What is the scariest situation you have been in?


Assistant Pro
Oct 26, 2016
NW Blighty
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One time I was riding a motorbike around a roundabout in Oxford and a truck coming onto the roundabout from my left didn't stop. I actually rode underneath the front bumper, luckily didn't make contact with anything.

About the same time, a mate and I went to the pub for a quick pint at lunchtime in his Mini. On the way back from the pub he lost control at a T junction and the car slid into the side of an artic. The car was spun round and just missed going under the trailer, I hit my head on the side window and ended up in the Radcliffe with concussion.

Some years later, I wasn't in an hotel in Le Mans and a work colleague kindly bought me a nice single malt as an after dinner drink. When it turned up, they'd put an ice cube in it!


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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When I was about 17 me and 5 mates decided to walk around the rocks from Lee to Ilfracombe when the tide was out,we was about a 3rd of the way around when the tide started to turn and we got cut off.
The only way out was up about 800ft I would guess,half way up we were blocked off by massive prickle bushes with spikes 2 inches long and we had to climb through them to the top.
Looking down was bloody scary.
When we reach the top we all had 100s of spike marks in our bodies.

I was driving back home to Ilfracombe in the snow with my ex and as I went over a rise I started to slide out of control for what seemed like ages,the ex was screaming like mad as we went towards a big drop into a ditch,lucky for us the barriers kicked back in and we hit hard and wrote my car off.

I was driving home on the M5 back towards Taunton when a car starting pushing me from the outside lane so I went into the middle lane doing above the speed limit when all of a sudden the lane started to slow in front,i started pumping the brakes and had to pull into the first lane to stop me hitting the car in front and I was about half and half when I came to a stop.
I looked into my mirror and saw a car coming at me at 70 miles an hour and not stopping,i braced myself for impact and got whacked up the hard shoulder.
Seeing the car coming saved me from serious injury or worse as I put my head back on the headrest waiting for the hit.
I got out of my car and went to the other car with 3 people in it and it wasn't pretty,the ambulance came and the police took me for a statement and breath test.

The other guy said he didn't see the traffic stopping as he was plane watching.

A scary couple of seconds.

Tell you what bri yours would have scared the living daylights out of me.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Easiest the scary moment for me was a few years ago when I went to Cyprus with the family.

Swimming on a remote beach north of paphos. Me and my son who was about 13 then went into the sea for a swim. An Englishmen was just coming out of the water and said something to us about it being difficult out there be careful. I told him that we're not planning to go out far just off the rock there. Anyway we chose the "calm" water just off the rock and as soon we jumped in we could feel ourselves being dragged out to sea. I tried to swim back in to the rock as hard as I could and me and my son were still just drifting out. The same guy who had just got out of the water came over with some others linked hands and got us out.

I am 100% convinced that we were gonners that day had it not been for their help.

Read about rip currents afterwards and know now how dangerous they are and how to spot them. Also the west coast of Cyprus is apparently notorious for them and have claimed many lives.

Mucho respect for the sea now after that.


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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I don't know about scariest moment ever, but being the first public order serial on scene for the riots in Liverpool in 2011 was pretty hairy. Especially as the first thing to strike my shield was a machete, which got stuck in the top. And the second thing to strike it being a baseball bat which clipped my helmet.

More recently, being in this shield team got the adrenaline flowing.


Deleted member 18588

Collapsing on the course, having a major heart-attack.

The fear I experienced in two car accidents was nothing compared with that.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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Collapsing on the course, having a major heart-attack.

The fear I experienced in two car accidents was nothing compared with that.

I feel for you. Sorry to hear that.

I was going to say getting tear gassed and aggressively herded by soldiers carrying Tavor assault rifles. Seems kind of mild in comparison.

Deleted member 18588

I feel for you. Sorry to hear that.

I was going to say getting tear gassed and aggressively herded by soldiers carrying Tavor assault rifles. Seems kind of mild in comparison.

It's not that bad.

It was a few years back and medication with lifestyle changes mean I am still going strong. (My golf is still crap though!)


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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This year in Nice. We were in a street 1 back from the promenade where the terrorist drove the lorry into the crowd on Bastille day. People came running past covered in blood telling us to run because there were terrorists with guns (wasn't the case but that's what people thought in the panic). The shooting was the police at the driver.

5 minutes earlier we were stood in the exact spot where the lorry went into the crowd.......it was like being in a film. Surreal.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Night before the match, me and a mate were kidnapped by the Russian bizzies, taken to a field and thought we were gonna get shot, but they just wanted our money.

Night of the match walked into over 100 CSKA hooligans, and we werent even playing CSKA.

Turin - With the Juventus fans rioting only 200 yards away, took 20 minutes to find my ticket and thought the bizzies werent going to let me in.

1981 - My mam changed my room around while I stayed in my nans. She found some glossy magazines, sounding something like dazzle and Hen only, thought my dad was going to read me the riot act.

