"Tea Leaves"


Club Champion
Apr 20, 2008
South Wales
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Hi folks, just getting ready to go out and play, so I decided to get my clubs in and make sure I have everthing ready(waterproofs extra towels...ect) walked into my garage to find some "tea leave" has nicked my 2 sets of clubs :mad:
What realy has got my goat is that there is no sign of a brake in,it looks like they have picked the lock!!!!!!!!!!!
Just phoned the police and they will be out "as soon as they can"(that will be tomorrow then)

p.s. please god let me find them, so I can rip them a new A


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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No way, sorry to hear that mate, thats just awful. If you do find them, make sure you do make them sorry.

My babies stay at the foot of the bed, I would never leave mine in the garage or shed for this reason.

Hope you work something out mate, where they insured?


Club Champion
Apr 20, 2008
South Wales
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Hi TonyN ,Thanks, if I had room in my bedroom I would(lol, haven't long moved so the house is a bit full) As for being insured, they are and I have just got off the phone to my insuraners and as long as i get an incident number from the police(who have arrived 5 mins after I rang..good on them) there should not be a problem...
as for catching the bleeps.....police has just informed me that I am the 6th person they have done over(last night)Here's hoping that I will find them and give them an attitude adjustment fitting the crime.....refer to above post....


Head Pro
Mar 25, 2008
North Oxfordshire
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Sorry to hear about your loss, hopefully the police may find them soon, specially if your 1 of many that were turned over in 1 night.
It may be worth checking local car boots and pawn shops and golf clubs as they may try selling off quickly.
Did they have serial numbers or any identifable marks so that if they were found you could easily say they were yours.
Anyway, here's to finding the scrotes who took them and stringing them up by their 'you know whats' and to you finding your clubs or getting them replaced fairly quickly.
Good luck
I would offer to lend you some if need be but I don't think ladies clubs are what you need :(


Tour Winner
Jan 7, 2008
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sorry to hear that. Why people do this I do not know, they deserve everything they get if they are found but the chances are the scum will get away with it. Best of luck with getting it all sorted though it's just extra hassle that you don't need.

As for having your clubs at the end of the bed Tony does your mrs not find it a wee bit strange?


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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Glad your insured or that could of been a pricey set back!

There was a storey in our local paper this morning saying that alot of specialised bikes were being pinched from peoples garages. Apparently the local craze is to follow someone home who has a really expensive bike and see where they store it, sheds, garages etc. I wonder if the same thing could start with golf clubs?

Eagle, the mrs doesn't really find it strange, she's surprised that she has a space in the bed and they are only at the end! lol

Ther are only at the end of the bed because there is a nice little space next to wardrobe they took nicely into. Prob only place in the house they will fit!


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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All my golf gear (and there is loads of it) all live in the spare bedroom. HID does get hacked off sometimes with the amount of stuff I've accumulated but she realises it isn't safe to leave anything in the sheds round here.

I do tend to leave my clubs in my locker at the club (no chance this week though with the racing being on - too many strangers around) so normally it is just the spare bags, shoes, practice balls, caps, new balls, gloves, and towels. To be fair they are mostly tucked behind the door in the corner.


Club Champion
Apr 20, 2008
South Wales
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Thanks everone......I have managed to get hold of an old set of mizzy mx20's(3 to sw) for the pricely sum of £50...they will need to be regripped, so got some irons...and a stand bag(skymax)£15.....as for a putter, I have found my old putter in my loft(forgot I still had it)so at least I should be able to get out and play...just got back from the range...to find a couple of my mates have turned up with a selection of drivers 2.....(taylormader7 and a FTI)...both 9 degrees reguler shafts .....and a 3wood(f60..13.5*)and 2 x 5 woods(1...bertha warbird ...and a f50 with a prolaunch red reg shaft) so off I go back down to the range to see which clubs are best ....you got to love my mates...lucky me


Club Champion
Apr 20, 2008
South Wales
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Ok just got from the range...I will apologise before I start....The FTI driver is probably one of the worst drivers I have ever had the misfortune to hit...as for the R7 hmmm 2nd worst....so I have decided that I will play with the f60 3wood as my driver...as for the 5 Wood its has to be the F50 with the prolaunch red shaft..I hit it for a mile.....as for the MX20's I am surprised how well I can hit them and have gained about 8 to 10 yards...but the proof of the pudding will be when i play tomorrow.... so we will see.....

Barb thanks for the offer ,for the reason you have already pointed out lol :cool: :D


Club Champion
Apr 20, 2008
South Wales
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Hi folks, just come back from playing with my replacement kit, and have to say I played well(85 gross on a par 70)so only 15 over, concidering it is blowing a gale.....so will be very interesting to see what I can shoot with the new kit when it is all sorted out.......


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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New kit syndrome. Even if it is second hand, new kit always produces a good score.

Good luck with the insurance, and have fun choosing the replacements.

This is why I have an identical set of irons in the loft. Bit pessimistic I know, but my usual set live in the boot of my car, which is a bit risky, and the spare set was £80 off ebay.