Socks - what's your clubs rules

Do people not check with clubs what their dress code is before going ? That way it saves any embarrassment from both sides

Remembered this on the drive home last night

It struck me that the only way there could be any embarrassment is if either:

A: the club have a dress code/sock rule they don't believe in themselves and are embarrassed to enforce it (the clubs fault)
B: they treat a paying customer very poorly when highlighting a breach such that the player is subsequently embarrassed (the clubs fault)

Either way its only the club not the player that can cause embarrassment (yes the player made the initial error by not researching the dress code fully but should he be made to feel embarrassed for his mistake?)

after all whats the harm in saying "Obviously not a problem today as its your first visit here but we like to treat our visitors as club members for the day so if you enjoy your game and book another round with us we prefer if all players can wear white socks, thanks"

You could even add "If its not something you have handy at home you can always look at the range we have in the pro-shop after your round"

Chances are many will get a pair and change before their game anyway (unless they are rip off prices) but either way there's no embarrassment and no problem next time

This should come from the pro shop staff or committee members with the relevant skill set only. Club members should be prohibited from speaking directly to visitors/guests about appearance
Remembered this on the drive home last night

It struck me that the only way there could be any embarrassment is if either:

A: the club have a dress code/sock rule they don't believe in themselves and are embarrassed to enforce it (the clubs fault)
B: they treat a paying customer very poorly when highlighting a breach such that the player is subsequently embarrassed (the clubs fault)

Either way its only the club not the player that can cause embarrassment (yes the player made the initial error by not researching the dress code fully but should he be made to feel embarrassed for his mistake?)

after all whats the harm in saying "Obviously not a problem today as its your first visit here but we like to treat our visitors as club members for the day so if you enjoy your game and book another round with us we prefer if all players can wear white socks, thanks"

You could even add "If its not something you have handy at home you can always look at the range we have in the pro-shop after your round"

Chances are many will get a pair and change before their game anyway (unless they are rip off prices) but either way there's no embarrassment and no problem next time

This should come from the pro shop staff or committee members with the relevant skill set only. Club members should be prohibited from speaking directly to visitors/guests about appearance

Careful there, your suggestion sounds like you are asking clubs to treat grown adults like grown adults when it comes to getting dressed......
4 pages on socks :ROFLMAO:

I really have admiration for the tireless efforts of the sock police. I wonder what it feels like being out on the course on the look out for illegal socks. That bushnell comes in handy, zooming in to spot a black sock on an ankle from 500 yards. It must distract them from their game so it really is a selfless task they perform, sacrificing their own golf to protect us from miscreants flouting the laws of decency.

Just shows what is wrong with golf.
WE only have rules for the course. I know ankle length are fine but I do not know the rules for colour

We cannot have rules for the clubhouse as it is franchised.

We have a dress code, which is well publicised, but we do not appoint anybody to enforce it and I cannot see the starter/course rangers taking on the responsibility.
I've never came across any regulations or recommendations regarding socks in any German golf dress code. Collared shirts, yes. Golf shoes ... with or without spikes, sneakers allowed or not. Restrictions on length of shorts and skirts, yes. But socks? Nobody cares.
Our dress code now says socks should be predominantly white with no mention of length but I have seen both members and visitors where an array of styles and colours. While the steward may bristle and invoke "rules are rules" (so much for making visitors welcome and wanting to return) for the most part people simply don't care
Any club that tries to tell me what socks I can wear, well, I won't be playing there that's for sure. Haha. :LOL:
Now that depends. If it was a Sunningdale where the forum are playing this month and I've scrimped and saved to pay for it, I definitely wouldn't be cutting off my nose if my socks didn't meet their dress code and would buy some in the pro shop and carry on. At a local muni I may look around at how others are dressed. It depends where I'm playing but most times I'd look at their dress code online and ensure I am compliant
Now that depends. If it was a Sunningdale where the forum are playing this month and I've scrimped and saved to pay for it, I definitely wouldn't be cutting off my nose if my socks didn't meet their dress code and would buy some in the pro shop and carry on. At a local muni I may look around at how others are dressed. It depends where I'm playing but most times I'd look at their dress code online and ensure I am compliant
Well I would have checked beforehand and not bothered with it. ;) At a 'local muni' as you put it, I'd say there is zero chance of them caring what socks you wear. Generally they'll be 'collared shirts, no jeans, golf shoes' which is how it should be.
I'm with Orikoru.

Clubs who insist on certain socks can jog on. Won't be getting my money. A certain club in Fife would never be on my summer radar due to their idiotic insistence on knee length socks.
I'm with Orikoru.

Clubs who insist on certain socks can jog on. Won't be getting my money. A certain club in Fife would never be on my summer radar due to their idiotic insistence on knee length socks.
I saw 2 old guys in knee length socks last year in the heatwave we had. They were old school rugby socks, they would have been better wearing trousers as the benefits of shorts are lost at that point.

A question for you, or anyone. I have never played at a club that insisted on knee length but have that suggested them. If you had to have them do those clubs insist that they are pulled up to the knee? Could you get to the 2nd hole and ease them down gently or is it in the dress code that they must remain knee height? I remember footballers in the 70's who used to play with their socks around the ankles but technically they were knee length socks. (I should add, I would also not bother with a knee length club, plenty of others to choose from. I'm just, half, interested in the technicalities of it)
Most of the clubs that have some sort of “sock” rule these days are the older more established course and 9/10 links courses

And the rule they have is when wearing shorts - if shorts then it’s long socks to the knee , apparently to protect yourself when doing into the thick rough but with some courses like Brancaster it’s all a bit back in time.

I suspect most clubs have moved on now and it’s just ankle socks or calf socks with shorts. At Sunningdale I played in shorts and ankle socks with no issues but then I check before going as I do with any course I go and play.

Never will turn a round down or not go to a place based on their dress code - because I have a Wardrobe full of golf clothing
I saw 2 old guys in knee length socks last year in the heatwave we had. They were old school rugby socks, they would have been better wearing trousers as the benefits of shorts are lost at that point.

A question for you, or anyone. I have never played at a club that insisted on knee length but have that suggested them. If you had to have them do those clubs insist that they are pulled up to the knee? Could you get to the 2nd hole and ease them down gently or is it in the dress code that they must remain knee height? I remember footballers in the 70's who used to play with their socks around the ankles but technically they were knee length socks. (I should add, I would also not bother with a knee length club, plenty of others to choose from. I'm just, half, interested in the technicalities of it)
If they're going to the trouble of specifying knee height socks then surely the intention is for them to stay at knee height. I suppose one could do as you say and roll them down once you're out of view of the clubhouse, but you run the risk of some pompous old member having a go at you. :LOL:
If they're going to the trouble of specifying knee height socks then surely the intention is for them to stay at knee height. I suppose one could do as you say and roll them down once you're out of view of the clubhouse, but you run the risk of some pompous old member having a go at you. :LOL:
That was my thinking to be honest, I was trying to think of a cunning way around it. The obvious way though is simply to avoid that club in the first place :D
Knee high socks is a pompous rule stuck way in a bygone time.

I would probably enjoy the novelty if I ever came across it just once but in Ireland we don't tend to sweat the small details.