The sum total of my years work - Swing Video included

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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This was my set up and swing from April this year:

Over the year I've spent all my time in practice working on posture and changing my swing plane from out to in to a more inside path.

After 7 months I've ended up with this (apologies in advance for the poor lighting):

I'd be interested to hear any thoughts and/or recommendations you good people have.

NB: The club used in both videos is a 7 iron.
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Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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It looks better, but in all honesty. It look's rushed from the top and not at all free flowing or natural. I think you need to give time to what you have now and let your swing naturally evolve, your finish looks uncomfortable and mechanical.

Please don't see what I've written as only a negative, your efforts this year have obviously worked as your handicap and moved in the right direction but somewhere along the line you've lost a natural flowing swing.


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Aug 6, 2007
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It looks better, but in all honesty. It look's rushed from the top and not at all free flowing or natural. I think you need to give time to what you have now and let your swing naturally evolve, your finish looks uncomfortable and mechanical.

Please don't see what I've written as only a negative, your efforts this year have obviously worked as your handicap and moved in the right direction but somewhere along the line you've lost a natural flowing swing.

I'd agree it looks a funny temp, slow and controlled to the top and then very quick in transition and through. Other than that nice and stable


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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This was my set up and swing from April this year:

Over the year I've spent all my time in practice working on posture and changing my swing plane from out to in to a more inside path.

After 7 months I've ended up with this (apologies in advance for the poor lighting):

I'd be interested to hear any thoughts and/or recommendations you good people have.

NB: The club used in both videos is a 7 iron.

Well done on your commitment Gareth.
Obviously from the in front camera angle you cant tell if your angle of attack has changed.
The 2nd video does look like you have speeded up from the top but altogether it looks more
powerful than before.
Like me you have a short backswing and like me the power is turned on late.

Deleted member 15344

What about the crucial thing - ball flight and scoring ?

Have they improved ?


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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Well done on your commitment Gareth.
Obviously from the in front camera angle you cant tell if your angle of attack has changed.
The 2nd video does look like you have speeded up from the top but altogether it looks more
powerful than before.
Like me you have a short backswing and like me the power is turned on late.
I wouldn't say it was a late hit. I.E a lagger. But more an early release and then trying to hold onto the angle before impact, which is where the aggressive tempo comes from.
I wouldn't say it was a short swing either, Gareth just doesn't cock his wrists a lot at the top. He sets his club and doesn't really increase the angle as he starts down, just like Steve Stricker.


Tour Winner
Dec 13, 2012
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For my two penneth, it looks very quick on the downswing. That said, setup looks good and if it's getting you results, more power to you. Incidentally, what handicap do you play off Gareth?

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Thanks for the comments so far.

It looks better, but in all honesty. It look's rushed from the top and not at all free flowing or natural. I think you need to give time to what you have now and let your swing naturally evolve, your finish looks uncomfortable and mechanical.

Please don't see what I've written as only a negative, your efforts this year have obviously worked as your handicap and moved in the right direction but somewhere along the line you've lost a natural flowing swing.

You're probably have a case for most of what you put.

Since I took up the game I've always had a mechanical looking swing. No idea why :mad:

Well done on your commitment Gareth.
Obviously from the in front camera angle you cant tell if your angle of attack has changed.
The 2nd video does look like you have speeded up from the top but altogether it looks more
powerful than before.
Like me you have a short backswing and like me the power is turned on late.

Thanks for that.

Re: Angle of attack. Although the image video doesn't show it, my AoA is much shallower.

With my old OTT swing, my divots were pretty deep. Since I've corrected the path, my divots are much shallower, even with wedges.

My contact has also improved as I'm not as steep into the ball causing the odd chunked shot.

I tried to lengthen my backswing a while back, but prefer it shorter as I feel I have more control.

What about the crucial thing - ball flight and scoring ?

Have they improved ?

Yes to both.

In the second video, the flight of the ball is higher than the first, with a soft draw as opposed to the slight pull in the first video.

My scoring has improved to low 80's, high 70's consistently. Had a 76 about 3 weeks ago.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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For my two penneth, it looks very quick on the downswing. That said, setup looks good and if it's getting you results, more power to you. Incidentally, what handicap do you play off Gareth?

14 handicap pal (14.0)

As my pro says, if my short game was as good as my irons I'd be much lower. That's what cost me last season.

That's my focus for the winter now. 100 yards and in.


Tour Winner
Dec 13, 2012
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14 handicap pal (14.0)

As my pro says, if my short game was as good as my irons I'd be much lower. That's what cost me last season.

That's my focus for the winter now. 100 yards and in.

I can empathise with that. Tee to green I've played well this year, but consistently poor around the green. Putting is streaky but steadily improving. Good luck with the short game progress


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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Thanks for the comments so far.

You're probably have a case for most of what you put.

Since I took up the game I've always had a mechanical looking swing. No idea why :mad:

Thanks for that.

Re: Angle of attack. Although the image video doesn't show it, my AoA is much shallower.

