Speeding fine.

i got done twice by the same camera just outside prestatyn gc both times didnt see the van and doing 32mph going down hill on a right hand bend,you can go on the net and its a local landmark its done that many people.

I got done in very similar circumstances last weekend, while in Scarborough for a couple of days. Came down a steep hill, van hidden in bushes got me, 36 in a 30 mph zone.

I had no idea it was a 30mph zone, it is not built up, nothing on either side of the road other than woods, and no pedestrians about.

I thought I must have missed a sign, so googled the road and "speed limit" and found this in a document on the N Yorks police website

Road TypeSingle
Speed Limit30
Speed signageN
Camera signageN
Proximity to other limitsN/A
Street LightingY
Site lines / visibilityGood

[TD="colspan: 2"] Site assessment information [/TD]

so, no signs, no buildings and no pedestrians .... what chance have you got?
so, no signs, no buildings and no pedestrians .... what chance have you got?

Blackpool, south prom (past the pleasure beach for those who know the area) in winter. Deserted, no parked cars, no pedestrians, road 4 lanes wide, speed limit 30mph. Speed camera there every other day. Same stretch in summer, parked cars on both sides, plenty of people about mostly families with children, speed camera never seen. You know why? Because when the conditions are like that nearly everyone will only do 30 or less and the odd one they catch doesn't justify the effort even though that "odd one" may be the one who will actually hurt or kill someones kid. They will be on some deserted country road continuing to fill the coffers. Arbitrary limits without tolerance, discretion and common sense being applied nearly always make the law an ass.
Some thickos might get to learn what average means...

New cameras have been put in place, around these parts, to enable penalties to be based on average speed... From what I have heard, many of those caught have been saying they didn't understand what average speed meant...

Been quite amusing watching vehicles race on by at intergalactic speeds then see their brake lights light up as they approach the new cameras like that's going to help them...

They still do that in Nottingham and the average speed cameras have been here for over a decade now I think.
The most frightened I get now is when I go down the M1 on a Wednesday evening around 9.30pm every week. They are doing roadworks there for the past 2 years I think to make the hard shoulder into a running lane. I mean how long does it take to do that??

Anyway, it's a 50 limit with the average speed cameras, and I stick to the limit give or take a couple of mph as call me old fashioned, but I do like to concentrate on the road in front of me instead of being constantly glued to my speedo in case I go 2 mph over the limit. But I then get huge artic lorries coming right up my arse, I had one the other week that literally must have been a yard away from me as I was overtaking another lorry in the middle lane. I'm sure as I drive an Audi they find it funny to get revenge or something like that, but it is incredibly scary and did leave me quite shook up. I wish I had one of those cameras to film it, as I get it most weeks.
It is facile to say that 31mph is dangerous and 29mph is not. Depends on road conditions, traffic density, time of day, condition of car, driver capability and other factors. And speed limits can move from national speed limit to 40mph in one step. It isn't safe to do 60 50 yards on one side of the sign but not 50 yards the other side. Driving at a speed appropriate to road conditions is the key.

Speed is chosen because it is measurable and there are instruments available. Pity there wasn't something to measure whether Mums driving MPVs full of kids were distracted and not paying attention to the road. I have never had a point on my license, but I have come close to a couple of accidents through a Mum crossing the middle of the road while turned into the back shouting at a kid.
I got done in very similar circumstances last weekend, while in Scarborough for a couple of days. Came down a steep hill, van hidden in bushes got me, 36 in a 30 mph zone.

I had no idea it was a 30mph zone, it is not built up, nothing on either side of the road other than woods, and no pedestrians about.

I thought I must have missed a sign, so googled the road and "speed limit" and found this in a document on the N Yorks police website

Road TypeSingle
Speed Limit30
Speed signageN
Camera signageN
Proximity to other limitsN/A
Street LightingY
Site lines / visibilityGood

[TD="colspan: 2"] Site assessment information [/TD]

so, no signs, no buildings and no pedestrians .... what chance have you got?

An easy way to remember the speed limit is

Is there street lights? Yes, then speed limit is 30 unless signage says different

Is there Street lights? No? National speed limit unless signage says different
The most frightened I get now is when I go down the M1 on a Wednesday evening around 9.30pm every week. They are doing roadworks there for the past 2 years I think to make the hard shoulder into a running lane. I mean how long does it take to do that??

Anyway, it's a 50 limit with the average speed cameras, and I stick to the limit give or take a couple of mph as call me old fashioned, but I do like to concentrate on the road in front of me instead of being constantly glued to my speedo in case I go 2 mph over the limit. But I then get huge artic lorries coming right up my arse, I had one the other week that literally must have been a yard away from me as I was overtaking another lorry in the middle lane. I'm sure as I drive an Audi they find it funny to get revenge or something like that, but it is incredibly scary and did leave me quite shook up. I wish I had one of those cameras to film it, as I get it most weeks.

Get the name of the company and contact them about their drivers driving dangerously, they can soon spot the driver from their stats.
My Mrs has done that on a few occasions when I have been driving.
The company are usually quite pleased to get that info.
On one occasion delighted, not sure what that was about.:o
It is facile to say that 31mph is dangerous and 29mph is not. Depends on road conditions, traffic density, time of day, condition of car, driver capability and other factors. And speed limits can move from national speed limit to 40mph in one step. It isn't safe to do 60 50 yards on one side of the sign but not 50 yards the other side. Driving at a speed appropriate to road conditions is the key.

