The penny has finally dropped


Tour Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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After many lessons a year of so back and being told all the things that I was doing wrong, all the things that were causing me to slice wildly, then trying to correct them, during comp rounds on a Saturday, in the futile attempt to reduce my HC, then getting disheartened because it just wasn't going right, trying to swing harder and just making things worse, I think the penny has finally dropped.

Having not played at all over the winter, but having watched many you tube videos, on swing path, release, all the things I was told during my lessons and then trying to make a few practice swings with an old club in the back garden to grove a swing path, I'm finally getting it.

I'm finally slowing the swing down, I'm finally not starting my swing like I was fly fishing, I'm finally creating a bit of lag, I'm finally swinging smoother, striking the ball better, less chunks, tops and duffed shots.

It has finally dawned on me that I'll most likely not be able to hit my 8 iron 170yds or stripe my driver 300yds plus down the center of the fairway.

It has finally dawned on me that in order to keep the ball in play, it is best to play within myself, not try to outdrive those who are more capable and better golfers than me.

It is so much better to swing slow, smooth, making a good strike and watching the ball head out in the direction you had intended, with the result being not having to play the next shot out from the trees.

It's not perfect by any means, but you know what, I don't care, for first time in a long time I can honestly say I'm actually enjoying my golf.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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I played with a 6 handicapper last year. Lovely golfer, nice bloke as well. Being wary in case he thought I was playing mind games with him I waited off complimenting him until the 16th hole. My main point of admiration was the number of fairways he hit off the tee. He confessed he used to try and blather every tee shot until he got fed up of hitting out of the rough. Now he hits at 80% on all but the longest holes. He loses 10-20yds but he was always right up the middle of the fairway. It was a real lesson. Not always easy to do, the demon on my shoulder keeps telling me to swing harder, but the fairway is so much nicer than the rough. Well done on your lightbulb moment :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I think most of us deep down know this is true.

The hard part is having the will power to stick to it when it matters: when you're hitting it great then start to wonder how much farther it would go if you just give it a little bit more... :whistle:

Good luck with it. If you stick with it your scores will tumble.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2012
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After many lessons a year of so back and being told all the things that I was doing wrong, all the things that were causing me to slice wildly, then trying to correct them, during comp rounds on a Saturday, in the futile attempt to reduce my HC, then getting disheartened because it just wasn't going right, trying to swing harder and just making things worse, I think the penny has finally dropped.

Having not played at all over the winter, but having watched many you tube videos, on swing path, release, all the things I was told during my lessons and then trying to make a few practice swings with an old club in the back garden to grove a swing path, I'm finally getting it.

I'm finally slowing the swing down, I'm finally not starting my swing like I was fly fishing, I'm finally creating a bit of lag, I'm finally swinging smoother, striking the ball better, less chunks, tops and duffed shots.

It has finally dawned on me that I'll most likely not be able to hit my 8 iron 170yds or stripe my driver 300yds plus down the center of the fairway.

It has finally dawned on me that in order to keep the ball in play, it is best to play within myself, not try to outdrive those who are more capable and better golfers than me.

It is so much better to swing slow, smooth, making a good strike and watching the ball head out in the direction you had intended, with the result being not having to play the next shot out from the trees.

It's not perfect by any means, but you know what, I don't care, for first time in a long time I can honestly say I'm actually enjoying my golf.
I could have written this myself.
Happy days 👍🏻


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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Read this just before I went to the range and it stuck with me what you said. Everything is fairly obvious in what you say but using it and sticking to it is another thing.

Went to the range with my 8, 9, W and Vokey and picked out certain distances on the range and steadily started swinging. The distances I wanted to hit with each club were spot on, nice relaxed swing and felt I was going through the ball better than previously. Obviously this is a different situation to playing on the course but hopefully I take it on the course show signs of improvements.


Club Champion
Aug 25, 2011
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Funny isn't it.
I have just dropped 4 shots off my handicap in the last month down to the same thoughts. I played with the club champ who looked at me in horror and said "You simply cannot score from the rough. Forget distance and concentrate on getting on the fairways".
Much like the lottery numbers its obvious afterwards but sometimes it takes someone to tell you this for it to really sink in.

User 105

Journeyman Pro
Oct 17, 2008
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The thing is in reality you're probably not giving up as much distance as you think by swinging slower and smoother.

You find the middle of the club, with a square club face, more often. You'll be letting your body get into the right positions. This will transfer much more of your power into the ball in the right direction.

Your dispersion left to right will improve as will you're front to back dispersion.

It's something I sussed out a while back. Usually if my swing is going south it's the first thing I do, slow things down.