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Take 2 players A and B
A hits a tee shot down the left, cant find it, cant be bothered to walk back and just chucks a ball down and carries in the knowledge he has blobbed.
B hits a tee shot down the left, cant find it, drops another ball roughly where he thinks his tee shot should have been, thinking this is the correct thing to do.
you want me to believe A gets a 2 shot pen on the next hole but B doesn't?
Thats what I find hard to get, I suppose if A specifically says he was having a practice he could be in trouble, but even then I am am doubtful as I often carry on playing and tbf its practice.
I appreciate that particular dilemma. In player B's case however, it is obvious that they were firmly believing that they were carrying out the hole under the rules of golf, until it was pointed out that they were not (and they wouldn't get away with making the same mistake again, or not easily at the same club anyway). So, I have conceded in this case that it could be considered that the player had played from thew wrong place. In Players A case, they did know that they were out of the hole so at no point after that did they ever believe they were continuing to play the hole.
I'm sure there are other (less controversial rules) where the penalty may be different depending on the intent of the player.