He said "I can get you some swaps in work, if you want".:thup:
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Assistant Pro
Feb 28, 2011
Near Edzell / Montrose
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Nearest to death, and therefore probably scariest moment for me was being tangled up in my harness line underneath my sail and windsurfer a mile out to sea in a force 6.
Managed to lift the sail to get an air pocket and gasp a breath before being able to untangle and get out from beneath the board and sail.
Scary moment , could easily have been a goner.


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Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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crashing at snetterton at around 140mph was pretty scary, slow motion stuff! got up and got back on the bike and rode off! Hurt the next day though...


Dec 8, 2015
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Had a knife pulled on me by a guy on the back of a night bus moons ago, it was not small either

In Italy 2 Stray rottweilers (Obviously angry guard dogs) had escaped and were loose on a country road i had to pass on a cycle, the road was seriously uphill so they totally had me for speed, took a big detour, several kms to take a parallel road, they ran through fields and appeared again.

I cannot recall how I actually got past them other than i know i could have passed Lance Armstrong on whatever stimulants he chose when I finally did the final section past where they had been, nothing like pure adrenaline to make you climb like a pro

Remember when I was in the Scouts, the CCS in Edinburgh had gathered round the corner from our scout meeting, me and 3 pals were walking 500m or so back home.. we rounded the corner, (we were aged 9 to 13 ish) and saw probably 50 guys, with bats etc.... diagonally opposite us .. (Now obviously they were not going to randomly 4 kids) but this did not stop us dropping our cans of coke and running home fast as hell.. similar thing happened at the park we played football at, 3 entrances, all of a sudden football casuals flooded in all 3, it was obviously a planned meet, but me and my pals again young kids crapped our pants and had to jump over the walls of the houses backing onto the park..

Except for the dogs i do not think there was any real danger, but at the time rational thought leaves your mind and panic takes over, guy on the bus was a pssy and got off the bus.

First time in Sicily around 10 years ago, i was looking for an Irish bar, asked a cafe owner, he did not know, big tubby guy sat smoking a cigar wondered what was up, told the cafe owner who then sent me down this narrow winding alley (I ended up walking on to a dark wasteground) and figured the guy in the mafia had sent me there, i was a tad nervous lets say, logic does not enter it, he would not mug me but being my 2nd day i think on the island and being pitch black and lost on a ruined industrial site, logic was not invited to my mind set)
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Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Forgot about my escapes whilst working ug. The time I was putting a supply gate pack on and was just about to crawl under the supply gate end and I stepped back to say "I cannot hear you" to a pal who shouted summat. Two seconds later about 20 tons of rock fell. I would of been a bit flatter now if I had been under that.
Too many near misses to talk about when Mining.

Norrin Radd

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Aug 6, 2015
Sunny Sussex
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Forgot about my escapes whilst working ug. The time I was putting a supply gate pack on and was just about to crawl under the supply gate end and I stepped back to say "I cannot hear you" to a pal who shouted summat. Two seconds later about 20 tons of rock fell. I would of been a bit flatter now if I had been under that.
Too many near misses to talk about when Mining.

just going down the mine in the first place would have been scary enough for me Tashy,much kudos to you and all who did venture underground:thup::thup::thup:

Norrin Radd

Tour Winner
Aug 6, 2015
Sunny Sussex
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my own scary experience was in the african bush,my brother in law is a professional hunter and took me on a fishing trip into the bush ,we came across some poachers and with Mike being a game warden as well as a hunter he arrested them .nothing scary there but he gives me his rifle and tells me to hold it on five poachers while he go`s through there things ,i can tell you that i wasnt going to pull the trigger unless i really had to ,my mind was spinning as if any of them had made a move i didnt know what i was going to do ,Mike had said shoot them if they even blink, i think that scared the poachers as they never moved a muscle ,thank god .
i was physically shaking as i was so scared that one of them would take a chance .thankfully they didnt and the trigger was never pulled .
took a few ciggies and beers to calm me down later as i was shaking for quite a while afterwards.
all i could think was that if they did make a move it would have been on me as i was the one holding the gun and was the obvious target had they tried .
let me tell you it isnt like the movies when you are given a gun ,you do not all of a sudden become John Wayne or Clint Eastwood .
you are still just a bloke who had never fired a shot at anything other than a pheasant with an airgun back in england .heroism is the last thing on your mind and the idea of shooting someone is not something that has ever crossed my mind before or since.


Tour Rookie
Apr 25, 2016
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A few years back my girlfriend at the time was in a nasty car crash. Her friend misjudged a corner and went through a fence in to a field.

They rolled around 6 times and ended up on the roof. She managed to ring me whilst upside down whilst I was taking a dump :D

she vaguely described where she was and I've never drove so fast in my
life to get there, obviously at this time did not know how she was.
Got to the scene with her getting cut out the car and put on to the headboard was traumatising so god knows how she felt.

Took her a couple of months to get right again after that but she was fine eventually. Was amazing how she wasn't badly hurt.