Some clubs have some, on tbe face of it, daft rules like not being allowed to change your shoes in the car park, no women, no phones etc etc.
The rights or wrongs of these rules is, as I said, fuel for whole thread. The OP was asked by "Officers" of the club to not use a phone on the course. If that is one of the club rules then its a rule, like it or not. Along with dress codes, you should abide by any club rule, if you don't like the rule then lobby to get it changed or play somewhere else
My post was not so much on the existence or application of these rules - though if the Club allows DMDs, then they are pretty knackered imo.
It was really the method of application - especially to do so when player is on the final tee - that seems ridiculous to me. A 'quiet word' after the round would have been more appropriate imo.