Stack and tilt: let's have a heated debate


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Dec 2, 2011
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note2: I'm waiting for someone to get a vid of their swing.... :)

That'll be me then! :eek:

Thanks for the reply mate, I'm really very grateful.
As for my swing, I'll get a video in the next few days or so.
Should I PM you with it or should it be for public humiliation..................I mean public consumption!
There is always the chance, when everyone has stopped laughing, that someone else may benefit from will almost certainly make them feel better about their own swing.
Again, many thanks,



Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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That'll be me then! :eek:

Thanks for the reply mate, I'm really very grateful.
As for my swing, I'll get a video in the next few days or so.
Should I PM you with it or should it be for public humiliation..................I mean public consumption!
There is always the chance, when everyone has stopped laughing, that someone else may benefit from will almost certainly make them feel better about their own swing.
Again, many thanks,

Public! Public! Public!


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Hehe, least it pertains to a golf swing and not just a gripe :D:D LOL

I've never understood why people that don't like S&T (for whatever reason) actually bother to read the threads, makes no sense to me whatsoever :confused:

Good question.....

They may have a flaw or 2 that needs fixing in there own swing....
Funny thing is....I bet if most were asked about whether they tried it or not the answer would be quite surprising.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Should I PM you with it or should it be for public humiliation..................I mean public consumption!
There is always the chance, when everyone has stopped laughing, that someone else may benefit from will almost certainly make them feel better about their own swing.
It's up to you, although you're right about helping others.

One Planer

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Feb 11, 2011
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Probably one for James this.

Not lon back from the range. I've been working on the driver as everything else seems to be behaving, apart from this.

Looking to hit a push draw. Again, got some pushes. Got a few that came out straight (which makes a change), but predominantly got quite a mixture of high and low hooks (These start straight and then head left).

Would opening the face on the drive a fraction (R9 so can adjust head) help with this as I think the R9 sits slightly closed instead of square.

Thanks in advance


Head Pro
Sep 9, 2011
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Everything's going good. I'm not getting a draw but that's because my grip for my clubs are too small as I have gorilla-size hands, so I'm gripping the club in the palm rather than the fingers.
Not to worry, pro is taping them all up free of charge.
Apart from that everything is fine. I understand I have to hit down on it so I'm not lifting up, and the weight to my left side for the entire swing has eliminated most of the tops and slices.
Bring on my first round of 2012 !



Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Yep, just open the face 1° and hit 5 drives... then another 1°... then another.......... just opening it 5° (or more) is hard to do right off the bat. As the face opens the hook will reduce (less face to path difference = less curve). You're looking to get the ball started maybe 5-10yds right of center. Everytime you start one straight and it hooks you know you've not got the face open enough at impact, if you really hook it low and left then you've probably rolled the clubface closed... it takes time, trust and a nerve of steel to avoid people at the range staring at you! :)

As I said to my mate at the range yesterday... if you don't open the face to get some loft on it and start this one right I'm going to snap your feckin' driver... result? Nice high draw with tons of carry. Bobmac taught me that teaching method ;) hehehehe (j/k)


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Dec 2, 2011
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Range Session Update.

Hi all,
have been to the range & what can I! What a difference.
My irons were going very well, all the way up to 4 iron. I then hit a few 4 woods off the mat & they were flying really well. They were only going about 190 - 200 yards, but, i was using range balls & it was bloody freezing. Then I went onto my................................DRIVER. First bash went straighter than I can point & reached the net at the end of the range, about 250yds. That happened to be as good as it got for me though. Most of my driver shots, however, would have found most fairways & I hit none of the horrendous 'high & right' shots of last time.
The reason for this was two-fold.
1. Ego,
2. JustOne.
Let me explain.