Speed is chosen because it is measurable and there are instruments available. Pity there wasn't something to measure whether Mums driving MPVs full of kids were distracted and not paying attention to the road. I have never had a point on my license, but I have come close to a couple of accidents through a Mum crossing the middle of the road while turned into the back shouting at a kid.

Weirdly enough there is a bypass near me that used to be 60, no houses, dual carriageway, well lit, only one road feeds onto it. And there were 2 road deaths on it. One was someone jumping off a bridge onto the road, and one was exactly as you said, a tragic incident with a mother (and it could easily have been a father as well, this ain't a man/woman thing) turning round to talk to her kid. Crossed the reservation into a car coming the other way. Think the driver of the other car was killed.

Neither had anything to do with speed, but they then went and reduced it to 40 and then up to 50 in some parts. And if they are after some cash they just sit with a speed camera and get loads of drivers as whilst it's the limit, there seems to be no rational reason why it is 40 so many people don't do 40. Agree that is drivers own silly fault really, but the speed limit on a dual carriageway with no houses/pedestrians anywhere near it is only 10mph more than outside my daughters primary school in a very busy built up area. Stupid.
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Weirdly enough there is a bypass near me that used to be 60, no houses, dual carriageway, well lit, only one road feeds onto it. And there were 2 road deaths on it. One was someone jumping off a bridge onto the road, and one was exactly as you said, a tragic incident with a mother (and it could easily have been a father as well, this ain't a man/woman thing) turning round to talk to her kid. Crossed the reservation into a car coming the other way. Think the driver of the other car was killed.

Neither had anything to do with speed, but they then went and reduced it to 40 and then up to 50 in some parts. And if they are after some cash they just sit with a speed camera and get loads of drivers as whilst it's the limit, there seems to be no rational reason why it is 40 so many people don't do 40. Agree that is drivers own silly fault really, but the speed limit on a dual carriageway with no houses/pedestrians anywhere near it is only 10mph more than outside my daughters primary school in a very busy built up area. Stupid.

If one of those Mums totalled her MPV and killed herself, the headline in the paper would not describe a reckless mother who left her children motherless and endangered other road users through her inattention. It would be all tragedy and sorrow. But if a single bloke stuffs his car into the lamppost doing 3 mph over the limit, the headlines would not be so sympathetic.
Since I got a car with cruise control I use it all the time on motorways just to be sure I stick to the limits. It's got speed limiting as well but I don't like that as much.

Also, having a digital speedo it reads 74 when the Satnav says 70 and 33 when the Satnav reads 30
An easy way to remember the speed limit is

Is there street lights? Yes, then speed limit is 30 unless signage says different

Is there Street lights? No? National speed limit unless signage says different

Yeah, have to confess I didn't know about the street lights thing (I probably did when I passed my test, but that was 30 years ago!), but I will remember it from now on ...
My job often takes me to the centre of London, but unless I can't avoid it I will NEVER take a car.

There are cameras - speed, box junction, red light and bus lane everywhere. Try coming off the Westway and driving down the Marylebone Road to Pentonville and you'll be a jibbering wreck.

As I've said already I'm a boring old git and always adhere to all road traffic laws.

Last time on the route above I got so fed up with lorries trying to force me into box junctions that weren't clear. On keeping my eyes slavishly on the speedo and not the road ahead, on trying to decipher the multiple signage instructions and hoping I had complied with them all. It's just totally distressing and by the time you get home you worry about what's following in the post two weeks later!

The Orwellian nightmare is here and we as a country seem only too delighted to embrace it with open arms.

I am not pro-speeding in any way, but feel that the application and enforcement of these and other motoring misdemeanours needs a radical overhaul. Some common sense ought to be applied, and the reliance on robots and technology without any human discretion should be dispensed with forthwith.
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Since I got a car with cruise control I use it all the time on motorways just to be sure I stick to the limits. It's got speed limiting as well but I don't like that as much.

Also, having a digital speedo it reads 74 when the Satnav says 70 and 33 when the Satnav reads 30

I do this also with speed limiter - and have shown my Mrs how to do it as she's paranoid about speeding. I find it dead useful when in 50mph average speed zones. Just get car to 48mph and switch it on.
were you done by a speed camera or police?

the reason i ask is, i was pulled over for driving out if a 30 zone into a nat speed limit area up here.

the two offices managed to spell the make of the car wrong, put the wrong date on and the incorrect reg number on the ticket, i turned up at court and it was thrown out.
Just a footnote to the thread.
I have paid the fine and await the points,
Interesting views all round.
Just to stir the pot a little, with the abundance of 20 mph limits that now apply in all residential areas are all of you 'no tolerance for speeders ' obeying these with same respect for the law?
Just a footnote to the thread.
I have paid the fine and await the points,
Interesting views all round.
Just to stir the pot a little, with the abundance of 20 mph limits that now apply in all residential areas are all of you 'no tolerance for speeders ' obeying these with same respect for the law?

Of course they're not.
Most cars will struggle to stay at 20mph , and would have to stay in such a low gear to do so will create loads more pollution just as it has been proved you get greater localised pollution at speed camera sites.