Stack and tilt: let's have a heated debate


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 10, 2010
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Is it golfers or tennis elbow? One's on the inside and one's on the outside of the arm.[/QUOTE]

1. Is that with the lower arm horizontal or vertical? (Probably a dumb question).
2. Definitely tennis elbow, pain is on outside of know......the boney bit you always hit on door frames.

Thanks sgc001,


The usual way for it to be done is to have the lower arm flat to the supporting surface, though it wouldn't matter a long as you isolated the muscles

Edit: Link

Exercises are slightly different for tennis and golf due to which side of the joint the pain is on and the movements they're involved with.
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Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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[/QUOTE] The usual way for it to be done is to have the lower arm flat to the supporting surface, though it wouldn't matter a long as you isolated the muscles

Edit: Link

Exercises are slightly different for tennis and golf due to which side of the joint the pain is on and the movements they're involved with.[/QUOTE]

Great link. Many, many thanks for that.
Will get to work straight away,



Realise we're getting a bit off topic. How's your S&T going?


Aug 5, 2011
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Very well at the minute.

Could only manage 9 today. Shot 7 over, including 4 pars and a birdie, the downside was a double and a triple that let me down.

and would this be normal for you Gareth or significantly better using S&T? genuinly interested in case you think I'm being sarcastic, as you were 2 over for 7 I'd say something must be working


Head Pro
Aug 10, 2010
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i have the book and video's but cant seem to get on with it, maybe it is because i have the conventional swing thoughts in my head still?

If i get this right, i put weight on my left side at address, keep it there on backswing while turning over the ball with my left shoulder tilting towards the ball, then fire the hips at the target but keeping my upper body back?

Am i right on this James? I have no idea if this is correct or not.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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and would this be normal for you Gareth or significantly better using S&T? genuinly interested in case you think I'm being sarcastic, as you were 2 over for 7 I'd say something must be working

Significantly better than usual Darth, and to be honest it feels better.

With my previous swing I was relying heavily on my scrambling to maintain my handicap. My ball striking is now drastically more consistant and has given me confidence to take on more greens from further out, and the funny thing is I'm now hitting more greens.

You could argue this is a mental aspect, but the improvement in my striking and ball flight is a reality and as a result my confidence in my limited ability is growing.


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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I took S&T out on the course for the first time on Wednesday. Four birdies in the round which is a lot for me. The iron striking is a pure pleasure. Still a bit iffy off the tee... few hooks that start straightish and then veer off. At least I can self diagnose using the troubleshooting section in the book.

Most importantly, I have a clear idea what I'm working on. so if it goes wrong on course, I don't give up on it. :thup:


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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I took S&T out on the course for the first time on Wednesday. Four birdies in the round which is a lot for me. The iron striking is a pure pleasure. Still a bit iffy off the tee... few hooks that start straightish and then veer off. At least I can self diagnose using the troubleshooting section in the book.

Most importantly, I have a clear idea what I'm working on. so if it goes wrong on course, I don't give up on it. :thup:

Spot on.
Was at the range this morning, second S&T session, and realised that it's such a simple swing.
1st session (Tuesday) gave me a really sore neck for a couple of days, (is this normal?), but no problems today. Started of just concentrating on weight distribution (NOT WIEGHT SHIFT) & hip thrust. Most of my irons were hit really solid with a slight draw, a revelation for me.
Driver was not too good until I started experimenting with ball position. Ended up hitting a few boomers with the occasional high slice or low hook thrown in, something to work on there.
But as Monty_Brown said, fault diagnosis is very straightforward........because the swing is!
Hip thrust,hip thrust, hip thrust.
One problem I have is getting my old swing into the dustbin, for good, I've been using it for a long time after all.
I'm really enthusiastic about a total swing rebuild & to hit regular draws with my irons is just the incentive I need to keep me going to the range.
Not sure when I'll try it on the course but I'll keep you posted.
All the best fellas,



Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
What happens when you want to hit a fade.

We just load up on the right leg and slice across it like you do. Sometimes we fall over.. we even hit the ball lying down having a smoke sometimes... how do YOU hot a fade?... and what happens when YOU need a draw?


