Tour Winner
Tahe only thing I can offer is my old hippo hex2 driver 10 degree regular. Not the best but served me well for a number of years.
Thanks to Alex1975 I now have a trolley to go with my new bag. Good meeting in person mate, look forward to seeing you again at h4h
Just remember that poor sod might be a victim like you and bought the clubs from someone who might have told him that they were giving up golf or buying new shiny's.cheers mate, i got a letter from police yesterday saying they were closing the case due to insufficient evidence and lack of leads etc.
I'm not holding my breath. Doubt i will see any of them again, still no sign online so must be locally flogged on, hoping once i can get back on the courses i might spot the whole lot being dragged around by some poor sod, cos he will be lucky if he walks off after im finished!
Sorry to hear about your other halfs ring, some real low life scum out there.
I understand, at least the good members on here have helped you continue to play.Very good point, dont get me wrong im not a violent person, but if i see my clubs i WILL be taking them back, and in the process thoroughly interrogating the chap i find with them. I suppose it will be up to him how that goes. I'l probably never see them again, but thats all i can hope for i reckon