Radical thought - Pass Level 1 Rules test or you're not allowed to play in comps??


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
I've been playing for about 30 years. Consider myself "yer average club golfer" who maybe has travelled a bit more than average. I would never consider myself a Rules Buff, but hope I know enough to get my in 99% of situations. As mentioned in the other thread, in order to test this, I took the R&A Level 1 on-line test this week. I passed, but I couldn't tell you the Rule Numbers! :)

I reckon most players could get the 60% Pass Rate without going through the course material.... or could they? ;) There was nothing outrageous or unusual in there. So how would you do? How many ordinary folk like me even knew the thing existed? I certainly didn't.

If you went straight to the Test without reading the course material, there are 50 multiple choice questions to do in an hour, but I think you can click through it all in about ten minutes! But that said, the material before it was pretty user friendly and (even I thought) worth a look.

Here's a mad idea, maybe everyone should be passing Level 1 before they are allowed to play in club comps! They could even link your R&A sign-on to your CDH Number. :eek::eek::eek: (slightly tongue in cheek, but just imagine it!)

Now where did I put my tin hat?


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2020
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I've been playing for about 30 years. Consider myself "yer average club golfer" who maybe has travelled a bit more than average. I would never consider myself a Rules Buff, but hope I know enough to get my in 99% of situations. As mentioned in the other thread, in order to test this, I took the R&A Level 1 on-line test this week. I passed, but I couldn't tell you the Rule Numbers! :)

I reckon most players could get the 60% Pass Rate without going through the course material.... or could they? ;) There was nothing outrageous or unusual in there. So how would you do? How many ordinary folk like me even knew the thing existed? I certainly didn't.

If you went straight to the Test without reading the course material, there are 50 multiple choice questions to do in an hour, but I think you can click through it all in about ten minutes! But that said, the material before it was pretty user friendly and (even I thought) worth a look.

Here's a mad idea, maybe everyone should be passing Level 1 before they are allowed to play in club comps! They could even link your R&A sign-on to your CDH Number. :eek::eek::eek: (slightly tongue in cheek, but just imagine it!)

Now where did I put my tin hat?

The bolded part…? Mega LOLz ?

Edit: seriously though I would not be against this - part and parcel of playing in comps and open comps is knowing the rules…along with info about ‘caring for the course’ could / should be mandatory for new golfers
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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2018
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I think you still need a golfing license in Germany ( as a resident) before you are allowed on a course.

The German golfing licence (Platzreife)
Foreign players do not need to take the Platzreife examinations if they can prove their handicap through official club membership and handicap card.
Residents of Germany and others without an official handicap card must take the Platzreife examination before permission is granted to play a round of golf.
The licence examination
The Platzreife examination comes in two parts:
  • The practical test: tests driving, putting and chipping skills. Golfers must complete an 18-hole round in 108 strokes or fewer with a DGV-certified golf pro
  • The written examination: tests knowledge of the rules of golf and golfing etiquette. A minimum of 24 out of 30 correct answers is required to pass. The test is in German
In 2006 the DGV introduced new examination guidelines for obtaining a DGV-certified golfing licence. This certification is the most widely accepted form of golfing licence in Germany and can be obtained by all golfers no matter whether they are a club member or not. There are now over 400 clubs in Germany offering three- to five-day courses for obtaining a DGV and PGA approved golfing licence. To check that the club in question is DGV certified see the DGV website or call the information line during office hours.
There is a fee for training and taking the Platzreife and many choose instead to take the course in Austria, Italy, Switzerland or Spain where it is less expensive. Some golf course developers as well as others in the profession have tried to get rid of the Platzreife in order to make golf more accessible.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I've always wondered why there's no leaning towards a form of education about the rules....
It can get a bit complicated and you're meant to just pick it up as you go along..?
I don't think that some form of test - like this - is too much to ask although some will say it hinders inclusiveness.
I say you need to know , at least , some of the rules of any game before you play it....


Apr 10, 2018
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It always used to be that the first rule in Volleyball is that you must know the rules, I looked recently and that is no longer the case and the length of the rule book has increased significantly.

I would not be opposed to the suggestion, I did my level one exam 3 years ago and passed with 82%, I recall that I mostly struggled with how many penalties there were for each offence. I did it again just now and got 78% and guess what, I still struggle with how many penalties there are for each offence (I know the offences and so try hard not get penalised so I don't need to worry, it's an issue when someone asks me though!).

Mel Smooth

May 4, 2017
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When the youth used to play in junior comps in Spain, they always had a couple of referees out on the course in buggies. They were great at explaining situations and how to resolve them as the kids went round.
Something that should be part of junior golf here (I appreciate it is at some places).
Not only does it teach them the rules, it teaches them the importance of them.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
I think that it's unreasonable to be expected to know the penalty for every single rule breach. However, ALL golfers should be aware of what is & isn't against the rules. For example, if I play off the wrong tee I should be aware that it contravenes the rules. If I can't remember what the penalty is it's an easy task to look up the rule on your phone app or a rule book, one of which everyone should carry. For example, if my ball finishes up on, or partly on, an out of bounds line I'd have to look up whether it was out or in because, being old & feeble minded, I can't remember. What I wouldn't do is just play, assuming that I knew the answer.


May 10, 2017
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It would get my vote, there are probably about 8 to 10 very common ones (hazards, unplayable, OOB, movable / immovable obstructions, loose impediments and the like) that everyone should know off the top of their heads (or have a very good idea of) but its amazing what you see out there even off people who have been playing years


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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I'd agree, seen some shockers the last couple of years in comps from guys who have played for years.
The first club I joined, yo get a handicap I had to play a round with one the captains and during the round they asked me rules and etiquette questions.
I did the test a while ago, passed but can't remember by what percentage.


Club Champion
Aug 25, 2009
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I'd agree, seen some shockers the last couple of years in comps from guys who have played for years.
The first club I joined, yo get a handicap I had to play a round with one the captains and during the round they asked me rules and etiquette questions.
I did the test a while ago, passed but can't remember by what percentage.
Went straight to test and scored 34 out of 50 but I wouldn’t say the test covered some of the main issues I see. Good idea though, maybe as part of the MyEG here in England so that clubs could identify those who qualify.