Tips for shallowing swing


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Jun 5, 2021
Costa Del Coventry
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Seems to apply to driver more than anything.

A friend filmed my swing for the first time in months and I’m coming over the top quite noticeably on my driver during the transition of my downswing. Looks very amateurish. To try and control it I changed my backswing which is very short now which has helped me control my driving shots better but still lots of flaws on the downswing.

Anyone have any tips I can take down the toptracer tomorrow in regards to coming more on the inside / shallow. I’ve tried a few things and I just can’t get it right. It’s almost as if I am 1 great tip away from completing it.

I’ve thought about changing the length of my driver shaft from 46 to 45 which could possibly work?

Any help appreciated.



Well-known member
Aug 14, 2020
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I used to do this with my driver and thought it would take loads of time in a lesson to fix. Pro sorted it in about 20 mins!

2 things really stuck with me:

1. he told me to imagine just letting the club fall at the top of the transition as opposed to being thrown down.

2. Make a conscious effort to lead the downswing with the hips. I can't really explain exactly why this works but to me its as though my hips then pull through my shoulders and arms as opposed to the arms leading the downswing.

I went from having a killer slice to a very straight ball flight or a small fade. My bad shot now is a snap hook left which is when I haven't turned the hips and kind of just rotated the top half of my body.

Go and see a pro though as every swing is different. It was worth every penny of the lesson just for sorting that. Paid for itself in golf balls that were bo longer disappearing into the estuary!


Jul 5, 2020
Sheffield, UK
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Without sounding like I'm peddling snake oil, Monte Scheinblum's No-Turn Cast videos have worked wonders for me in conjunction with working with my pro. Totally changed my way of thinking in regards to how to shallow the club by trying to throw it behind you in transition rather than trying to let it drop, which never worked for me. It was well worth the $27.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 22, 2012
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Without sounding like I'm peddling snake oil, Monte Scheinblum's No-Turn Cast videos have worked wonders for me in conjunction with working with my pro. Totally changed my way of thinking in regards to how to shallow the club by trying to throw it behind you in transition rather than trying to let it drop, which never worked for me. It was well worth the $27.

100% with you on this. Excellent stuff.

Jake Hutt also goes with a similar tip of throwing the club.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 1, 2016
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Keeping my back at the target whilst I start my downswing has helped me no end. Not saying my fix will work for you, but it certainly worked wonders for my over the top swing.


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Jun 5, 2021
Costa Del Coventry
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Nice one. Watched a couple of videos and the big change I’ve made is to turn my hips first and let my hands/arms kind of drop in during the transition of my downswing.

It’s worked really well for my irons as scored my best to date on the approach game on toptracer.

My drives will take a little more practice but it’s very promising just to get my hips turning as I think I was trying to generate too much power through my arms previously resulting in everything coming over the top.


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Aug 14, 2020
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It is hard with the driver as you just want to smash it but my pro told me that I could create the power i needed with my arms once they dropped back down to shoulder height or lower. This helped me a lot and felt weird at first but once you've put it all together the results are that although you feel you should lose distance you don't, and the drives are much more controlled.

Also, slowing the backswing down to make sure I'm starting the transition and downswing from the right positions helps as well


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Jun 5, 2021
Costa Del Coventry
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It is hard with the driver as you just want to smash it but my pro told me that I could create the power i needed with my arms once they dropped back down to shoulder height or lower. This helped me a lot and felt weird at first but once you've put it all together the results are that although you feel you should lose distance you don't, and the drives are much more controlled.

Also, slowing the backswing down to make sure I'm starting the transition and downswing from the right positions helps as well

If you’re right handed do you bend your left arm in the backswing?

I’m rarely that much above shoulder height with my backswing and my left arm never bends which seems to give me very good control.

I can generate enough power to hit 300 yards like this but I’m left feeling that I have more to give if I was to bend my left arm with a much steeper backswing.

Obviously the control factor goes out the window if I start attempting this.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2020
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If you’re right handed do you bend your left arm in the backswing?

I’m rarely that much above shoulder height with my backswing and my left arm never bends which seems to give me very good control.

I can generate enough power to hit 300 yards like this but I’m left feeling that I have more to give if I was to bend my left arm with a much steeper backswing.

Obviously the control factor goes out the window if I start attempting this.

I've actually just had to go and have a look at a picture of me hitting driver to check and it doesn't look as though I do, certainly not much.

It has to be said though that I don't hit the ball anywhere near as far as people think I should do for the size of me or how fast I appear to swing it! I generally hit driver between 230 and 250 but I think that's down to quality of strike as when I button one it does push out another 10 or 20 yards.

Thats something I want to work on over winter.


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Jun 5, 2021
Costa Del Coventry
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It could also make everything worse if not done correctly

trying this last night is probably the only tip I’ve taken on board that has felt ‘natural’. Everything I’ve worked on during my lessons at the start felt very uncomfortable but I have to say this felt great. I’ve always watched videos / different types of swings and subconsciously always noticed how well the hips turned during the downswing transition.

Am I right in thinking I am at the top of my backswing where turning my hips at the transition and my shoulders and arms just kind of flow and follow through?

Having said that I haven’t quite implemented it with my driver yet but there’s a lot to work on as it’s a different animal compared to my one length irons.

Definitely feel like a few things are coming together which is something I haven’t felt from a round / driving range ever since I had my lessons.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I'm not saying this always happens but
If the hips leads the downswing and the shoulders follow, the shoulders could end up wide open at impact which more or less guarantee an out to in swing.
If however the hips start and the shoulders resist, the shoulders will be better (square) at impact.
See Tiger below
