Round ruined by slow play....

In a comp a few weeks back one of the guys teeing off after us had been in a group recently reported for slow play.
We were tipped off that he was furious and "looking for a scalp".
This is a guy who's been seen gesticulating to groups several holes ahead to speed up.
I called him through on the first fairway when one of my group couldn't find his drive shot.
From the 2nd to 16th we were never more than one shot behind him and waited on all the par 3 tees.
On the par 3 16th they hadn't reached the green as we stood on the tee.
He "explained" to us later he was getting held up by slow play ahead!
We just said "No bother, we're just out there to enjoy it".
Nothing to do with Marshals, it's down to you to be aware and use common sense, if people are constantly waiting and your clear in front, let them's really not complicated:smirk:

True, it's not complicated to the conscious golfer, but every club has a few dawdlers, duffers & generally golfers who aren't aware of what's going on around them. Marshals are out there to make rounds are played at a respectable pace, they should crack down on them, when it gets too slow.
You take a lot from seeing the pros swing's distance control and general skill one thing we over look is there patience when being held up. I am by no means a fast player just like to keep my round under 5 hours, of course I can learn from this but its deff easier to say than do in my case even when prepared for a slow round
On the other side of the argument.
As a high handicapper I find it quite intimidating on the course sometimes, I've never held anyone up yet (I think lol) but I would always let someone through if needed.
I find a lot of the time I don't even bother looking for balls in the rough as I don't want any hassle from the players behind moaning that I'm holding them up.
There is one thing that always annoys me about people who complain about slow play.
They never seem to ask to be allowed to play through.
I will always do this if the match in front are the cause of my delay and 99% of the time they are happy to wave you through. You have to ask in a polite manner though.

On courses that have marshalls/rangers they always seem to wait to complain to the marshall rather than ask for themselves.
There is one thing that always annoys me about people who complain about slow play.
They never seem to ask to be allowed to play through.
I will always do this if the match in front are the cause of my delay and 99% of the time they are happy to wave you through. You have to ask in a polite manner though.

On courses that have marshalls/rangers they always seem to wait to complain to the marshall rather than ask for themselves.

Quite rare, in my experience, that you can ever get in a 'slow play' position where you can actually ask to be let through. Where you get to a tee and the guys in front are still on the tee, it's normally because they have been waiting on the guys in front of them! So unless you are a smaller, faster group, all you are doing is swapping position - for no gain! Marshals can go forward and identify the real cause of the hold up and do something about it.
Much as I dislike slow play, it wasn't the slow play that ruined your round!

It was your reaction to it - and subsequent loss of focus!

Not having patience, as you state, is your problem, not theirs.

Before I read all the other replys,this it it for me.
To be honest im sick of all the moaners who blame others for there lack of mind management.
Not just having a go at the op by the way.
Last weekend 12 of us went to a 4bbb,when we got in we ask the 4 behind how they got on.
There reply "37 points but it would have been more if we we hadn't been waiting on every shot".
Shut up, 4 and a quarter hours for a 4bbb open is not slow.
Gets on my wick,rant over:rant: