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prefer carrying but do miss having a trolley, especially when the weathers a bit rank so am getting a GoKart v soon :thup:
42 by the way and fairly fit.
42 by the way and fairly fit.
Havent read all the thread but age has nothing to do with it.
Sometimes its nice to have a trolley ie hot days, very wet days, playing 36 holes, injury's etc
I've played with teenagers with trolleys and 70 year olds carrying pencil bags.
I have both and use both depending how I feel or conditions........
Other benefits include not having to walk all the way around greens to put your trolley in a easy access position for finishing the hole,
Cutting across areas where trolleys can't go, especially in the winter with roped off areas
Let me ask 2 questions
What age is Rory McIlroy?
Does Rory McIlroy carry his clubs?
Ok, having a caddy is a bit different but you see where im going with it.
When did you last see a Pro carry his clubs - even on the Europro and lesser Tours they never carry.....
If you want to carry then carry - if you don't then don't.
Nobody looks lame, idiotic, sub-human or anything else.
It's one of Life's choices!
With you on that Imurg. Carry or not it is your choice. Are people really that frightened about what others think? Are they the same people that will go and buy an 8* X-stiff driver just because it may look a bit more macho, even if they can't use it.....:rofl:
I think the above 2 statements sum up one of the downsides to people who carry. As stated above they go where ever they want and do not go around greens but use them as a direct route to the next hole.
We have ropes but it is clearly defined as no trolley access, if you carry then you can go through them, no downside to that as you can't generalise to what they may mean at one club to another.
On a 200 yard par 3 and with the fairway roped to restrict trolley access, if I am short of the green I walk down the fairway not around the path through the woods, simples.
Depends if they went to AG or not......:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
My place has the same mate. But I always think that they put those out to restrict traffic on those areas of the course when it is wet, so carrying our trollying you should not really use these areas to protect your course. It is just something that annoys me at my place when I see people taking short cuts in the winter by going over the ropes and you can see where a lovely muddy path has been walked up a slope because of people slipping.