Swing Video / struggling to close the club face.


Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
Canary Wharf
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Wonder if anyone could offer some swing thoughts or pointers I can use.

I've uploaded a video of my swing. Occasionally I struggle to close the club face properly, especially when i'm tired / rushing. These are not slices, but fades. And I have no control over them!

As regards to swing, I have no idea what to look at. And i won't get a launch monitor anytime soon.



Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Far too much knee bend and I don't need to tell you about that overswing do I?

I'd fix these first. Strengthen your grip you are losing it right.


Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
Canary Wharf
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Far too much knee bend and I don't need to tell you about that overswing do I?

I'd fix these first. Strengthen your grip you are losing it right.

You do have to tell me about the overseeing and the knee bend! what effect do these have in club face control/ swing path? I know when a swing looks nice, but nothing of the dynamics! I would've though these would effect ball striking, I have no problem finding the correct area of the face. Just sometimes the face is pointing the wrong way!

I'm reluctant to just strengthen the grip. I've had 2 lessons over the past 2 weeks where the sole task was changing me beloved strong baseball grip, to a neutral interlocking grip.

Got a face on view?

Where is the ball positioned?

I don't have a face on view, I felt abit silly getting this recorded as it was! the ball is positioned just off my left ankle. At address I have no idea where my hands/arms/club head should be.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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How sure/aware are you of your ball position.

Are you sure it's positioned where you say it is?

I only ask as when I had a lesson with my pro (3 weeks ago), I thought I was playing the ball of my instep.

Turns out it was much further back causing me to hit the odd block.

If you're certain your ball position is forward, and correct, you may want to take a look at your grip.


Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
Canary Wharf
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How sure/aware are you of your ball position.

Are you sure it's positioned where you say it is?

I only ask as when I had a lesson with my pro (3 weeks ago), I thought I was playing the ball of my instep.

Turns out it was much further back causing me to hit the odd block.

I shall have to have a look, If i'm honest i don't think about it much. So it could well be not where i think it is!

Edit: By my thoughts, that would help explain why the clubface isn't fully closing on impact? And especially when i'm tired/rushing and don't check it? I could be completely wrong however! :rofl:

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Generally, a ball that is too far back will result in the club face meeting the ball before it has had chance to square up.

Other things can cause a push too but, from personal experience, when I start to hit blocks I look at ball position and/or grip.


Nov 16, 2011
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It's quite possible that when you are tired/rushed you are moving your body ahead of your arms - and ahead of the ball. Thus the face is open at impact. How you solve that really depends on how much you are prepared to change. The overswing and overbent knees - that mean you lift your hips, torso, shoulders and head during the downswing - will certainly contribute to any timing problems!


Medal Winner
Jan 21, 2014
Bangkok Thailand
-Too much knee bend

-Big overswing means the body unwinds before the club head can catch up, net result, open club face. Try less knees then visualise starting down when your arms have swung back to a 90 degree angle in the backswing


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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bunch of images that may help you get a handle on what the issues are & why that might help some.

you can see how you are 'sitting down' at address with too much knee flex - the problem from this kinda position is as soon as you start to move you'll naturally want to get 'taller' (as you see through the motion you do)

have a good posture as Scotty does & you can keep the vertical height through the motion & just rotate/turn back & through so a ways easier to have solid contact through impact.

second 2 images are starting down from the top you can see from the shaft angles how the shaft is a ways too steep & out as you start down. this is largely caused through the overswing club going a ways past horizontal so the shaft & clubhead at the end of your backswing - if you check your vid - points down to the ground.

issue this can cause is one of timing with the hands/arms/club being disconnected from the body turn so there's no real option but to start the downswing with the hands/arms/club moving first to try to get them reconnected with the turn. real difficult to do & have them moving down first. so they tend to swing outwards 'over the top' & the swing down becomes way too steep as you can see in the second 2 images shaft bisecting over top of the shoulder - Scotty's bisecting his right bicep & more on plane.

third set 2 images show the arms now out the club out & away from the body & the body angles getting straighter the hip turn stalling to try to let the arms & club 'catch up' as you try your best to square the club up to get ball to target. you see Scotty has been moving the arms/club unit downwards from the top so he's been able to keep the angles in his right arm & right hand, his hips are already pretty open, & it's only from here that the shaft & club will work 'outwards' to the ball.

last set 2 images you can see you're now pretty vertical, it's just you've had to get taller to get the clubhead to the ball, the hips haven't really turned & cleared both arms already pretty straight with the shoulders open, so often times the face will be open.

getting set-up posture in better shape will help as will making sure that the hands/arms/club unit stop going back when the shoulder & body turn stops. will allow you to keep better connection so you can then start the downswing from the ground up then swing downwards not outwards as you start transition keeping your height plus your head back of the ball feeling too that you swing out to rightfield through impact.
Last edited:


Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
Canary Wharf
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I hadn't ignored all your advice, and was just taking it all in/testing.

Underlying problem was my grip, it turns out I have very small hands, and the interlocked and weaker grip I was being forced to use, wasn't really working. A quick chat with the director of golf at my club, and back to 10 finger grip it is, along with ditching the midsize grips for normal.

I've also really tried to stop the overswing, and squatting at address. I'm currently hitting the ball much better, Will have to have a check whether my body's doing what I think it is. I'm no way near the finished article, but hopefully it's improving. Will have to see after a few more sessions! Will try and get another video or two, as the advice has been invaluable.

The_Coach Your advice has been incredibly helpful. I really appreciate you taking the time to lay it out in an easy to understand format. For an idiot like me!


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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I hadn't ignored all your advice, and was just taking it all in/testing.

Underlying problem was my grip, it turns out I have very small hands, and the interlocked and weaker grip I was being forced to use, wasn't really working. A quick chat with the director of golf at my club, and back to 10 finger grip it is, along with ditching the midsize grips for normal.

I've also really tried to stop the overswing, and squatting at address. I'm currently hitting the ball much better, Will have to have a check whether my body's doing what I think it is. I'm no way near the finished article, but hopefully it's improving. Will have to see after a few more sessions! Will try and get another video or two, as the advice has been invaluable.

The_Coach Your advice has been incredibly helpful. I really appreciate you taking the time to lay it out in an easy to understand format. For an idiot like me!

Why not the vardon or interlocking grip? A very low percentage of professionals/top amateurs/better players play with 10 finger (baseball) grips and there's a good reason for that. :eek: