25 / 26 putts. Last year, I would have missed GIR and still 2 putted every time!