TV Series - What Are You Watching?

Just started Gomorrah, not bad after 2 episodes. feels a little small, like local mafia rather than a bigger stage which was a little let down.
Enjoying Bodyguard. Still waiting for Nicola Walker to turn up as she's in every other drama series these days. Been re-watching Dr.Who on Netflix and on Series 6. Loved Eccleston and Tennant but Matt Smith really is an appalling Doctor. Then again with what is coming in the next few weeks, even Sylvester McCoy will seem perfect compared to a female Time Lord :-(
Also enjoying Bodyguard. And as Ms Walker mentioned - we will soon be catching up on S3 of Unforgotten - S2 was excellent

We had a brief look last night at The Innocents - but the first 5 mins had Mrs Hogan telling me that it wasn't for her. Looked like my sort of thing though.
Started The Sopranos the other night. One my wife and I have never got around to watching, enjoyed the first episode, nice easy watching.

This has passed me by also, along with Game of Thrones...

Was given the boxsets as part of my retirement gift...
So, looking forward to winter and an opportunity to check out if they live up to the hype...
Two new series. Instinct on Sky Witness. Afternoon tv, poor, really poor. Alan Cummings should be embarrassed at how hammy he is.

Jack Ryan on Amazon. Quite the opposite. Quality tv, strong characters. Definitely worth giving a go, I'm two episodes in.
Two new series. Instinct on Sky Witness. Afternoon tv, poor, really poor. Alan Cummings should be embarrassed at how hammy he is.

Jack Ryan on Amazon. Quite the opposite. Quality tv, strong characters. Definitely worth giving a go, I'm two episodes in.

Glad it's not just me who thinks this.
Two new series. Instinct on Sky Witness. Afternoon tv, poor, really poor. Alan Cummings should be embarrassed at how hammy he is.

Jack Ryan on Amazon. Quite the opposite. Quality tv, strong characters. Definitely worth giving a go, I'm two episodes in.
Jack Ryan has been great so far really enjoying it, finished the 6th ep last night 2 more to go
Finished Jack Ryan - it was good action series , pretty much Homeland at the end of the day which isn’t a bad thing. Shame no real plot twists
Watched the first episode of Wanderlust. Enjoyed it but would probably get barred from here if i were to describe what happened in it! Suffice to say, it's not your normal BBC1 9pm offering ...

edit - "utter filth" is the daily express verdict :-)
Looking forward to the return of No Offence tonight - really enjoyed the first 2 series, they somehow managed to pull off comedy & drama perfectly.