Rules question - order of play.

duncan mackie

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Feb 19, 2012
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B's score of 7 for a 6 did not score a point. He tapped in the putt for the sake of keeping a score for his own records but it was a zero point hole.

Does this change things? Would we need to go back to the previous hole because both B and C in effect "no returned" on the third.

no it doesn't - please read rule 32-1, it's really really clear!


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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Whether Player B gets a point for his 7 on the 3rd is , to my mind, irrelevent - a 6/5 is always going to beat a 7/6 which is always going to beat a blob

And once they've teed off the 4th in the order A, B, C. the that is the order - move on.

After all it's only Stableford - who cares who goes first..?

Exactly - who cares? but you're wrong.


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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On which bit..?

My headhurts after one and a half bottles, but:

On hole 4,A has the honour by virtue of the best stableford score on hole 3. Neither B nor C scored a point on hole 3, therefore their order is decided by the points they scored on hole 2 (their gross score on hole 3 is irrelevant as neither scored a stableford point).
On hole 5, B or C (assuming the same points score on hole 4) has the honour depending on who should have played second on hole 4.

I have definitely lost the will to live.


Jul 11, 2009
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On hole 4 the order should have been A, followed by the better stableford score between B and C on hole 2 as B's non-stableford score on hole 3 is irrelevant. Are you sure this was a friendly?

It's technically a comp because £1 each is at stake but it's a nine hole hack around for practice for charity, really.

Basically this is what happened.

I was player B.

On the 3rd, we teed off in order of: C - B - A.

As explained A took the 3rd with 1 point, then B (myself) and C took "no returns" though I did tap in for a 7 net 6.

On the 4th tee, we went in order of A - B (myself) - C which I didn't understand as I felt I should have been last but I thought at the time C waved me on because he wasn't ready and it wasn't a serious comp. It wasn't until the 5th tee that I found out why he had actually told me to go first.

So as explained we hole out on the 4th with Player B (myself) taking a 3, net 2. Player C took the same, with Player A taking a 4 net 3.

Now I know at this stage that the order on the 3rd was wrong (and actually related to the second hole in their eyes) but FOR NOW ignore that and pretend we thought we had it right on the 3rd and I'll explain that after we've sorted this one.

I teed up on the fifth only to be told by Player A to get on my bike and wait my turn because I hadn't won the previous hole outright (because C also had a 3) thus we retain order of him before me. It was said in jest I thought so I laughed it off but he was deadly serious.

I didn't have my rules book in my bag so didn't want to make an issue and with it not being a serious comp I let it slide but I spent the rest of the round convinced I was in the right and I wanted to make sure.

To make matters worse, they claimed that the rules goes further to say that the order from the previous hole rotates for those making the same score with the person who went first the previous time dropping to the back.

Thus we actually teed off on the 5th in the order of A - C - B!

Going back to why we teed off in the order we did on the 4th, they said that because C had teed off before me (Player B) on the 3rd but had failed to better my "no return" with his own, the same rotation rule had applied between myself and him and thus he went to the back of all the players who scored the same, in this case myself and him.


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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is there a penalty . for not playing the latest version of the teeing off order. some of our older players still play the old format, i.e. if the player who had the honour takes a 5 and the other two players take 4s. he still has the honour.and if, there is a penalty are all the players penalised if this is done throughtout the round , or disquallified. in stroke medal play
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Pro Zach

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Dec 22, 2011
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Read a little further - the exception points you to rule 32-1.

I read rule 32-1 because Duncan pointed to it in post #5. I have re-read it and it says “In handicap bogey,par and Stableford competitions, the competitor with the lowest net score at a hole takes the honour at the next teeing ground”.

The OP says both B and C scored 3 net 2. Neither one had the lowest score, gross or nett, so no one won the honour.

Whether anyone scored points or not seems irrelevant. It is based on the nett score.


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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I read rule 32-1 because Duncan pointed to it in post #5. I have re-read it and it says “In handicap bogey,par and Stableford competitions, the competitor with the lowest net score at a hole takes the honour at the next teeing ground”.

The OP says both B and C scored 3 net 2. Neither one had the lowest score, gross or nett, so no one won the honour.

Whether anyone scored points or not seems irrelevant. It is based on the nett score.

I'm glad there is someone even more confused than me. It's based on stableford points scored.
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Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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is there a penalty . for not playing the latest version of the teeing off order. some of our older players still play the old format, i.e. if the player who had the honour takes a 5 and the other two players take 4s. he still has the honour.and if, there is a penalty are all the players penalised if this is done throughtout the round , or disquallified

There is no penalty - it's a lot of hot air but it passes the time till we tee off tomorrow morning.


Jul 11, 2009
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My commiserations - I'll be thinking of you.

Can you confirm from my rather long winded post above that Player A was wrong to retain honour for the 5th and that C shouldn't have dropped behind B after the 3rd?

Sorry to pester, just need to know before I have a word with these two when next I see them. :)


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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Can you confirm from my rather long winded post above that Player A was wrong to retain honour for the 5th and that C shouldn't have dropped behind B after the 3rd?

Sorry to pester, just need to know before I have a word with these two when next I see them. :)

See my answer #24. Don't ask me to repeat it or I will die.

North Mimms

Tour Winner
Apr 22, 2012
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I pity the people playing behind you while you check your rule book .

And as for A checking you when you teed up?
If it was his honour he should have been there.

I really hate seeing a group having a long rambling discussion about who scored what 3 holes ago.
Someone step up and hit it!