Solheim Cup 2021

It's worse than usual, I think because there are hardly any European cheers so it's just flat when Europe are doing well. Ryder cup will be this magnified and pretty painful probably.
Hi Karen, a quick question for you, I know you've been a top class golfer for a few year now.
Did you ever consider turning pro and compete/play with the likes of the Solheime cup players ?

I know a couple of guys that played of plus 2 or 3 for years, who said they just couldn't compete with the top tour players .
What's your thoughts on the different levels ?
how is this going to drop?
View attachment 38273

The outer left edge of the perimeter might just about be 1mm over the edge, but bottom edge is nowhere near. That wasn't gonna fall in a month of Sunday's.

As for reasonable time, if Nelly had walked over instead of languishing on her knees, she would have looked for the gimme or tapped it in herself for one more shot.

But rules are rules, it's a crap decision given on the lightest of technicalities. It would leave a bad taste if it happened to me, and certainly feel like a hollow victory. I'd like to think that I'd concede the next hole to even it out, but I'm not sure that's in the US psyche, I am sure that if it comes down to a close result and the US win, they'll forget about it in a heartbeat.

Part of me would make them putt everything today, but that would just make me look petty, and lower me down to their level. Match play has its own integrity and sense of fair play, deciding when to give putts and when not to, we've seen a lot of surprise gimmes over the years in the name of fair play. Unfortunately the US team this year seem to lack that in their win at all cost mentality, it's a shame, but if that's how they want to win, let them get on with it. Hopefully it will just inspire the European team to play with more desire, and win the cup by a country mile.
Europe had a 25 foot putt on 18 to half the match. If the US were in any way concerned with sportsmanship, that woukd have been given, match would be halved. Korda would have a 2 minute cold shoulder from her captain. Womens golf would have its 'concession'.

Ask Nicklaus and Jacklin how that turns out. Oh yeah, its a magical historic moment thats brought up every ryder cup.

Historic moments in Solheim cup so far.

1. Suzanne Pettersons putt
2. Petty "we didnt concede that putt" moment from Europe
3. Petty "it might have rolled in' from US

Thank god for Suzanne Patterson.
Europe had a 25 foot putt on 18 to half the match. If the US were in any way concerned with sportsmanship, that woukd have been given, match would be halved. Korda would have a 2 minute cold shoulder from her captain. Womens golf would have its 'concession'.

Ask Nicklaus and Jacklin how that turns out. Oh yeah, its a magical historic moment thats brought up every ryder cup.

Historic moments in Solheim cup so far.

1. Suzanne Pettersons putt
2. Petty "we didnt concede that putt" moment from Europe
3. Petty "it might have rolled in' from US

Thank god for Suzanne Patterson.

1. Sorenstam chips in but has to replay it because it was out of turn.

For me, the Solheim Cup’s biggest moments have all been controversial incidents of poor sportsmanship. What’s wrong with these people? That’s not how golf is played. Maybe they’ve been watching too much football
Whilst I agree with much of what has been typed on the controversy, I wonder if there is an amount of viewing through a European lens.
What reaction would the US players receive in US if they had "balanced the game". Remember the much worshipped Woods received a lot of grief for the Molinari concession. Just a thought.
it wasn’t on the edge enough to drop in you spanner
hey stop giving backsticks grief. He’s right. We can all look at the ball and say that was never going to drop. But he is just explaining the rationale for the rules.

Naive from Europe. Sneaky from the rules official. Unsporting from US.
Why did she pick it up anyway? I never pick up an opponent’s ball uninvited … to ensure that I cannot transgress in any way. If I concede a putt, and they are some distance away, I will say “shall I knock it back to you” … if they say yes, then I will touch it, otherwise no.
Were the group not being timed? Kind of contradicts the "play faster" edict!

I'm still in shock at what took place and how it wasn't corrected by the USA team - I'd have let the opponents win the next hole and then we're back as it should be for the remainder of the match.
Were the group not being timed? Kind of contradicts the "play faster" edict!

I'm still in shock at what took place and how it wasn't corrected by the USA team - I'd have let the opponents win the next hole and then we're back as it should be for the remainder of the match.

I think you have to remember they are not like you and I. They are the top of their sport because they are ruthless. It doesn't enter their minds very often to give in. I guess it is doubly difficult when you are playing in a pair, representing a team and your whole country, especially the USA.
I think you have to remember they are not like you and I. They are the top of their sport because they are ruthless. It doesn't enter their minds very often to give in. I guess it is doubly difficult when you are playing in a pair, representing a team and your whole country, especially the USA.

True BUT history tells us that there are those at the very top who haven't lost sight of what being a good sport/human being means..
If the ball had finished 1 foot from hole and waited 3 seconds and given it

Would they step in? Not following the 10 second rule?
hey stop giving backsticks grief. He’s right. We can all look at the ball and say that was never going to drop. But he is just explaining the rationale for the rules.

Naive from Europe. Sneaky from the rules official. Unsporting from US.

I don’t believe the US could have done anything
See rule 3-2d/4.
You can choose to ignore an opponent's rule breach in match play if you want, but you can't conspire with your opponent to agree to a rule breach.

Don’t believe it’s the case for this event.