Ego? I hear you ask........yup........ego. Many years ago I could bash the occasional monster drive, swung the club like John Daly & was of the belief that just because I still play footie every week I can still behave like a 23 year old. I CAN'T.
My heart says I can & my body says I can't........unfortunately my head believed my heart.......until now.
Yes, I've always liked to say that I have to have a stiff shafted driver but, because I'm nearly 54yrs old, I just can't load it up. I got honest with myself! I've just bought a driver with a regular shaft as I'm only swinging at 90 - 93mph, and I'm only going to swing slower next year....and the next....and the next....
What a difference it made! No longer am I having to thrash at the ball inorder to flex a shaft I just couldn't flex. I swing in a far more controlled manner, hit the ball STRAIGHTER & don't strain my neck looking right as soon as I've hit the thing.

JustOne, what can I say, you've been a great help so far, although there is still a way for me to go before I can call myself a competent Stack & Tilter & I look forward, (with trepidation), to your comments when I finally post my swing for you to look'll be a laugh if nothing else.

Moral of the story, I guess, is don't be embarrased about the equipment that you use, if it works & if it doesn' something about it. Especially your shafts, because, if you are using the wrong shaft you will have a bugger of a job getting it to work.......I know I couldn't!

Sorry to go on a bit, thought it may help someone....if not, I'll shut anyone? Maybe not then!



Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Range Session Update.

Hi all,
have been to the range & what can I! What a difference.
My irons were going very well, all the way up to 4 iron. I then hit a few 4 woods off the mat & they were flying really well. They were only going about 190 - 200 yards, but, i was using range balls & it was bloody freezing. Then I went onto my................................DRIVER. First bash went straighter than I can point & reached the net at the end of the range, about 250yds. That happened to be as good as it got for me though. Most of my driver shots, however, would have found most fairways & I hit none of the horrendous 'high & right' shots of last time.
The reason for this was two-fold.
1. Ego,
2. JustOne.
Let me explain.

Ego? I hear you ask........yup........ego. Many years ago I could bash the occasional monster drive, swung the club like John Daly & was of the belief that just because I still play footie every week I can still behave like a 23 year old. I CAN'T.
My heart says I can & my body says I can't........unfortunately my head believed my heart.......until now.
Yes, I've always liked to say that I have to have a stiff shafted driver but, because I'm nearly 54yrs old, I just can't load it up. I got honest with myself! I've just bought a driver with a regular shaft as I'm only swinging at 90 - 93mph, and I'm only going to swing slower next year....and the next....and the next....
What a difference it made! No longer am I having to thrash at the ball inorder to flex a shaft I just couldn't flex. I swing in a far more controlled manner, hit the ball STRAIGHTER & don't strain my neck looking right as soon as I've hit the thing.

JustOne, what can I say, you've been a great help so far, although there is still a way for me to go before I can call myself a competent Stack & Tilter & I look forward, (with trepidation), to your comments when I finally post my swing for you to look'll be a laugh if nothing else.

Moral of the story, I guess, is don't be embarrased about the equipment that you use, if it works & if it doesn' something about it. Especially your shafts, because, if you are using the wrong shaft you will have a bugger of a job getting it to work.......I know I couldn't!

Sorry to go on a bit, thought it may help someone....if not, I'll shut anyone? Maybe not then!


Feels good pal dont it? :)


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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good to hear Slime, I am in the process of sorting out my setup and swing but just doing it on the patio outside, I have also cut my grass today and nicked a tin of marker spray from work as going to practice my divot/impact drills in between range sessions, my lawn is to be returfed in the spring anyway as its cack ;)

I realised also why I played well Tuesday and cack wednesday, I was going to far onto the left side at setup, watched the video again and realised how I was mentally overloading on the left. Seem to have a decent takeaway and down swing now. Hopefully Tuesdays range session will see me hit a few draws :)

keep it up and keep the updates coming


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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good to hear Slime, I am in the process of sorting out my setup and swing but just doing it on the patio outside, I have also cut my grass today and nicked a tin of marker spray from work as going to practice my divot/impact drills in between range sessions, my lawn is to be returfed in the spring anyway as its cack ;)
I wonder why!

I realised also why I played well Tuesday and cack wednesday, I was going to far onto the left side at setup, watched the video again and realised how I was mentally overloading on the left. Seem to have a decent takeaway and down swing now. Hopefully Tuesdays range session will see me hit a few draws :)
Which particular video, don't want to be missing one!
Can draw my irons pretty consistently now.......keep practicing, and practice will work.

keep it up and keep the updates coming
With pleasure mate.



Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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I **cough** acquired the s&t series of dvd's

keep going back to the fundamentals one for reference then nip outside and go through the motion to get the feeling ingrained... my neighbours must think I am mad


Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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Was having real trouble today with big high blocks figured out I was "throwing" my hips to quickly meaning I was far too far forward with my hands leaving the club face open (hopefully) slowed down the tempo and all was well even managed to hit a drive 270 ;) :whistle:


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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270 is a distant dream for me, I measured 3 drives on tuesday with gps, 215, 218 and 233... I had a 3 wood that went 240 so the driver is deffo room for improvement :)

I did nail a pw 140 aswell, I only measured it as it landed way past the green, 1 bounce then stopped


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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Hi G1BB0,
just noticed your sig :

"Nike Vr 15.5 reg 3 wood
Nike V
r 18deg stiff 2Hybrid
Nike V
r 21deg stiff 3Hybrid
Nike V
r Full cavity irons 4-pw reg steel".

How do you get on with reg shafted irons & driver, yet you have stiff shafted hybrids?
Is that not a bit unusual, obviously it works for you, do you know your swing speeds for your clubs?
I'm not being critical............just curious :confused: .



Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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Hi G1BB0
just noticed your sig :

"Nike Vr 15.5 reg 3 wood
Nike Vr 18deg stiff 2Hybrid
Nike Vr 21deg stiff 3Hybrid
Nike Vr Full cavity irons 4-pw reg steel

How do you get on with reg shafted irons & driver, yet you have stiff shafted hybrids?
Is that not a bit unusual, obviously it works for you, do you know your swing speeds for your clubs?
I'm not being critical............just curious :confused: .


I have 5.0's in my irons and all the rest are stiff I was fitted for 5.5 but they just felt better in 5.0. Might be something similar.

One Planer

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Feb 11, 2011
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Now starting to work on the longer clubs, specifically driver and woods, well wood (5 wood onl in my case).

I've been working on getting correct alignment and hip position for the driver.

Here's a pic:


Please excuse the clutter of crap in the back ground (...... and my attire). I had to take it in the front room :mad:

Just looking for any feed back from people familier with the S&T pattern.


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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Now starting to work on the longer clubs, specifically driver and woods, well wood (5 wood onl in my case).

I've been working on getting correct alignment and hip position for the driver.

Here's a pic:


Please excuse the clutter of crap in the back ground (...... and my attire). I had to take it in the front room :mad:

Just looking for any feed back from people familier with the S&T pattern.

From memory, the S&T book advocates having shoulders as level as possible at set-up. Your left shoulder looks a little high relative to the right. I know they can't be perfectly even as the right hand is gripping lower than the left, but it may be possible to set your shoulders a little more even, promoting a lower left shoulder on the backswing and helping you to stay centred over the ball?

Also, according to S&T theory, you could get a bit more pigeon-toed with toes pointing outwards to promote hip turn. I think it's Grant Waite of the S&T pros who take this to the extreme, worth having alook at his set-up to see what it's like.

hope that helps!

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Thanks for the reply Monty.

From memory, the S&T book advocates having shoulders as level as possible at set-up. Your left shoulder looks a little high relative to the right. I know they can't be perfectly even as the right hand is gripping lower than the left, but it may be possible to set your shoulders a little more even, promoting a lower left shoulder on the backswing and helping you to stay centred over the ball?

I've looked at a few set-up's while working on my driver, Waite's included. In this video

He has a similar amount of shoulder slant to myself, granted mine may be a little steeper, but not drastically?

But, then again you look at Mike Bennetts shoulders and I see what you mean.

Also, according to S&T theory, you could get a bit more pigeon-toed with toes pointing outwards to promote hip turn. I think it's Grant Waite of the S&T pros who take this to the extreme, worth having alook at his set-up to see what it's like.

hope that helps!

That is something I may try Monty. One of the reason I don't is I feel my feet should be aligned with the target line and flaring them out, I find a little off putting.

I'll gve that a try though. Thanks Monty.