Doon frae Troon
Ryder Cup Winner
From what I have been told there is going to be a bit of a shake up in the way the SGU implement Scotland's pretty unique club structure.
The more I look at SGU the more they're about looking after the SGU rather than golf in Scotland. I just see this as another example of them doing what they think is right and not consulting the clubs or their opinion, or just ignoring their viewpoint.
So, to summarise...
SG plan to deliver a handicap entry front end to it's clubs, initially funded from the current level of fees, possibly with extended competition capabilities yet to be explained.
Last week they showed their spots a little by changing the existing SG CDH database in conjunction with their software developer, but without reference to the various ISVs currently providing services to clubs and advising them that they would be given the necessary technical and security data in due course...
What the new software will do is unknown
SG have been happy to give the impression to clubs that their software is the only option.
Have I missed anything?
Everything I've been able to access suggests that the last point is the biggest cause for concern - but also extremely unlikely to be true! There is nothing but speculation to support that view. Obviously there is also an element of concern that you will have to pay for it anyway as part of your normal fees...but this is a mute point initially.
Can I ask what it has got to do with you? Are you just on here to dig SG. If you are not a member of a Scottish club why do the potential actions of SG concern you and the original poster so much?
Not on here to dig SG; whatever that might be.
I've never posted in any of the bash SG threads (that I remember) as they were about SG.
My concerns, if that's the word, revolve around WHS implementation and ISV's; communication and associated issues.
That it is SG is incidental in this case
I have no concerns about SG. As one involved (marginally) in England's and therefore CONGU's implementation, my interest is in the rationale of the various national authorities around the world. Simply 'why are they choosing this route as opposed to that route?'Can I ask what it has got to do with you? Are you just on here to dig SG. If you are not a member of a Scottish club why do the potential actions of SG concern you and the original poster so much?
I have no concerns about SG. As one involved (marginally) in England's and therefore CONGU's implementation, my interest is in the rationale of the various national authorities around the world. Simply 'why are they choosing this route as opposed to that route?'