With my old OTT swing, my divots were pretty deep. Since I've corrected the path, my divots are much shallower, even with wedges.

My contact has also improved as I'm not as steep into the ball causing the odd chunked shot.

I tried to lengthen my backswing a while back, but prefer it shorter as I feel I have more control.

Yes to both.

In the second video, the flight of the ball is higher than the first, with a soft draw as opposed to the slight pull in the first video.

My scoring has improved to low 80's, high 70's consistently. Had a 76 about 3 weeks ago.

Just a little pause at the top changes the whole look and sequence of a swing.
A lot of early releasers struggle with not pulling the club through outside of the line, just that little pause can help keep the club on a truer path and in a better sequence throughout the swing.
Might be worth looking at, it might not. You've made good changes so far and as you get better you soon learn to feel what needs to happen next to improve.


Tour Winner
Sep 23, 2010
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Looks quite "stiff" to me. Not a great way of explaining it but quite jerky and not smooth if that makes sense?

Your hands don't seem to be ahead of the ball at address but could be the angle.

Looks like you're thinking of a lot when swinging in terms of what you "should" be doing maybe?

Disclaimer, I'm clueless really about the golf swing and have never seen a video of mine! They don't look too different to me though

Edit, do you not play qualifiers? 14 and shooting 70's regularly doesn't add up?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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set-up looks a deal better from the face on view, stance width, grip, upper body posture (re overall posture, path etc, would have to look the the dtl view as well)

real good improvement with your game from your starting point.

looking at the motion there's a couple issues that maybes you could look into during the off season that could help some with the rhythm, tempo, transition & acceleration through impact.

with this swing motion in the latest vid, there's a deal of an attempt to generate as much power & speed, but really that generation is starting right at the beginning of the downswing, straight off from the top, the pedal is to the metal.
this will really have the outcome of the swing motion having a deal of difficulty in retaining the angles but also won't be able to retain this initial speed all the ways down & through impact without slowing down some before impact.

so from the start from the top the upper body & arms are already being kinda thrown into action (gives you little time or space to start the 'relay race' from the ground up) also means you have to exert a whole heap of effort to try to make the arms go real fast.

a cause of this real effort from the top right off the go is down to there being not a complete shoulder turn (hips could have one part in this, as hips have to turn into the right hip socket for the upper body to turn fully - have a look from a dtl view but the depth of hip turn needed might not be quite there)

pause the vid at the top you'll see you shoulder line is short of 90º turn (this not about the swing needing to be longer as the arms will still need to stop when the turn does, but you need a complete body pivot otherwise that puts great pressure for the swing to start from the top down)

so two things could be combining to over limit the body turn. one being not fully turning into the right hip. the other possibly being the left shoulder at the takeaway more moving across to the right, by that the shoulder turn then a touch flat - shoulders not turning at a 90º angle to the forwards spine lean so blocked.

left shoulder from start of takeaway needs to work a little ways downwards as the shoulders turn, in order to turn fully. {way to check to be sure - get in posture with club across shoulders with folded arms then turn, look & check where the handle end on your left shoulder is pointing to. you don't want it pointing way over the other side of the ball/target line.
ideally it would be pointing over the ball/target line by only a few feet, not by many feet. also the butt end would have at least got to where the ball position was so not still be target side of the ball position.

having a 'full' turn at a good angle is important as it puts the upper body, arms/club in a position at the top that allows the lower body to better be able to start the downswing, incomplete shoulder turn & the swing will virtually always tend to start down from the top.

if you look carefully in the vid at the first move down from the top. you can see the move to generate speed from the off here is a real real quick move with the left shoulder plus arm which causes your head & the top of your body - center collar bone - to move with the shoulder & arm & not separate so it all moves past the ball position which then makes it real difficult to deliver the arms/hands/club too impact in sequence.

although the lower body hips, belt buckle, navel moves left it's real important that the head, neck, center collar bone stay behind the ball, as that allows the kind of catapult action that sends the arms hand (kinda like a 'V' shape) with the club through to impact with optimum acceleration.

so from the top although the lower body leads, that center of the upper body head has to stay behind the ball. so it's a feeling of the left shoulder, left ribcage separating & moving away from the chin-head. that distance of left shoulder to chin has to increase from the start of transition, that left shoulder, armpit, is the fulcrum of the radius of the swing motion down to the clubhead.

will put a couple of vids up which may hopefully help some.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Thanks for those Coach.

As it stands, and this is probably the first time I've said this, I'm happy with the results my current swing is giving.

My issue with regards to scoring lie in my short game.

Besides if I keep changing things, I'll never have chance to let things settle and see where they lead.


Tour Winner
Sep 23, 2010
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Thanks for those Coach.

As it stands, and this is probably the first time I've said this, I'm happy with the results my current swing is giving.

My issue with regards to scoring lie in my short game.

Besides if I keep changing things, I'll never have chance to let things settle and see where they lead.

Best of luck Gareth.

If you're shooting 70's there can't be too much wrong.

Other than your handicap :whistle: