Struggling to make progress


Deleted member 1740

Huds, don't be embarrassed going back to your pro for help, that's what you pay him for.

My opinion is worthless so on this occasion I'll keep schtum.

Good luck.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 24, 2013
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Is your hc less than it was 12 months ago? Yes

Are you having lessons, practising and playing enough? Yes

Do you think youre now as good as youll ever get? No

Its coming, its just taking longer than you or I both want it too.

Of course all the practical help you have just been given is right, but if you fill your head up with all that, as well as the stuff youve already got going on, I fear it could have a negative reaction.

I say, trust your pro. One thing at a time. Dont review your game at the end of a round, a week or a month. Have a yearly review, to see how far youve come on. Be patient with the process.

Heres this coming from the most impatient man in the world :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I say, trust your pro. One thing at a time. Dont review your game at the end of a round, a week or a month. Have a yearly review, to see how far youve come on. Be patient with the process. :thup:

Excellent post. it is easy to get downheartened when working on one thing or another but this nugget here rings true.

Improvement tends to creep forward, sometimes unnoticed. Its better to look at the bigger picture to see what's really going on.

My handicap creeped up slightly last year but I finished the season confident that I was better player than I was 12 months earlier.

Deleted member 1740

Spot on davey la, it's all about trusting and believing in your pro. Huds, if you haven't got that then find somebody you can trust.

Other thing is, try not to get too technical about the golf swing, it's simple really.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Bloody typical.. The first time Davey has a sensible thought and he has to write it on here because no one's around to hear it.. Flamin bookie feeder..

Craig, it wasn't long back that you were knocking it round Reddish Vale under par in tough conditions off 3/4 handicap.. Stop thinking that everyone with a low HC has a textbook swing!! They don't.. They just learn to play with what they have. They make fewer mistakes.. You are hugely better than you were 12 months ago.. Trust me, I've witnessed the good and the bad..


Journeyman Pro
Nov 24, 2013
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Buzzing off the last 3 posts :rofl:

Dont know if this is you Craig, but its certainly me. The number one thing I dont get in golf is form. The last few weeks Ive hit one over par on the front nine, then followed that with a pb of 83. Then last week had a solid knock at Fleetwood.

Then I played through the week, couldnt hit a barn door. Played like its the first time ive ever picked up a club. Scored 29 and was lucky to get that many. Fats, thins and even the old slice was back. Frustrated isnt the word.

I also think better players have a better feel of how to fix things when they go wrong. Where as I compound the crapness and go from bad to worse


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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Apologies if the OP appeared to be a "woe is me" type post, that wasn't the intent but can see how it might be read that way given the wording.

Was merely after some feedback from some of the experts as I still feel my swing is built on sand. I know this because I feel it week in week out. Some of the original feedback concurs and it's refreshing to get some new insight.

Davie La also hit the nail about struggling to 'self diagnose'. Bloody hard. Another reason why I reached out on this forum.

As for my game, I know I'm improving slowly, but know I need to crack this instability issue else the rest of my swing is just compensating for it and never going to consistently produce results.

I have realistic goals and am not doing anything like aiming for Cat 1 by June or proclaiming big things for my game to put pressure in myself. Am not even bothered by ups and downs in form, I'm not a pro so this will happen! The only pressure I still need to work on is anxiety to play well at meets!

Having said that, I've made great strides in mental approach, an area where I know I wasn't good. Have a new on course approach and is really helping.

I also trust my coach.

That said, the non technical feedback proves what a quality bunch of Internet weirdos some of the NW crew are. Thanks fellas :thup:

And, finally, it's £5.35 / 100 balls, after 20% 'discount'. This leads me to conclude that I clearly need a maths tutor as well as a golf coach.:rofl:

Deleted member 1740

Apologies if the OP appeared to be a "woe is me" type post, that wasn't the intent but can see how it might be read that way given the wording.

Was merely after some feedback from some of the experts as I still feel my swing is built on sand. I know this because I feel it week in week out. Some of the original feedback concurs and it's refreshing to get some new insight.

Davie La also hit the nail about struggling to 'self diagnose'. Bloody hard. Another reason why I reached out on this forum.

As for my game, I know I'm improving slowly, but know I need to crack this instability issue else the rest of my swing is just compensating for it and never going to consistently produce results.

I have realistic goals and am not doing anything like aiming for Cat 1 by June or proclaiming big things for my game to put pressure in myself. Am not even bothered by ups and downs in form, I'm not a pro so this will happen! The only pressure I still need to work on is anxiety to play well at meets!

Having said that, I've made great strides in mental approach, an area where I know I wasn't good. Have a new on course approach and is really helping.

I also trust my coach.

That said, the non technical feedback proves what a quality bunch of Internet weirdos some of the NW crew are. Thanks fellas :thup:

And, finally, it's £5.35 / 100 balls, after 20% 'discount'. This leads me to conclude that I clearly need a maths tutor as well as a golf coach.:rofl:

You shouldn't feel anxious/pressured to perform at any meet mate, it's supposed to be enjoyable and fun. Only you can change that, we'll still take the mick out of you regardless :whoo:


Journeyman Pro
Nov 24, 2013
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£5.35? That's 15p less than aintree! Netherly (lee park way) is £7-7.50 :eek:

begs the question, if you trust your pro, then why come here for advice...? :p

The meet pressure I get in abundance! Hence my acceptance speech on the fleetwood thread.

Much love, my dundonald driving partner :)