Season reflection and Winter Plans


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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My first season playing and gone from 23 to 14.

My game is really up and down atm as I am still developing a swing.

Even when I play really crap I have still managed to make buffer from just grinding out holes.

Shot under 80 3 times with a PB of 6 over 78, so if you offered me that back when I couldn't break 100 last September would have taken it.

Plan for the winter is play as normal, my course only gets better in the winter :thup:

Very very impressive.

Have u been having lessons or just a natural.

Good to hear you grind out buffers. There is an huge enjoyment a player can take from achieving that when not on song.


Tour Winner
Sep 23, 2010
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Weird sort of year for me really. Played really well at start of the season then started swinging terribly and scabbing it round and hanging onto buffers by my fingernails thanks to my short game really.

Got a tip off the pro at a demo day and I am back to swinging it well just in time for the season to end :rofl:

On the positive side my bad scores are better than they were, rarely over 80 even on off days. Had a second and first place at a couple of 36 hole opens, played for the scratch team this year for the first time and only lost 1 game from 7, won a trophy at the club for the first (and likely last!!) time so not all bad, just feel I could have got a fair bit lower handicap wise if I didn't lose my swing for the meat of the season!!

Played some great courses also, Sunningdale, Royal Lytham, Royal Liverpool plus finally ticked off Sandiway (which I was hugely impressed with).

Over winter not really sure, not one for going to the range so will just be playing as and when I can really, plus I want to get a setoff clubs I'm 100% happy with and stop chopping and changing!!! :rofl:


Tour Rookie
Jun 28, 2016
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Very very impressive.

Have u been having lessons or just a natural.

Good to hear you grind out buffers. There is an huge enjoyment a player can take from achieving that when not on song.


Yeah there is a certain enjoyment to getting to close to playing to your handicap even when you feel you played bad.

I have played a lot, maybe 150 rounds in the last 12 months, that has helped massively. Had a 90 min lesson through golf monthly rest is just trying to figure it out on my own.


Crow Person
Nov 14, 2010
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Play wise it's been a mixed year, shanks have gone from several a round to the occasional one every few rounds and my iron play has improved to the degree where I've removed my Dunlop 9 wood from the bag. :eek:
Chipping confidence is still rock bottom and there's no knowing where the ball will go.

From a handicap point of view it's been a poor year, gone up another shot and buffered just once in umpteen qualifiers.

Played quite a few away courses, several of top quality courtesy of the great guys on GM who organise these, thanks chaps!

And then there's my vintage fascination.... This has become a bit of an obsession if I'm honest, I'm genuinely disappointed when I have to play my modern clubs (which I only do in qualifiers and pairs events) and would far sooner be playing a vintage set, be they classic blades or a budget HB&S set. The satisfaction of hitting a good shot is much greater than playing a good round with my moderns.

Winter plans?
I don't have any as such but now that the nights have shortened to the point where it's pointless going to the course after work I fear that I'll be scouring ebay even more and soon it will be impossible to get into the garage as it's full of old clubs/bags.

While on the subject, does anybody live in the Kippax area near Leeds who'd be willing to collect a couple of sets I have my eye on and sit on them until I pass Leeds again around end of November?