Putting the clubs in the spare room


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I've finally reached the point of no return (well for a while). I went to the driving range on Friday and was striking it like a dream. Went out in my normal roll up and couldn't drive to save my life. My irons once I had got the ball back into play were erratic and only a decent short game and a lukewarm putter stopped me losing all faith in life the universe and everything.

It got so bad that I even pulled out of the monthly medal yesterday. I've never doen that before unless through ill health or dire family emergency. I was lying in bed after the alarm went off trying to convince myself to go out anyway and just play even if I hacked it. In the end I couldn't find any enthusiasm. I layed in with the promise that I'd go to the range to work on my driving but even then couldn't find the motivation so stayed in all day watching the football and golf.

I've never had a loss of golfing desire this bad before. I've decided to stop completely until I have my next lesson in a couple of weeks time. The problem is not necessarily that I'm playing badly but that I cannot convert range form onto the course. I have tried to play with an empty mind and not focus on any technical point or swing thought but simply cannot reproduce the swing. Having failed to play to my handicap throughout the golfing year (except for a couple of buffer zones) I feel that everything I have put in in terms of lessons, practice and playing has been a wasted effort (except for the GM Challenge and the games I've had with fellow forummers).

I guess I'll be joining the thronged masses at the supermarket with HID or getting green fingers clearing the garden before winter. I've got a week and half of leave coming (with the opportunity to play Bearwood Lakes and the Oxfordshire for free) but have no motivation to go anywhere near the golf club.


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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might just do the trick homer, sounds like you play more than me. I did have that problem and a weeks break helped. When I got back to it I had no swing thoughts just relied on muscle memory and never expected much, first it was dire, but it soon picked up.


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2008
Wishaw, Scotland
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). Having failed to play to my handicap throughout the golfing year (except for a couple of buffer zones) I feel that everything I have put in in terms of lessons, practice and playing has been a wasted effort

I think you and I are at complete opposite ends of the golfing spectrum. I'm like "Have a great time and the score be damned!" and you seem to be "I need a score and nothing else matters". I always tell myself that the more shots I hit on the course then the less it costs me per shot spread out over the year. I'm only squeezing maximum value out of my fees.
I don't think either of our approaches is the right one but you can't fundamentally alter your character so just try to be comfortable with yourself and your game. If that means laying off for a while then so be it! I wish you all the best.

Have you considered trying any alternative hobbies or sports? I 've found in the past that the challenge of learning something completely new often makes the stuff that you are already OK at seem more comfortable and requires less effort and concentration.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I'm going to put a few ideas for my golfing based novel and a few article ideas for GM on paper. At least I'll still feel connected with the game in some way. Of course I'll also get a fix should I need it on here


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 11, 2007
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I have recently had a course of six lessons and found no improvement whatever. Just a bit depressed about it.
Went out this morning for a quick nine and hit some nice shots but could not score. More bad shots than good ones.
However the memory of the good shots will keep me going back.


Welcome to the Golfing Apathy Society (GAS). Whilst I still enjoy watching golf and talking about golf on here I haven't re-discovered the desire to play much yet.
Oh well, there's always next year!
I would just let it lie until you get a mad desire to get back on the fairway, it's a hobby not a job after all.


Tour Winner
Apr 18, 2007
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Sorry to hear about this mate. It might help to come down to my club for a game, its a short easy 9 hole course that is loads of fun to play, might get the juices flowing again??? If you fancy it drop me a PM and we will set it up.


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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craig, you and I have got to get together for a round! my philosophy to a tee. You've got economy golf down pat.
Oh, I can still get crotchety when all goes awry but the way I look at it is that every round has something good about it - and I can always enter The Open next year.


Head Pro
Sep 2, 2008
newcastle under lyme
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Hi Homer

sorry to hear about your predicament. I have suffered exactly the same, you think you've got a groove nailed down in the driving range until you get on the course where it all goes t*ts up.

