Was I in the wrong here ?

Find this thread quite funny really do people have that much to moan about they have to go checking what people are using their phones for on a golf course? I use mine all the time either for gps, texting being nosy on twitter and what not helps take your mind off how rubbish you're playing haha! I really say no harm in this. When it comes to golf cheating is my biggest bug bear the amount of people who blatantly lie about their score even in comps!
Find this thread quite funny really do people have that much to moan about they have to go checking what people are using their phones for on a golf course? I use mine all the time either for gps, texting being nosy on twitter and what not helps take your mind off how rubbish you're playing haha! I really say no harm in this. When it comes to golf cheating is my biggest bug bear the amount of people who blatantly lie about their score even in comps!

If phones are banned on the course then they are banned whether you or I or Uncle Tom Cobbley and all think it's daft, old-fashioned, stupid etc or not - and we shouldn't be clever about pretending to use them for one thing when we're using them for another 'banned' thing. And don't forget that your use of the phone, whilst not an issue for you or even your playing partners, may indeed be an issue for otehrs on the course. Respect and practice what you are asked to do or not do on the course or in the club house. Easy really. Or don't play on that course.
Relatively in terms of human history yes, but people are getting busier ever year, have young families etc and being completely cut off from the outside world for 5 hours is, for many, not an option.

The whole attraction of golf is the fact that you can get away from everything for a few hours, same with fishing, annoys me to see people on their phones. I'm only 32 by the way not an old grump :) What is it these days that people feel they have to be contact with everyone all the time, it's as if they live their lives thinking constantly that someone is about to have an horrific accident.

My club has this rule and i've never thought anything of it, makes sense, you wouldn't be using a phone whilst playing football, rugby, tennis etc so why golf. I know the OP wasn't using the phone application as such but I wouldn't want to see people walking around a golf course holding a phone.
Relatively in terms of human history yes, but people are getting busier ever year, have young families etc and being completely cut off from the outside world for 5 hours is, for many, not an option.

Which may be true for you but it is not true for (I suspect) most, if not all. And I note that golf unlike many or indeed most sports is a sport requiring a quiet and a calm atmosphere condusive to the concentration required to play the game; the game also being played for relaxation as well as pleasure. The individual golfer cannot simply require their own life-style needs to be met independant of all others when golf is a social and 'communal' game. That is surely the simple basis of many of the rules of etiquette that some find fussy and old-fashioned.
The whole attraction of golf is the fact that you can get away from everything for a few hours, same with fishing, annoys me to see people on their phones. I'm only 32 by the way not an old grump :) What is it these days that people feel they have to be contact with everyone all the time, it's as if they live their lives thinking constantly that someone is about to have an horrific accident.

I'am with you. Golf is MY time and the phone stays in the house. If there is an "horrific accident" then they have the clubs number and they can phone that.
If your so busy or important that you need to be in constant touch with the outside world its time for a hobby re-think imho.
Sorry but I feel this is OTT unless meant in jest (doesn't read that way) and I agree with others. If he hasn't got the phone pinged to his ear but is in the palm of his hand taking a yardage and recording a score how is that different to having a sky caddy. Just because the device is a mobile and not a purpose built gizmo where is the difference and unless there is something clearly stating DMD's aren't allowed how was the OP suppose to know and how did the assistant and secretary know

I have to agree with freddie here! If the clubs rules state "No mobile phones on the course" and you get told to put your phone away on the course by a club official (be them junior or senior) but you continue to do so anyway then moan when you get told off for it again. He got asked politely, carried on being naughty so got his bottom smacked lol BUT I do think complete banishment of phones from the course is excessive! On silent in the bag and only make very short calls whilst in between holes i think is perfectly reasonable.
Rules are rules.

To be fair I do think this is a little outdated but on Saturday morning when someone was sorting out there horse racing bets on the next fairway in an anything but quiet conversation I can understand why they get banned, one persons quick quite chat is not the same as someone else, and horse tips hardly constitute an emergency which IMHO is the only reason to use a phone on a golf course.

If this had been happening on this course I can see why a blanket ban got imposed.

I do understand the OP saying it was only used as a DMD but if the phone were to ring would the phone call have been taken, if so then there in-lies the problem, further to the noise issue there is the slow play issue.
If it's a club rule then should it not be adhered to? No mobiles on the course - simple. Did it also say 'no denim' and you played in jeans?

I played the other day and just as I was about to putt I heard the commonly known mobile tune - NOTHING is more annoying than that!

Buy a proper DMD device and everyone's happy.
If it's a smart phone it is also a hand held computer. If the phone is turned off and a GPS app is running then at this time it is a GPS device. If the club allows GPS devices to be used on the course then he was not doing anything wrong.

Many have said you should play by the rules so in this case he would be. The rules would need to be very specific appertaining to hand held devices for him to be breaking the rules.
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If it's a smart phone it is also a hand held computer. If the phone is turned off and a GPS app is running then at time it is a GPS device. If the club allows GPS devices to be used on the course then he was not doing anything wrong.

Many have said you should play by the rules so in this case he would be.

no you wouldnt be playing by the rules at all! it would still be a mobile phone!
no you wouldnt be playing by the rules at all! it would still be a mobile phone!


That is just trying to cheat the rules, that's like being told no football shirts then turning it inside out and saying you can no longer see the logo so this is now not a football shirt.

If a club wants to enforce a rule no matter how daft you may feel it is they can.
no you wouldnt be playing by the rules at all! it would still be a mobile phone!

If its a hand held computer then its what ever app you happen to be running on it, if the phone is switched off then its no longer a phone. I can make phone calls from my computer, does this make it a mobile phone? Of course not!! In the case mentioned it's a GPS.

If you disagree then explain the reasoning.

That is just trying to cheat the rules, that's like being told no football shirts then turning it inside out and saying you can no longer see the logo so this is now not a football shirt.

If a club wants to enforce a rule no matter how daft you may feel it is they can.

Thats a very poor parallell.
If its a hand held computer then its what ever app you happen to be running on it, if the phone is switched off then its no longer a phone. I can make phone calls from my computer, does this make it a mobile phone? Of course not!! In the case mentioned it's a GPS.

If you disagree then explain the reasoning.

Which smartphone can still operate if the phone is turned off? Surely, once it's turned off then the whole unit is turned off.
I can't believe this is still an ongoing debate, Course says NO MOBILE PHONES and the guy uses a mobile wether it is switched to a different mode or not. Like the guy peeing in the street who says I was not peeing in the street I was peeing on the pavement.
If its a hand held computer then its what ever app you happen to be running on it, if the phone is switched off then its no longer a phone. I can make phone calls from my computer, does this make it a mobile phone? Of course not!! In the case mentioned it's a GPS.

If you disagree then explain the reasoning.

Because a mobile phone is a mobile phone and a DMD is a DMD. Turning your mobile network off doesn't make your phone "just a DMD" it's a phone, I cannot believe I'm having to explain this one. You don't take the keys out your car and say its on outdoor wardrobe, no it's a car that's not being used. Just like a mobile phone with the network turned off is still a mobile phone.