Watching the professionals


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I went to watch professionals play today, for the first time, and whilst I enjoyed it, I have a few observations.

They are slow. Proper slow.

The massive wadge of paperwork they carry, yardage charts, putting charts, adds nothing to their game. Seriously, I think they would be just as good judging by eye. And quicker. More info equals more over load, and slower play.

Very few of them can putt. Seriously. On telly you only see the ones that drop. In reality, that's not many.

They hit the ball long, but not forum distance.

They are better on the range than on the golf course.

Bernt Wiesberger has a swing that is faster than slasher Nash, and I did not think that was possible.

Walking 70 yards from your ball to the green and back again does not guarantee you will hit the green.

280 is a good hit. Seriously good.

Getting back spin on a 30 yard pitch is an issue, even given wet balls, clubs, grass, greens. It's like a magic trick. How do they do it, and Why? As most come up short.

Heineken at £5.50 is a swizz.

Your average tour pro is a midget. Built for television.

Rain is less of a problem than wind. Even a little bit of wind, versus proper rain.

The noise the strike makes is way different, even to your 1 or 2 handicap mates.

Having your caddy lie full length, on a wet green, in the rain, to read your putt, doesn't mean you will get it anywhere near the hole.

Soren Kjeldson shouldn't be fetching his own divots when his caddy has mootched off 50 yards in front.

Getting a premium place, by the green, so you can get a good view, doesn't stop someone from setting up a TV camera right in front of you.

Westwood still can't buy a putt.


Tour Rookie
Jun 28, 2016
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Agree with the sound they make of the club face

Balls zip out so low and piercing even compared to the scratch players I know.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I also saw pros for the first time today and a few of my thoughts are similar.

Saw Fragger for a few moments as he was rushing to jobs, and spent about 45 minutes with Murph watching them on the range.

Slow? I got frozen watching the Westwood group at the 18th green. It must have taken 15 minutes from the time they got to their balls just short of the green to finishing the hole.

After that I was so cold I decided to go for coffee and a warm up, but on the way another 3 balls were within pitching distance of the green so I thought I'd watch those shots first. Jaidee was closest to the hole, so last to play. He walked all the way up to the green and back to his ball before anyone played. The other 2 hit their shots then he started to walk to the green again! I lost all enthusiasm to watch his shot and off I went.

Watching on the range was for me the best bit of the day. Lovely smooth short compact swings and not trying to kill the ball was an eye opener, and I will do my best to try it myself when I next play.

I don't know why but I had in my mind they are all giants, and as Murph says they definitely are not.
This will sound really wierd but (for their stature at least) I have taken them off their pedestal. They are just blokes like us.

I don't get the sound thing. I think my good shots sound as nice as theirs and are as good as theirs. They just do it a hell of a lot more often than me.

From what I saw they don't flight the ball down in wind as much I thought they would. They were just allowing for the wind and hitting normal shots. Another thing for me to try.

In the afternoon I followed Cort / Jacquelin / Porteous around the back 9 because Cort is attached to the club I play at.
On 18 the group in front were waiting for the green to clear so invited the group I was watching to hit their tee shots as it was getting dark.

Porteous put it 80 yards past the other 2, 50yards past the longest of the group in front and a good 40 past the plaque in the fairway marking where Tiger hit it when they played a WGC there years ago.

Granted it was with whatever wind was left at 6pm, but it was all uphill and pretty cold. My mate lasered back to the tee from level with the ball and got 363 yards :eek:

My final thought for the day is that I wouldn't want to be Jacquelin's cat tonight. Not a happy bunny.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Second time I've been now

agree with the points lol

beefy is a legend

Michael Lorenzo-Vera is the most well dressed golfer in the world


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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I really need to get myself to an event, great obversations lads 👍

Compared to many of you I'm still very much a rookie, but can you really change your swing speed that much when you've been playing for so long and got an almost engrained rhythm elready? I've watched them on TV and some swings with their mid irons on long pars look like there in slo-mo and go as far as a wood for me, I've always heard its tempo and not brute force but I'm not sure even after just 5 years I could naturally slow down that much!

