Waterproof Golf Shoes - Longevity and Warranty


New member
May 20, 2019
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Why is it that golf shoes start leaking a few weeks after the 12mth warranty has expired but my 18 year old walking shoes are as watertight as when new and cost considerably less. A cynic may say that golfers are being used as a cash cow.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Few manufacturers of 'walking' shoes have highly lucrative sponsorship with professionals that need amortising.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I've a good number of shoes that are over 5 years old. Regular care, especially after they get wet, cleaned every time and an application of dubbin every few months have kept them all pretty water resistant. I do wear waterproof socks most rounds too though in case a) they do let water in and b) I have to look in long and wet grass for a ball. That may be a cheaper fix than new shoes but do agree that a lot of brands but FJ in particular don't seem to have the quality they use to


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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I've a good number of shoes that are over 5 years old. Regular care, especially after they get wet, cleaned every time and an application of dubbin every few months have kept them all pretty water resistant. I do wear waterproof socks most rounds too though in case a) they do let water in and b) I have to look in long and wet grass for a ball. That may be a cheaper fix than new shoes but do agree that a lot of brands but FJ in particular don't seem to have the quality they use to

agree with this.

Having been on the merry-go-round of buying whatever discounted Nike or FootJoy shoes I could get for £50 or so when I needed a pair of shoes, I am now firmly in the camp of invest in good shoes and look after them. They always had a waterproof guarantee, but in reality this was not the case.

When I took up golf again last year, went for a pair of Footjoy Dryjoys. Took a good bit of walking in, but they are the 1st pair of shoes I've had that are properly waterproof and I no longer dread having to trudge through damp rough on a moist morning.

Was then fortunate enough to win a pair of Footjoy Fury's on this forum, but was considering a purchase of another 'summer' pair. The Fury's fit the bill for this. Play with them in the dry, and the Dry Joys in the wet (then dry them). I'm hopeful the dual strategy will mean I don't need another pair of shoes for 4 or 5 years.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Why is it that golf shoes start leaking a few weeks after the 12mth warranty has expired but my 18 year old walking shoes are as watertight as when new and cost considerably less. A cynic may say that golfers are being used as a cash cow.

Try playing golf in your walking shoes and you will quickly realise where the water gets in. The soles fairly quickly 'delaminate' because they are not designed to withstand the turning stresses that the golf swing puts in to them.