Club Champion
Playing round my local today (a nice semi-private course) and throughout the round I was using an application on my phone which records scores, distances and time. All works really well (thoroughly recommended, the apps called 'Golf GPS' ). Reaching about the 5th hole over the horizon I see the junior pro shop worker approach me and tell me to stop using my mobile phone on the course as its bad etiquette. I explained I was using it as a GPS tracker. Effectively the exact same as a NavMan or SkyCaddy. He ignored that and said mobile phones were banned. I didn't think much of it and continued my round, along with my phone and application. As i approach the last tee I see another buggy come over the horizon. This time the club secretary. He tells me that mobile phone use is prohibited. I explain the situation and he is understanding but still kicks up a fuss. All in all I ended the day in a bad mood as if I'd been in the wrong.
I'm completely agains phones on the course. Nothing worse than when you can hear someone heckling from a fairway away. But this was just ridiculous! What do you guys think ?
I'm completely agains phones on the course. Nothing worse than when you can hear someone heckling from a fairway away. But this was just ridiculous! What do you guys think ?