Shamima Begum - In or Out


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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To remove someone's citizenship is a political decision no?

Then don't discuss it.

Would you bring her back, pay to bring her back, leave her there, give her boat loads of cash and a medal, jail her, put her on telly, give her a lecture tour. There are endless possibilities that do not involve how this has been handled by some one who is not you.


Journeyman Pro
Jun 20, 2010
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To remove someone's citizenship is a political decision no?

For the sake of repeating again. You can go political if you want and join the other suspects on that. This is about what we think of the decision - right or wrong and why. We do not have to mention the government, ministers etc. So either post about the moral and legal issues and what you think of them, or about her, or Don't
Jul 31, 2017
It's been a cause celebre in the right wing media, pushed by a right wing populist government and posted on here by a right wing sympathetic poster. If SILH had posted the left wing equivalent all the posters thst are saying send her packing would be calling political agenda.
The comments about wasting tax payers money are political. There's been barrel loads of tax payers money wasted in the last 12 months but that's off limits.


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
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For the sake of repeating again. You can go political if you want and join the other suspects on that. This is about what we think of the decision - right or wrong and why. We do not have to mention the government, ministers etc. So either post about the moral and legal issues and what you think of them, or about her, or Don't

Sorry but I was late joining the party.?

Personally I would not post whether the decision made was right or wrong.
You either come out of is as a right wing extremist nutter or a left wing sympathiser.

So for me it is no comment.

Deleted member 16999

For the sake of repeating again. You can go political if you want and join the other suspects on that. This is about what we think of the decision - right or wrong and why. We do not have to mention the government, ministers etc. So either post about the moral and legal issues and what you think of them, or about her, or Don't
Then it would of been better if those who posted their pov didn’t name call those who disagreed or had a jib at people who are just doing their job.

I totally agree this can be discussed non-politically, but both sides should consider how they post, most know were posters political allegiances lie.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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It's been a cause celebre in the right wing media, pushed by a right wing populist government and posted on here by a right wing sympathetic poster. If SILH had posted the left wing equivalent all the posters thst are saying send her packing would be calling political agenda.
The comments about wasting tax payers money are political. There's been barrel loads of tax payers money wasted in the last 12 months but that's off limits.

Yes, because most of that is politics.

So, politics aside, it is an opinion, for example, that she should have her citizenship re-instated, be brought to the UK, to stand trial, serve her sentence if found guilty, and be allowed to go back to her family, then that is an opinion. Not politics.

See? It really isn't that hard.


Journeyman Pro
Jun 20, 2010
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Then it would of been better if those who posted their pov didn’t name call those who disagreed or had a jib at people who are just doing their job.

I totally agree this can be discussed non-politically, but both sides should consider how they post, most know were posters political allegiances lie.

There are only the choice few who have dragged politics into this and everyone else telling them to keep it out of this debate. There was no political angle or side to this thread and nor should there be one


Journeyman Pro
Jun 20, 2010
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I genuinely believe you do, you only have to follow the “likes” on here to see like minded people.

You make no sense. I was commenting on the people who are dragging politics into this, not the rest of us who are debating this issue with views for and against and having a broad range of unpolitical personal views

Deleted member 16999

You make no sense. I was commenting on the people who are dragging politics into this, not the rest of us who are debating this issue with views for and against and having a broad range of unpolitical personal views
I’m on about the like minded people to yourself who make comments that others on here see as political, you don’t see them as political posts as you think the same way as the poster.


Sep 11, 2011
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You don’t see it as you sit on the same side as them.

Who's them? People with hard beliefs in strong laws - does that make others weak on laws?

I don't see it as political at all. The issue is should she be allowed back to the UK. Why is that political? The original decision might have been political, AND quite frankly I'm not interested in that aspect of it. The question remains, should she be allowed back into the UK?

I haven't a clue who would choose what, bar a few outliers who have very strong beliefs.

I believe she should be allowed back, and should have her citizenship reinstated. Quite on what terms that should be I'll leave to the courts/authorities. She was a 15 year old kid who was groomed, and potentially a 21 year old woman who can be re-educated/un-brainwashed. Surely as a child let down by the education system, her parents and a society that can't get its house in order when it comes to stopping grooming she deserves better?

The revocation of her citizenship, bearing in mind Bangladeshi law, might be legal but I feel its immoral. I feel there's a process to go through, i.e. the courts, in terms of any illegal actions by her. Revocation of her citizenship abdicates the UK's moral responsibility to put a potential criminal through the courts.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
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I noticed there was a very thoughtful and balanced response from PhilTheFragger, who unless he has resigned his position is the ModFather.

Surely if this was a political thread he would have put the warning up then rather than posting in the thread? And that post was before the political aspects were raised.

I think that's our answer as to whether or not this is a political thread or not. As Amanda says, it's more morals.

Deleted member 16999

Who's them? People with hard beliefs in strong laws - does that make others weak on laws?

I don't see it as political at all. The issue is should she be allowed back to the UK. Why is that political? The original decision might have been political, AND quite frankly I'm not interested in that aspect of it. The question remains, should she be allowed back into the UK?

I haven't a clue who would choose what, bar a few outliers who have very strong beliefs.

I believe she should be allowed back, and should have her citizenship reinstated. Quite on what terms that should be I'll leave to the courts/authorities. She was a 15 year old kid who was groomed, and potentially a 21 year old woman who can be re-educated/un-brainwashed. Surely as a child let down by the education system, her parents and a society that can't get its house in order when it comes to stopping grooming she deserves better?

The revocation of her citizenship, bearing in mind Bangladeshi law, might be legal but I feel its immoral. I feel there's a process to go through, i.e. the courts, in terms of any illegal actions by her. Revocation of her citizenship abdicates the UK's moral responsibility to put a potential criminal through the courts.
I’ve already said I don’t see it as political either, but some posters are immediately scrutinised over what they write as other posters previously are ignored.

Dando tells us about “bed wetters” getting upset with a point he made, yet “bed wetters” is a term given to left wing do gooders, if she’s brought back (and I disagree) we must accept she should be given a fair trial and a fair defense, instead we get Cherie Blair mentioned, despite this having nothing to do with the subject.

Nobody, but nobody says a word about either comment being political and I see both comments coming from a right sided point of view.


Sep 11, 2011
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I’ve already said I don’t see it as political either, but some posters are immediately scrutinised over what they write as other posters previously are ignored.

Dando tells us about “bed wetters” getting upset with a point he made, yet “bed wetters” is a term given to left wing do gooders, if she’s brought back (and I disagree) we must accept she should be given a fair trial and a fair defense, instead we get Cherie Blair mentioned, despite this having nothing to do with the subject.

Nobody, but nobody says a word about either comment being political and I see both comments coming from a right sided point of view.

To be fair, it cuts both ways as we've seen in the thread. Some see people being hard on law as the usual (right wing)suspects, whilst others think that letting her back might be more of a Cherie Blair leftie stance.

Cherie Blair is good at her job. Not sure why that has to be considered political.