Was I in the wrong here ?

Some clubs have some, on tbe face of it, daft rules like not being allowed to change your shoes in the car park, no women, no phones etc etc.
The rights or wrongs of these rules is, as I said, fuel for whole thread. The OP was asked by "Officers" of the club to not use a phone on the course. If that is one of the club rules then its a rule, like it or not. Along with dress codes, you should abide by any club rule, if you don't like the rule then lobby to get it changed or play somewhere else

My post was not so much on the existence or application of these rules - though if the Club allows DMDs, then they are pretty knackered imo.

It was really the method of application - especially to do so when player is on the final tee - that seems ridiculous to me. A 'quiet word' after the round would have been more appropriate imo.
Reaching about the 5th hole over the horizon I see the junior pro shop worker approach me and tell me to stop using my mobile phone on the course as its bad etiquette. I explained I was using it as a GPS tracker. Effectively the exact same as a NavMan or SkyCaddy. He ignored that and said mobile phones were banned. I didn't think much of it and continued my round, along with my phone and application. As i approach the last tee I see another buggy come over the horizon. This time the club secretary. He tells me that mobile phone use is prohibited. I explain the situation and he is understanding but still kicks up a fuss. All in all I ended the day in a bad mood as if I'd been in the wrong.

I'm completely agains phones on the course. Nothing worse than when you can hear someone heckling from a fairway away. But this was just ridiculous! What do you guys think ?

My post was not so much on the existence or application of these rules - though if the Club allows DMDs, then they are pretty knackered imo.

It was really the method of application - especially to do so when player is on the final tee - that seems ridiculous to me. A 'quiet word' after the round would have been more appropriate imo.

He was requested to stop on the 5th hole by someone who works for the club....
He didn't so he was asked again....

I don't find that unreasonable.

At the end of the day it's a stupid rule but if this course has a policy of no mobiles on the course then that's that.
To allow someone to use a mobile but have a quiet word in the bar sets a precedent - anyone else who saw him use it will think they can ....
So now were expected to cut all contact with the world for the 5 hours it takes to play a round these days. As long as it on silent and people keep conversations brief I have no problem with them at all.

you choose to play golf at a particular club and if it there rules no phones on the course then you should obey there rules or dont play that course!
1. Wasn't in a competition gents. A practise round on my own. Open course that day.

2. I assume the secretary got wind from the pro shop.

3. All in all I respect the rules but the game has moved on from this ridiculous brigade of old farts enforcing outdated rules. I just hate to think the new potential members lost. Including me.
3. All in all I respect the rules but the game has moved on from this ridiculous brigade of old farts enforcing outdated rules. I just hate to think the new potential members lost. Including me.

So you respect the rules unless YOU think they are outdated ? I have used the phone on the course before but the course you were playing has banned the use of them unless it is an emergency. They will not get your custom now only because you went in the huff.
1. Wasn't in a competition gents. A practise round on my own. Open course that day.

2. I assume the secretary got wind from the pro shop.

3. All in all I respect the rules but the game has moved on from this ridiculous brigade of old farts enforcing outdated rules. I just hate to think the new potential members lost. Including me.

1. It doesn't matter if it was in competition or casual play, rules are rules to be applied at all times regardless of method of play. Start ignoring the odd rule here and there and bad habits creep in for actual medal play.

2. What does it matter how he got wind of it you were asked not to use a mobile on the 5th hole but persisted to do so. So all he did was what the members would expect someone in his position to do and enforce club rules.

3. If you respect the rules then why would it have been so hard to put the phone away. As I mention above you can't just pick and choose which rules to abide by because you don't like them and think they're are pointless and only so "old farts" can have their say. Plus those old farts as you call them maybe glad if you don't take up membership as you flounted the rules even after being ask not to. It goes both ways.

I've used a mobile on course for same reasons as you but now have a dmd so don't anymore. I mow and again use mine to txt HID to let her know roughly how long I'll be. But I do this as my course doesn't stipulate I can't, but I always ask playing partners if they mind me doing so first as its not just the rules I have to respect it's playing companions. Despite all this though of I were asked by the club to refrain i'd do so, or if i go to away clubs then it stays in the bag from 1st tee until I get back to the car because that's the right thing to do by the clubs rules.

