Tora! Tora! Tora!


Assistant Pro
Jun 24, 2008
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Following on from my thread last week, asking about the best way to approach my Friday stableford comp, I went with Birdieman's advice and attacked at all costs.

The format was changed right at the last minute to a team comp, with the best 2 scores of 4 counting per hole. A quick strategy meeting (and three pints of courage) later, we decided to go hell for leather on every hole, with the view that with so many bandits in the field, we would need an enormous score to win.

And win we did, with a big 93 points, including 8 on the last!

I played poorly, only scoring 28, with hardly any net pars, but a good few net birdies & eagles, including the winning putt for a net eagle on the 18th, which put a good spin on a round that started dreadfully.

Our approach resulted in quite a few lost balls (all going for reachable greens over water etc), and none of our fourball managed 36 points individually, but due to our all out attack approach, we are now the proud owners of some awfuul prizes!

I think we may need to curb the attacking intent a little next time out, but thanks to our Keegan-esque approach, we had a cracking Friday night in the clubhouse!


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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The way I approach stable ford comps is 'Play for the fun as the chances of winning with a single figure h/c are remote'.This way I enjoy the golf more, I tend not to enter stableford comps unless invited by a pal or for practice.It all goes back to the time when with h/c of 8 at the time I scored a wonderful 40 only to finish around 15th. Too many bandits in golf, its about time every witnessed round of golf played should be carded and handed in and used for h/c assessment.I once played a round where 48 was scored by a 20 h/c player on 3/4 h/c for the happens all the time but little seems to be done about it. I bet you all know players who have very high h/c but play like mid to low h/cappers? I know one chap who as a member only played stableford comps (and a couple of others where he deliberately played crappy) for almost 3 yrs then entered a major comp with big big prizes and won it only losing 2 strokes afterwards when his play standard was atleast half of his existing h/c. :D