I know what you mean about the sound though, Peter Finch has a nice slow swing and when he hits a 2 iron it fizzes like I've never heard before.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I'll add that watching the pros on the putting green, they make far more than they ever do on the course

Their short game skills are the real game changer between them and even low single figure golfers

The Grove is a cold place when the wind blows and hillier than it looks standing on the first tee

They take massive divots on all shots

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Very funny, all true. I was also amazed by how few putts they make. They do leave them dead though.

The one that got me was the height they get off the tee and with irons. Way up into the sky, they hang there, hang there, hang there..... and then drop. Never seen a ball flight the same, even from single figure boys. They are different.

I went to Gleneagles once. A kindly marshall advised us to stand at a certain spot where we could see 3 holes at once. That helped with the slow play issue. Tee shots were better, less to discuss. Stand, aim, whack it. Weisberger hit the biggest tee shot I have ever seen then, past Quiros, he had just hit before him, at a time when Quiros was seen as the longest hitter out there. Great macho moment.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I ve been to quite a few tour events and agree wholeheartedly with the points posted, except, the Westwood one - their group would have been slowed up by the score board carrier yesterday !

Deleted member 1418

Watching the Jaidee and Kjeldson "I can play slower than you" bore fest at the 18th green forced me to go and drink copious amounts of over-priced Amstel!

Loved it yesterday - agree with everything Murph wrote!

Deleted member 1418

Another point to add - true golf fans can drink normal strength beer all day and not shout out ridiculous comments!!


Sep 11, 2011
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Pro's are without a doubt getting slower, or maybe we're just focussing on it more. I've been spectating at events for nearly 40 years now and slow play is just getting dire.

We were at St Andrews last weekend and we actually walked on from groups because they were too slow. However, it does make it easier to see more players.

Its amazing the difference the weather makes. We've done a few tournaments in Spain and Portugal, and the sun on your back makes you not even consider slow play.

As for how far they hit it; wow! And when you see some real bombers, especially side on and see how far they knock it past their fellow competitors.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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The fastest Ive ever seen get round was Rory at the Scottish Open at Royal Aberdeen. they were one of the first groups out and there was very little buggering around. I can't remember who is playing partners were, i think he shot the course rec (someone else beat it either the same day or the next), but got some very lucky bounces. shows it can be done under 4 hours


Q-School Graduate
Nov 3, 2014
Se London
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i took my dad (it was his first time see the proper golfers) and even he commented on how slow they were but was impressed on the quality.
he felt some sympathy for soomin lee on the 2nd when he duck hooked his tee shot into the tree!


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 21, 2011
Bishop's Stortford
Agree with Murph. I've been to most UK based tournaments over the past 6-7 years & still get goose bumps listening to the ball strike of the top Pros. with a 6 iron it's like someone just cracked a heavy leather whip or amplified a click of the fingers. Like ChrisD I'm walking round with the Carryboard listening & watching the interaction between player & caddy. What a bloody palaver! Even a straightforward 100 yard pitch shot they discuss for 5 minutes AFTER the player behind has finally taken his shot :rant:

Other than the pace of play, the European Tour is fantastic at setting up courses to suit entertainment & off course facilities to keep everyone happy. Mizuno are offering fee club fitting & nearest the pin comps on simulator.

One heart warming moment of note yesterday. Richard Scammel - Head Greenkeeper was diligently doing his job handing out range balls to the Pros at 11am yesterday when he was summoned back to the Locker Room. On the Wed he went round with Ross Fisher's group in the Pro-Am where I was on the Carryboard. He spoke at length with Denis Pugh about the course & knowing every blade of grass, etc., etc. So, when Danny Willett dropped out late morning allowing Justin Walters to step in Justin needed a local caddy so asked around & Denis Pugh recommended Richard. I followed that group on the back nine yesterday & he did a thoroughly Professional job. Watch this space if Walters does well this week...The Grove may be looking for a new Head Greenkeeper ;)