Proper Bank Holidays

How did we get to ‘always open’? Was it always like this here, or did it get to that somehow?

I remember in Germany when we got 4 long Saturdays before Christmas ages ago, and long Thursdays. Apart from that it is closed on Sundays, holidays, and late on Saturdays.
How did we get to ‘always open’? Was it always like this here, or did it get to that somehow?

I remember in Germany when we got 4 long Saturdays before Christmas ages ago, and long Thursdays. Apart from that it is closed on Sundays, holidays, and late on Saturdays.

As far as I recall it has has been slow and steady with a few more shops opening each year. May be wrong but I think supermarkets opening was the big jump especially when they sold everything so other retailers lost out. When I was younger there was a half day in the week, no opening on Sunday and none on bank holidays
As far as I recall it has has been slow and steady with a few more shops opening each year. May be wrong but I think supermarkets opening was the big jump especially when they sold everything so other retailers lost out. When I was younger there was a half day in the week, no opening on Sunday and none on bank holidays

1/2 day Wednesdays ?
Maybe our rather stressed and as a result often angry ‘country’ doesn’t realise how much it misses the de-stressing qualities of a full two week holiday (rather than a week or few days here and there) and regular Sundays and BHs switched ‘off’.
How did we get to ‘always open’? Was it always like this here, or did it get to that somehow?

I remember in Germany when we got 4 long Saturdays before Christmas ages ago, and long Thursdays. Apart from that it is closed on Sundays, holidays, and late on Saturdays.
You can thank Mrs Thatcher. She brought in Sunday trading, and then after that deregulated shopping hours. If she had done it the other way around, Sunday shopping wouldn’t have got through as it wouldn’t be needed.
Whilst they are many that welcome working on a Sunday, there are many that have no choice and whilst many are happy going shopping on a Sunday, you have to wonder would they still be happy about it if they were made to work on a Sunday.
Back in the day, mid 70s, only certain shops were allowed by law to be open on Sundays, this included newsagents and garages. Suddenly most DIY stores such as B&Q, Homebase etc started to sell car accessories and parts to get round the opening laws.
Aside from the somber and sad circumstances, yesterday made me realise how I miss a full on bank holiday. Some on where would not have experienced it but everything shut, everyone had a day off be it in retail, hospitality, the works (hat tipped to those in the police, NHS etc and the few essential workers need to keep the country and the infrastruture running).

I would like to see yesterday as a spring board for actually closing as much as possibel on bank holidays and allow people to have one relaxing day at home with family and friends every now and again.
That is fine. As long as Tesco is open to get my meal deal for lunch, and the golf club is open so I can get a drink after the round :)
When I was a kid, I used to think that all the shops had a half day so that all the shop keepers could go and do their shopping. :oops:

Brain fart #1

You joke but it is so true. The attitude of people I know that bank holidays are wonderful so long as everyone else has to work so as they can do what they want :D:D:D

Oh so true……
You joke but it is so true. The attitude of people I know that bank holidays are wonderful so long as everyone else has to work so as they can do what they want :D:D:D
That is one way of looking at it. However, surely it is a case that whatever job someone goes into, they know what they are getting. Whether it be 9-5 or whether it be weekend work, shift work, etc,

Clearly, emergency services would still need to work. Public transport would still need to be open. And shops, restaurants, leisure facilities will want to be open, as that could be their most profitable time. The economy seems to be in bad enough shape, that closing down these types of services sounds like it could be a horrific idea?

As for the individuals that need to work? Well, I know a few who love working at weekends and bank holidays, as they get double time. I guess that is not the case everywhere, but certainly another reason why many individuals would not want to stop working on bank holidays.
When I was a kid, I used to think that all the shops had a half day so that all the shop keepers could go and do their shopping. :oops:
Half days were different from Bank Holidays though. Up here shops (Not offices) closed for half day every week, but different towns had different days. For example where I was brought up it was Wednesday "Early closing" and the next town was on a Thursday so, as you say, the shop keepers and staff could go to the next town and shop.
Half days were different from Bank Holidays though.

So you're correcting me for what I thought when I was 5 years old?
Nice :censored:
And while I'm at it, I didn't say half days were the same as Bank Holidays.
And before you say this thread is about bank holidays, the OP mentioned half days in post no.22.
Back in the day, mid 70s, only certain shops were allowed by law to be open on Sundays, this included newsagents and garages. Suddenly most DIY stores such as B&Q, Homebase etc started to sell car accessories and parts to get round the opening laws.
Didn't the pubs used to have to close in the afternoon too?