Relocating away from London.

West Devon, Rousden and Seaton in particular always appeals as we have holidayed down there for years and we love it.

Things we need to consider is access to a good hospital for the Mrs and a good bus or train service as if we have to stop driving we wouldn’t want to be cut off.

Yes a West Country problem

Even if there is a hospital many do not have A&E departments and some specialist departments. Living in Yeovil appointments are often at places like Exeter, Bristol and Taunton

I remember holidaying in Newquay and being told we would have to go to Truro for daily treatment after my wife suffered serious burns.
Very interesting to know guys. I’m suffer from very mild epilepsy which is controlled well but in the event of a dance off a&e is sometimes required, worth baring in mind.
Interesting site but also shocking stats for my postcode. Right on the edge of the Croydon post code area but tarnished by certain areas within the code
"jim8flog, It’s funny, in my old job I used to cover Exeter, Yeovil and radstock so often stayed in street and surrounding villages, I really lovely region and one I used to visit every two weeks. As you said for me it’s just a little too far south west at the moment. I enjoy my job but I cannot say hand on heart it’s the job for life and the further west I go the fewer opportunities for work in my sector would be available. The thing I did like with Yeovil is the direct link into Waterloo via Clapham, I think it was 1.30/1.45 from Clapham to Yeovil.

SpongeBob, I did look that far down even as close to little stone but im just not sure that far down in Kent appeals as much. There just doesn’t seem enough that way for someone in our age brackets.

Fundy, what a view!

Depends what you're looking for I guess.
Places like Folkstone which I'd never considered are now much sought after now as the high speed links go in. Whitstable used to be the place to be along the coast here but now it's pretty much anywhere down this way.
We spent a few years looking where we could get a bigger house with larger garden to bring up a family. We picked a few places we liked then spent time at these places at weekends on short breaks and looked at plenty of houses on offer and other local amenities that were important. There's some things I miss from living in and around London, but we have a comp different lifestyle now and I couldn't be without the quality of golf courses around here on our doorstep. I had only just taken up golf when we moved so it wasn't even a consideration at the time
I'm glad we did it. Hope you find somewhere that works for you dear boy?
Not surprised to find our home town is in top 20 safest med-sized town in the UK - only 35miles from centre of London. There are some quality of life aspects of living Surrey/Hants borders that are a bit problematic (housing costs and traffic being the #1 and #2) but on the whole it is a lovely area to live and bring up a family.

The schools and golf courses are top notch, but the cost of moving to a larger house as the children grew have frankly been (and remain) prohibitive. And so we are still in the house we bought when we moved from Bristol 25yrs ago.

We will most probably move north (how far north yet tbd but Embra/East Lothian still on the cards) in about 5 yrs time…but will see if we can also buy somewhere small locally so we have a southern ‘outpost/escape’.
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I hope this appeals to very few or no one, if you get my meaning.
David Attenborough country.
Circle of extreme pleasantness between Loughborough and Leicester.
Also contains 5 golf courses.
Members only. Visitors by arrangement only. (I'm applying that, facetiously, to the whole area, not the golf courses)
Otherwise, please stay well away from here. ;)

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We are selling our house in Perthshire if you are interested. Halfway between Perth and Dundee and fifteen minutes from Dundee Airport with direct flights to London City (1 hour 45 Mins £127 Round trip). Sunniest place in Scotland and average rainfall less than Kent! Golf range literally on your doorstep and courses such as St Andrews, Carnoustie, Gleneagles and Blairgowrie just over 30 minutes drive away!
I hope this appeals to very few or no one, if you get my meaning.
David Attenborough country.
Circle of extreme pleasantness between Loughborough and Leicester.
Also contains 5 golf courses.
Members only. Visitors by arrangement only. (I'm applying that, facetiously, to the whole area, not the golf courses)
Otherwise, please stay well away from here. ;)

View attachment 39806

is the sunday roast at the Old Bulls Head in Woodhouse Eaves as good as it was 25 years ago :) Used to be where you took the folks when they came up to visit at university lol