So, what gives you the most satisfaction?

Had a 3 day break but i’m playing tonight and got a forum game Friday, lol.

Tbh it really doesn’t matter how I’m playing atm just glad to be out in the decent weather.

although some of the lads who I drew in the comp at the weekend said there were some definite similarities to Happy Gilmore.

Not sure if that is a good or bad thing tbh.

Honestly mate it takes time! Give it a year and your bad shot will be 10x better than it is now. Golf is a grind, just enjoy the process.

Hopefully I can join you for a round at some point soon.
Hooking a horrible drive off the 10th into the beck....knowing that gives me an excuse to drink way too much beer that evening.....

But in serious...ness......a 20 yard flop shot that sits like an angel next to the planned.....or, as today....a green side bunker with a high side of death....and I flopped that bugger out and it cuddled up next to the hole.....shivers....
Not even a "proper" golf shot for me...
Since I've realised that you get a flyer more often than not with the G425 in this situation, smashing a 9-iron out of the rough that flies way up the middle of the fairway and turns a desperate salvage job into a chip and a putt chance for par. Very satisfying.
Flushing my 6 Iron onto a green is easily the greatest feeling in golf, it would be a 5 or 4 iron, but 6 is the longest I carry, No 5 iron and the 4 is a rescue, but don't get the same feeling as a well struck Iron
Competition last week par 4 first hole. Pushed 2nd shot into a bunker then a poor shot just made it onto the green. Drained a 30 footer to save par, turned a poor start into an acceptable one. Felt like a birdie, set the tone for the rest of the round. That was very satisfying.
At the moment it's my driving as I've never hit them so well. Last round it was the 296 yard fade with a helping breeze off the left bringing it back into the fairway leaving me a 90 yard chip to 7ft for birdie. It's a different game at those distances.

I'd agree with flushing an iron and sinking a long putt, but there's also something special about scrambling for par when you've played a hole quite poorly but walk off without punishment. ?

If only I could avoid those situations to start with! (although it drives my mate bonkers).
I always thinks there is an element of chance in sinking a long putt, my driving is never very long so it has to be flushing a long iron onto the green or at least as long an iron as I carry,
The nailed long iron to reach a par 5 in two. Just a shame it’s inevitably followed by a 3-putt to complete the most irritating phenomenon in golf - a 3-putted par.
My fairly regular short game (<30yds) rescues of poor approach or tee shots. Had a couple this evening - after approach finished 10yds over back of green I holed 30yds low running chip for a birdie and later after a wide tee shot on a par 3 - a lovely 20yd lob over a bunker to a foot for a tap in par. Love 'em.