Was I in the wrong here ?

One question... Did you get a scorecard from this place. On the local rules does it say no mobile phones on the course, or is there a notice up anywhere that you observed?

If not I would have told him to sick his golf cart up his bum. I know rules are rules but if you are a visiting member and its not wrote down or visible for you to see then its rubbish.

I played a course in Spain. I had my laser range finder with me. During the 18 holes I must have used it about 8-9 times. Mainly on my second shots or par 3's. One par 3 was playing back to the pro shop. I took it out and measured the distance. hit my shot and went down to the green. On the 9th tee a guy from the pro shop came out lecturing me about time wasting and then said these devices were banned. I asked for notification on this and where it says this for visiting members. Granted he could have got me on slow play but this was not the case. I wasted about 20 seconds finding the range. Eventually I said to him show me the rule and I will stop using it, other wise refund me my 80 euros and I will leave. As quickly as he appears he retreated to his pro shop looking rather red faced.
I play with someone who cant get off Twitter.. so instead of ball spotting, he is lost in his phone. #WhatASadLife
Yrrah09;838562My phone was attached to my bag .[/QUOTE said:
This bit confuses me. How on earth would they have known it was a phone, without being stood next to you seeing it. Unless they have much better eyes than me, there is no way I could see someone 30m away, fiddling with something connected to a bag, and know that it is a phone rather than a DMD!

Unless, you were taking so long to unlock it, load up the app, wait for signal etc etc that it gave it away?

Not accusing, just wondering...
Playing round my local today (a nice semi-private course)

which course was it?
I play in Surrey and would like to avoid this type of place.
Just a little too stuffy for my liking
I appreciate local rules and all that but I just can't be bothered with a club that is up it's own ar$e

There is one club I have played at that fits this mould.
Begins with an 'M'
exactly - according to the ruling bodies it wasn't a phone, it was a DMD!

The Rules of Golf are irrelevent in this case.
The Ruling Body in question here isn't the R&A or USGA - it's the Club.
The Club can ban phones on the course if they wish and the R&A can't do anything about it.
Having been asked to put the phone away you probably should have done it.....

But ultimately the club have upset a paying customer for no good reason to enforce a ridiculous, outdated rule, and people wonder why memberships/rounds played are down?

Anyone who can't see that side of it has their head buried in the sand IMO.
But ultimately the club have upset a paying customer for no good reason to enforce a ridiculous, outdated rule, and people wonder why memberships/rounds played are down?
As mobiles are a relatively new device I do not see how it can be an outdated rule ! If you choose which club you join/play merely on the subject of being able to use a phone on the course best get a grip.
As mobiles are a relatively new device I do not see how it can be an outdated rule ! If you choose which club you join/play merely on the subject of being able to use a phone on the course best get a grip.

Relatively in terms of human history yes, but people are getting busier ever year, have young families etc and being completely cut off from the outside world for 5 hours is, for many, not an option.

Honestly...if i got "told off" for something like this when i was playing somewhere i wouldn't be particularly inclined to return to that particular golf club. I think the OP sees it the same way and i think many others would aswell.

I will ask the same thing i ask whenever i see rules being applied in this way....what harm was the OP doing anyone by using his phone? Answer....none. It's therefore the club in question that needs to get a grip.

Whatever happened to common sense?
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Relatively in terms of human history yes, but people are getting busier ever year, have young families etc and being completely cut off from the outside world for 5 hours is, for many, not an option.
Course is not the place to be if you are busy or need to know whats going on at home.

I will ask the same thing i ask whenever i see rules being applied in this way....what harm was the OP doing anyone by using his phone? Answer....none. It's therefore the club in question that needs to get a grip.

Whatever happened to common sense?
Nothing to do with wether the club is right/wrong he did not follow a rule ,simple.
Tried to get quotes in place I bet I mucked up,lol
It's an out-dated Rule, it's a stupid rule, it has no place in modern Society

But it's a Club Rule.

PLenty of Clubs have daft rules - Wimbledon Common where you HAVE to wear a Pillar Box Red shirt....????
THere's probably hundreds more.

But they're rules

Tesco has a rule - if you're wearing a crash helmet you have to take it off when you go in the shop.
If you don't you get asked to remove it
If you don't you get asked to leave

Relevent, outdated or whatever - it's a club rule and by paying your money you are agreeing to abide by those rules
You can't complain if you don't follow them and then get challenged....
Relatively in terms of human history yes, but people are getting busier ever year, have young families etc and being completely cut off from the outside world for 5 hours is, for many, not an option.

Sorry, but this sort of statement makes me chuckle...

To say previous generations were less "busy" than the current generation is quite ridiculous...