I have found by playing more and spending less time in the range is the best way to work it through. I concentrate 90% of my off course practising on chipping and putting not on the range.Perhaps stop playing in competitions and go out to play a round purely for practise on your own, hit two balls or if you duff a shot hit another to see if you can put it right.

From your description it seems you have basically got a good swing but are just struggling to get a tempo/rythm on the course probably because you are so wound up.

Starting lessons has really brought this forward to me by my pro (top guy) by getting me to relax my hands arms and shoulders and feel the tempo I am hitting it farther and straighter then ever.
When I get screwed up whilst playing I just focus on three points, take away, tempo, follow through, but mainly tempo tempo tempo as this is the critical point.
For a while I slowed down my backswing and it was a disaster because timing the hands and the hips was too mechanical, one went the other stayed and vice versa or both went or both stayed.
IMO it's got to be a complete sway/swing up to the backswing and back to follow through a bit like a clock pendulum.
My teacher says that everybody has a different tempo and they need to work to find the right one to get that timing right.
Enough of my ramblings, don't give up, just relax and enjoy it, your passion for the game is fantastic. Hope it helps a bit.


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 28, 2008
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Homer,this is my first visit back to the Forum and I was sad to read your post.

For my 2 pennyworth I think you are doing the right thing. Write the book and a couple of bits for GM,it will be good for the soul. I know it is only a matter of time.

I am playing next Weds and cant get excited yet but we shall see as the day gets closer?

All the best.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Flippin heck, I have been away for 1 week, and come back and it's all doom and gloom. It's meant to be fun. It's a hobby.

Give it a rest for a few weeks, and see how it pans out.

When (if) the sun shines again, you will get the bug.


Journeyman Pro
May 13, 2008
As i have read your posts Homer over the last few months i know what passion and dedication you have for the game.A few weeks off will do you the world of good,

Anytim i have a off moment i jack in playing and just hit chips and pitches which is my fav part of the game,nice smooth swing hole a few and i back in business


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Hey Homer, I wonder if you're just expecting too much?
By that I mean none of us play great all the time, some don't play great anytime! Maybe you're just expecting to play well and getting frustrated if you don't. Maybe a lowering of the expectations to just enjoyment level and also not thinking too much about the shot in hand. Just see it, pick a club and hit it. You've got enough pedigree to do that for a while.

Don't panic - It'll come back.


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 12, 2007
Central Scotland
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Hi Homer

Know exactly how you feel. I had a bit of a hiatus away from the forum and cut back on my golf as well after getting a bit down about lack of progress.

I too had a problem transferring my range and bounce games into the medals and as a result my handicap was stagnating! But just some time away has helped to rekindle my desire to get out there and play / practise.

You know the old saying "Absense makes the heart grown fonder!"

Good luck Homer.


Tour Rookie
Mar 14, 2007
Dublin Ireland
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Homer a short rest may be the answer to your difficulties.

Then play as few easy nine holes without thinking about your score and hopefully your natural talent will return.

We all go through patches of poor form.

Chin up and happy shopping!!!!!


Tour Winner
Jan 7, 2008
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Homer you know far more about the game than I do, so I will trust your decision to be correct. Perhaps try playing some different / new courses to get you back into it after your break. New partners may do you good as well just for the odd game to get you out of the norm if indeed you play with the same people regularly, perhaps some local forumers. Best of luck with it all.


Q-School Graduate
Jun 20, 2007
West Country
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Homer, sorry to hear you so downhearted. Sounds like a break is a good idea. Personally I wonder like someone else if you need to do a bit less practising so as not to go out with your expectations too high. But I know this would go against the grain for you, as you are big on practice unlike me. Hope your pro can offer some advice. Can also recommend having a bash at something else. Playing some tennis (which I used ot think was dead hard) felt like liberation after 2 years of golf. Didn't last of course (the decent tennis) but made me feel good at the time. And you'll need a break from all that writing!
