Slope Rating


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Sep 19, 2019
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Great. Thats a better answer than I expected. :)According to the website listed above, we were rated in 2017. I know you are not affiliated to the GUW, but do you think we will be rated again in light of the WHS, or will that rating stand? Course has not really changed, apart from losing 3 or 4 bunkers.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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Great. Thats a better answer than I expected. :)According to the website listed above, we were rated in 2017. I know you are not affiliated to the GUW, but do you think we will be rated again in light of the WHS, or will that rating stand? Course has not really changed, apart from losing 3 or 4 bunkers.
My understanding is that all courses in GB&I except the England men's tees have been rated under the USGA system (now adopted as the WHS standard) for some years. England men's are something over 3/4 through rating. Your rating should stand unless major changes have been made to the course.

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Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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I reckon that the CSS varies from the SSS rather less frequently than that over the normal playing season.
Why do you suggest PCC won't affect strokeplay comps? It is designed for that purpose. It uses all legitimate scores recorded on that day
You may be right re CSS vs SSS but I would like to see the evidence as we frequently see differences.

As far as strokeplay comps are concerned I assumed that having derived the playing handicap for the course / tee played then the lowest score (Nett) for those entered would win. I thought any subsequent adjustment regarding the conditions of play would apply to handicap calculations rather than the competition itself.

Perhaps I have misunderstood the adjustment - I thought it adjusted par (upwards) if all the acceptable rounds on the day triggered the change due to the conditions, presumable making it more difficult to score.

I also presumed this would be more common on courses where variations in weather was a more frequent occurance - eg a coastal course vs inland. As prevailing weather is not a factor in assessing the courses then I would expect some to have significantly more adjustments than others.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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As I understand it, PCC is only applied for handicap record calculations not competition scores. The players' Score Differentials are reduced. It doesn't affect par.

Normal prevailing weather is taken in to account when courses are rated. See post #19 onwards.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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For handicap purposes maybe - depends on the formula they use. The briefing I went to suggested it would only kick-in approx 20% of the time.

Doesn't impact matchplay or possibly any strokeplay competitions though as the playing handicaps based on index & slope will determine the number used for the comp.
Neither PCC nor CSS affect competition or match results. They are only used for post round handicap (Index or Exact) adjustments