Level 2 Rules Seminar


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Sep 19, 2019
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I thought I would post a short note about the Level 2 Rules Seminar which I completed in North Wales yesterday, as I know there is another one coming up in South Wales very soon.

The 2 days were extremely enjoyable and well run - until the exam time, sadly. We had been sent a sample exam previously. I attempted this twice, scoring 91% initially and 79.5% on a second occasion, when I rushed things a bit. The 91% took every minute of the allocated 2 hours, and my less successful attempt took 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Imagine the shock when, 2 minutes before the exam, we were told that the time limit was now 1.5 hours, for exactly the same amount of questions. The R&As reason for this was that, in the near future, the Exam will be available online, so all sorts of electronic assistance would be available. As a concession, we were allowed to use the Rules Of Golf phone app, which I had only downloaded the previous day. Personally speaking, use of this app on a small phone did not speed things up at all.

Out of the whole class, only one person managed to answer all of the questions in time, and he has been a referee for over 30 years. Everyone else, including people who were very familiar with the app, ran out of time.
A pass is 60%, a Merit is 80%, and a Distinction is 90%. To be able to referee for Wales Golf, you need at least a Merit. It will be really touch and go if I achieve this mark. (Results should be emailed later today.) I feel somewhat cheated, but thought I would intimate this, as at least one person on the forum is attending the South Wales Seminar., I believe.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2019
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Congrats, great result!
How did the "which Rule" section go?
I dropped most of my points on the True or False Section A, simply because I knew I would be time constrained for the last 2 'which rule' sections. 19/25 for the True or False. 9/10 for the Multiple Choice. 23/25 for the Mutiple Choice with Rules Authority, and 35/40 for the 4 hole with Rules, which is where I seriously ran out of time.


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
I attended the South Wales Seminar this week. The outdoor practical session took place in driving rain! Very useful couple of days, it shocked me about the things I thought I knew, but didn't.

Anyway. I got the perfect score. 79%
Comfy pass, but not enough to do any reffing!! ;)

Now do I resit to get the extra 1%? 😁


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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I attended the South Wales Seminar this week. The outdoor practical session took place in driving rain! Very useful couple of days, it shocked me about the things I thought I knew, but didn't.

Anyway. I got the perfect score. 79%
Comfy pass, but not enough to do any reffing!! ;)

Now do I resit to get the extra 1%? 😁
I reckon your county would be glad to have you with that score.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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I did it to make me a more informed player, rather than to referee at events. I'll probably resit anyway

Wales Golf were very specific about needing 80% to work at events. I'll volunteer in other capacities at some events regardless.
Does Wales not have County authorities?


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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Yes it does. This was a Wales Golf event and they only talked Nationals... no idea how Gwent do it at County Level. County was never mentioned.
Give your County sec a call. I'm sure they'll be interested even if it's as an Observer.