Assistant Pro
OK fair enough . It is semantics but personally I have regarded playing to your handicap as playing towards the upper limits of your current potential which is how I think the handicap has been traditionally regarded. So playing to my handicap would be playing approximately within the old buffer, scoring above this is not unexpected but I would regard this as playing to a level consistent with my handicap but not to my handicap.Not quite. I regard playing to my handicap as being in the normal spectrum of scores that keeps my hc effectively stable within a shot.
So in stableford language, 31-38 is playing to my hc.
But as you say, it depends what one means.
Real world example, I had 34 points stbl yesterday. One could consider that I didnt play to my hc.
PCC was 2 shots (very windy day!). So one could also consider that I therefore played exactly to my hc.
But course rating is 1 below par, so you could also say due to that I was one above my hc.
Or looking at my hc this morning, I see that it was reduced by 0.1. So you could argue on that, that I must have played better than my hc.
So I think on balance, if you are within your normal range and deviation, then you have played to your hc. Even I dont shoot 150, so if I did, that would be not playing to my hc. So would bettering about 78 on the otherside.