Head Pro
Aug 10, 2010
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We just load up on the right leg and slice across it like you do. Sometimes we fall over.. we even hit the ball lying down having a smoke sometimes... how do YOU hot a fade?... and what happens when YOU need a draw?

LOL, the S&T haters are about


Head Pro
Sep 9, 2011
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Got the book yesterday and had a quick read through the first few pages, so i knew the basics of it. went to the range today and boy i was happy. the main diifference for me was my consistency of ball striking. nearly every shot felt good, and if i hit one that was a bit sloppy, it wouldnt be a disaster, unlike a few days ago when that was comepletely the opposite. also, s&t kind of eliminates the poor lies. i was placing it in many different positions and still easily getting the ball up in the air. wedge shots, for me are also easier to hit, and i feel much more confident when stepping up to the ball. for woods, im still a bit uncertain, but it has eliminated my slice. however, some issues that i have with my swing (i.e lifting up too much causing thins) are still there , so i know that it wont magically fix my icky swing. S&T, so far, has definitely helped me and i will most likely continue with it in my swing. would i recommend it to anyone ? depends. if you are happy with your game then no. but i was down in the dumps and always thought hitting the ball was difficult. so if you are struggling, i recommend giving it a go.



Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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managed to obtain the dvd's ;)

watching them now, sad on NYE but been ill all week so apart from a few cans nothing spectacular going down in the Gibbs household.

Gonna give it a whirl at the range on monday, already taking notes to prompt me. Off 28 so sod all to lose :)


Head Pro
Sep 9, 2011
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managed to obtain the dvd's ;)

watching them now, sad on NYE but been ill all week so apart from a few cans nothing spectacular going down in the Gibbs household.

Gonna give it a whirl at the range on monday, already taking notes to prompt me. Off 28 so sod all to lose :)
If, in a few months time, you have no use for the DVD set, I will take them off your hands for a reasonable sum ;)
Can't really be bothered to order it from USA , so going by the book at the moment

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Just an update on how I'm progressing.

Played my last 18 holes of 2011 yesterday. Not the best conditions but me and me old fella ventured out anyway........ And I'm so, so glad we did.

Shot to a 10 handicap. No doubles on the card, which is something I hadn't managed all year and managed a run of 4 straight pars.

At one point on the 16th (which is a 195 Yrd, par 3) I even said to my dad "I'm going to draw this into the green, so to take the trees infront of the green out of play"

Stepped up, hit the shot pretty much as I saw it and ended up in the fringe with about a 20ft putt.

Anywho back to the changes.

The driver still needs work. Not too sure where I'm going wrong as I "feel" I'm getting into the right positions, but still don't hit the shot I plan (push draw). I get a gentle push, but not the draw :mad:

I'm going to video my swing (maybe tomorrow) to see if I can spot where I'm going wrong. Probably getting a little too preoccupied with getting into the right positions, but I know it will come in time.

The main issue I had was with my approach play from outside 150 yards. Mainly striking issues (fat, thin etc). Since moving back to S&T I have hit some of the best approach shots I've ever hit from outside 150 yards. Yesterday managed to hit a 6 iron into a green from around 165 yards and most of my approach play either ended up in the green side bunker or within 10 yards of the green. I've said before in previous threads that one of my biggest failing is selecting the wrong club, usually not enough club for the distance so maybe a range finder or GPS on the cards for my 30th :whoo:

I know I'm not there yet, and know I still have plenty to focus on but I have "felt" like I've been playing better, without my scores reflecting it. Yesterdays round has given me an added incentive that I'm on the right track and look forward to the coming year.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
"I'm going to draw this into the green, so to take the trees infront of the green out of play"

They put trees in front of your greens???? ...sounds tricky! :D

The driver still needs work. Not too sure where I'm going wrong as I "feel" I'm getting into the right positions, but still don't hit the shot I plan (push draw). I get a gentle push, but not the draw :mad:

If you're getting a small push that's excellent, now you've just got to get the swingpath a little more in-to-out to create the drawspin. Make sure you're alignment/shoulders aren't open, everything square (parallel) to the target line, try having the hands just a little more forward at address and see how you get on. You need to feel like you're swinging down, flattening out, then hitting the ball at the 4 o'clock position.