Money List Winner
Most advertised prices in the UK have VAT included at 20%.
most prices in the USA have 8% added sales tax added at the till .
this is not shown on the rack price.
i have played a lot in the states and found some more expensive and some not usually USA made goods.
but the price of club membership there would make your eyes water.
Price of membership can be ridiculous over here. Take my place for instance, $170 a month, so about £135. But on top of that you have to add in cart fees, as members can't walk at weekends until after midday. So if I played every Sunday my fees each month is going to be $244, so about £190 a month.
When I was in California, the cheapest membership to a club I could find was $5000 retainer upfront with $300 a month plus cart fees and that was a very mediocre course.