My other half does golf, if infrequently. She watches golf on the telly. Infact she probably watches more live coverage than I've been manageing to recently.
I do get the question did I win. Usually not, though occasionally I do. She does listen & does understand what I'm on about, though some things do occasionally need further explanations for her to understand, but she's certainly interested to know.
Though as often as not all I really want to do when I get home from a round is something else, or sit & watch some coverage on telly.
Mine has stopped asking if I played well as she now knows the answer is nearly always no. She also knows that if I played well, I will probably say so, so no need to ask. She is happy for me to play, when ever I want, as long as I don't moan when she is out playing tennis. (bear in mind this is an indoor sport now, so she can still play evenings in the winter, when I can't). All in all, we both do our own thing, and neither is that interested in a blow by blow account of the recent tennis/golf match. A simple did you win, is enough.
My wife does show some interest (though I suspect this is more to check what mood I will be in for the rest of the day as opposed to a general concern about the quality of my game). She is happy to listen to the odd shot description on the rare occasion that I play really well.
That said, she is happy for me to play every saturday without complaint so I am more than happy (though part of me suspects that she thinks that if I gave up golf I would get my rugby boots out again and she would hate that)
The other half plays and is always interested how i get on
The only gripe i have with here is that she does not like cleaning her clubs and since she has MX19s now with the big undercut cavity iam slaving over cleaning 2 sets now
Fair play though i do the clubs she does the dishes
Yeah, its odd how I end up having to clean & maintain two sets of equipment now she plays too. that goes for everything too not just the irons, even cleaning he shoes & changing her cleats when they wear down.
I even have to suggest to her what club she's going to need for shots. So I end up being caddy too.
When I get home after a round, the missus normally asks (as is her duty) how I got on.
I then embark on an in depth narrative recounting almost every shot played during my round, generally going into infinite detail about the finer shots played.
I normally observe a glazed expression not dissimilar to a hard core drug users! At this point I know she's lost interest.
mine's improving. she's gone from total disinterest to still no real interest in the outcome of a game but she was totally understanding of my excursion to Goswick and has already said she would have no problems with a repeat.
We have a week's 'not going anywhere, just not working' holiday at Easter, and she has suggested I fix up a game one day and she has also suggested I take my shoes when we go to Fuertaventura in June 'just in case'.