That’s real life!!
This is just golf???
Indeed. But there are far more politics in play here than in the Brexit shenanigans! Private members clubs can be a hoot at times, can’t they?
That’s real life!!
This is just golf???
Will Brexit be done and dusted by then, do you think? And what about this pesky virus?
Must admit I admire your tenacity on a point of principle. £200 is a lot to spend plus potentially another £2k for starters. Personally I would have probably accepted the situation but we are all different and admire you but I could not contemplate such action.Not sure i can agree i have been a loyal member of 4 years never any trouble. I just don't like secrecy or bullies and feel I should stand up to them. it is a members club not the Presidents. Have currently spent over £2000 on this and likely £2k more to get to court . I see this as a principled stance on a honest question. I don't see myself as a trouble maker but also i am not going to role over and see the club managed in this way.
This...If it’s a private members club, I can easily see the OP not being asked to renew his membership at the next renewal time.
As for the whys and wherefores , I reserve judgement suffice to say that as a member of a private members club I wouldn’t be too pleased with another member posting about my club on a public forum and taking legal action over something some may perceive as trivial in the grand scheme of things.
Next years subs frozen at the current rate.I don't belong to a golf club, but it would be interesting to hear from others on here who are members, as to what their club offered during lock down if anything.
As an example some gyms offered their members a few extra months free, mine offered nothing. However I like my gym so I accepted their decision.
I'm just imagining a member of my own club winning a court case (of this nature) against the club, and it costing the club many £000s of pounds. No matter the rights or the wrongs of the issue, I have a feeling that some or many members might not be that favourably disposed towards that member (or the board). That is unfortunate but it is not unlikely.
Re committee members they tend to split into three equal types.
Those who have a genuine desire to improve the club.
Those on a one agenda ticket or ego/social trip
Those who see it as a way of making money.
Out of interest - are you a Proprietary Club or a Members Club.A member sued my club after she fell over and broke her wrist. It was in january when the course was frozen, obviously she knew the risks, but the club was advised to settle out of court as it had a duty of care to golfers. This was several years ago and she is still a member.
So maybe our freedom fighter can safely reintegrate himself into the club once he has won or lost his crusade. Vive la revolution!
I was on the greens comittiee at my last club.Indeed. But there are far more politics in play here than in the Brexit shenanigans! Private members clubs can be a hoot at times, can’t they?
Back on track. There will be no winners in the case that has been mentioned
I don't belong to a golf club, but it would be interesting to hear from others on here who are members, as to what their club offered during lock down if anything.
As an example some gyms offered their members a few extra months free, mine offered nothing. However I like my gym so I accepted their decision.
Yes I do see that point.Assuming the advice was privileged and the club wanted to maintain that, they absolutely could not show it to him.
Out of interest - are you a Proprietary Club or a Members Club.
Win a case against a members club and it costs the members - indirectly if not directly - but possibly directly if funds are required to fill the gap created.
See one of the OP's posts below, should explain it.
We offered 3 options (from memory)I don't belong to a golf club, but it would be interesting to hear from others on here who are members, as to what their club offered during lock down if anything.
As an example some gyms offered their members a few extra months free, mine offered nothing. However I like my gym so I accepted their decision.
A question on this. Where you objecting to the principle of paying the money during lockdown or the fact that you didn't like the reason? If the former, well there a big thread one this in the forum somewhere so I won't up that debate but if the latter it seems a strange way for the club to get members to pay. Our club has been very open throughout it and most members stayed and paid as the course still needed to be maintained.Nothing quite so fun alas... Was told that the club had a legal letter saying fees must be paid during lock down, I asked as a member to see the letter was told it was private and it was not being shown to members.. Ended up in a private email to the President with me suggesting that he hadn't told the truth and was now hiding (a little more colorful to be fair).
Years ago I had a disagreementWhat an interesting thread. I think that each club has their own rules about how to deal with disciplinary procedures, they have their own constitutions and management structure as to who makes the decisions but here's my thoughts, for what they're worth.
- If it is a members club, and the club say they have taken legal advice about paying the membership, and use that for coercing/forcing/demanding the members pay their membership, then I would say the members have the right to have that advice shared with them.
- The OP hasn't really done themselves any favours by getting personal/abusive and calling the integrity of the President into question. And in writing. That's an example of where my old boss would write an email, save it, and then come back the next day to see if he still wanted to send it. Often he didn't.
- The President sounds like he is being thin-skinned. When I was Vice Captain, a member wanted to see us about a dispute he had. I explained part of the situation to him and he pretty much called me a liar. I let it by as I knew he was annoyed he wasn't getting his way (he was in the wrong btw) and was trying to get a rise out of me. I certainly wouldn't have banned him for three months.
- By the sound of it the club haven't handled it well in what they have done either. Call you in and show you the document, or give you the chance to apologies, or just talk it over.
- We have had to call people in for infringements, some of which I would say have been worse than the OP but in most instances the individual has know what they have done has been wrong and it was left at that. In one instance there could almost certainly have been a ban but he showed contrition so it was simply a warning.
- At the end of the day, if you have an issue, there are ways to handle it. Making inflammatory and unfounded allegations then you really have to expect a reaction. Maybe that's what you were after but just didn't expect the reaction you got.
Interesting post. I am not of the legal persuasion, but was thinking exactly the same thing.I am interested in what can be gained from the legal action. If the club is incorporated then it is a separate legal entity from the members and so any legal advice obtained is privileged and you have no entitlement to see the same. If the club is unincorporated, it is not a legal entity and so you can only only take action against the individual members. If you have commenced legal action against the club as you state then the club has to be a legal entity separate from the members and you have no entitlement to see privileged advice obtained by that entity.
With regards the payments lockdown, a simple small claims matter.
How would one make money by being on a GC committee? Asking for a friend.