There will always be silly rules in all sports, establishments, workplaces etc that we don't like but we have to tow the line regardless of our opinion.
Yes you were using it correctly but IMO when asked not to you should have done so. My opinion is phones have no place on the course or in the clubhouse, they should be left in the car.
There are two different points here...

1) The club clearly has a no phones on the course rule. You were advised on the 5th and ignored them so were asked again. On this count, you were in the wrong.

2) Is it a stupid rule given what you were using it for? IMHO yes it is but that is a completely different thread.
Some clubs have some, on tbe face of it, daft rules like not being allowed to change your shoes in the car park,

The shoes in the carpark rule stems from the days of metal spikes and tarmac carparks. A sensible rule that, like jeans, is past its sell by date.

As for using the distance app on a mobile phone when there is a no mobiles ban... if you don't like the rule, write in to the committee and ask them to consider a rule change for practice rounds. A decent committee would probably welcome a reasoned argument - at present they're hamstrung by a rule they are duty bound to the members to enforce.... you should try being a committee man and having members come up to you asking you to enforce a (stupid) rule.
I can't afford a DMD so use my phone for distances and such , maybe they should be a bit more thoughtful about the rule , maybe no phone calls on the course might be better than no phones , I use my phone to tell the Time also as I don't wear a watch , so if I get my phone out to tell the time it's not allowed , daft , also if you have children there could be something really important that you need to hear like they are ill and need picking up or whatever
A decent committee would probably welcome a reasoned argument - at present they're hamstrung by a rule they are duty bound to the members to enforce.... you should try being a committee man and having members come up to you asking you to enforce a (stupid) rule.

If it's a stupid rule - and I've seen a few - then, as a committee man, you should get it dropped.

@OP. Club? Didn't start with 'W' by any chance?
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If it's a stupid rule - and I've seen a few - then, as a committee man, you should get it dropped.

Let's just say that a committee, arbitrarily, decides to drop a rule mid year. Typically, it's accusations of dictatorships etc. Taken to the extreme, you can have a group of members call an EGM, which costs a fair bit of money. I've always found it's best to post up that something is to be trialled till the AGM, at which point the members will get to vote on it. This gives both the committee and the members the opportunity to see if something works/is acceptable, and it allows you to respond quicker than waiting for an AGM or the added costs of an EGM.
Playing round my local today (a nice semi-private course) and throughout the round I was using an application on my phone which records scores, distances and time. All works really well (thoroughly recommended, the apps called 'Golf GPS' ). Reaching about the 5th hole over the horizon I see the junior pro shop worker approach me and tell me to stop using my mobile phone on the course as its bad etiquette. I explained I was using it as a GPS tracker. Effectively the exact same as a NavMan or SkyCaddy. He ignored that and said mobile phones were banned. I didn't think much of it and continued my round, along with my phone and application. As i approach the last tee I see another buggy come over the horizon. This time the club secretary. He tells me that mobile phone use is prohibited. I explain the situation and he is understanding but still kicks up a fuss. All in all I ended the day in a bad mood as if I'd been in the wrong.

I'm completely agains phones on the course. Nothing worse than when you can hear someone heckling from a fairway away. But this was just ridiculous! What do you guys think ?

Yes you were in the wrong.
Sorry but I feel this is OTT unless meant in jest (doesn't read that way) and I agree with others. If he hasn't got the phone pinged to his ear but is in the palm of his hand taking a yardage and recording a score how is that different to having a sky caddy. Just because the device is a mobile and not a purpose built gizmo where is the difference and unless there is something clearly stating DMD's aren't allowed how was the OP suppose to know and how did the assistant and secretary know

So what about everyone else who sees him walking around with a mobile and then think its ok to use a mobile if the people in charge say it's not ok suck it up don't start a thread on a forum to make yourself feel better
I don't wish to disclose the club as it was my first time playing there and it was a very nice course.

Although I understand I am in the wrong after being told to put my phone away the reason I decided not too was because effectively I was no difference from that of a SkyCaddy, when I even tried to explain this I was shot down in flames. My phone was attached to my bag and I wasnt using it to call or text just the fact the phone wasn't built as a GPS Golf tracker is what got them. I understand in hindsight I should of just put the phone away and got on with it. Thanks for all the responses, been a good read.