New swing vids.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2010
South Wiltshire
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Hi guys

Just thought I'd post my most recent swing vids in the hope of some input to shed light on any problems.
Been struggling a bit last few months and only managed to get down to hit some balls and take some vids yesterday.

The main thing I picked up on is that my grip has gotten stronger than normal especially considering I was only hitting a 7 iron. Generally have a fairly strong left hand but the right tends to become more neutal the shorter the club (or so I thought!)

Any input welcome and before anyone asks I got the hat from Sports Direct for about £7 :)

The first two are normal time, camera was in wrong mode so clipped the top and bottom but still got the required parts in (I think). Last one is a High Speed vid from behind!



Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Who am I to critique the legendary Swinger but you did say anyone so here goes.

I dont think that you complete a full shoulder turn, a pro once told me to imagine a pair of eyes on your back so that when you turn they should be looking down the fairway.

Your club goes back a long way considering its a 7I , a sign that the wrist is breaking at the top causing the club to travel further its not that you've turned further to get there if that makes sense. The 2 statements may appear to contradict each other but you can get a fuller shoulder turn but also have a shorter backswing, I think thats the sort of area you could be tweaking but thats just my view.


Money List Winner
Dec 22, 2008
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I seem to have stumbled into the 'ask the experts' section by mistake, can anyone show me the way out !!:D

see as I'm here I've got 2 things to say!!

1- the hat, no comment !!!

2- Maybe connected to Sawtooths' point, but the transition looks a bit quick to me.

I will defer to those who are qualifed to be here !!:thup:


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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You're a touch under plane going back which might give you some problems on the half shots but recover well at the top to give a very good impact....and a lovely thump as the club meets mat.
I'm off out teaching in a bit so will just say this....
I wouldn't play you for money unless I was getting shots. :)
Great swing but check the grip


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Having played with you,commenting would be stupid.

I tend to agree on the basis that he's probably not about to change anything, rather like Robobum who posted his swing the other week. Right hand grip does look a bit under the shaft. Not a fan of the spinning left foot or the lack of hip turn... but hey! you whack it! so who am I to comment :smirk:


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2010
South Wiltshire
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Many thanks for all the coments guys. Really do appreciate your time and views.

Who am I to critique the legendary Swinger but you did say anyone so here goes.

I dont think that you complete a full shoulder turn, a pro once told me to imagine a pair of eyes on your back so that when you turn they should be looking down the fairway.

Your club goes back a long way considering its a 7I , a sign that the wrist is breaking at the top causing the club to travel further its not that you've turned further to get there if that makes sense. The 2 statements may appear to contradict each other but you can get a fuller shoulder turn but also have a shorter backswing, I think thats the sort of area you could be tweaking but thats just my view.

Not sure if its a real thing or not but I have quite flexable wrists and struggle to keep them rigid in one part of the swing yet fluid in others, in fact thinking about it this could stem a fair bit from the grip also. Never really looked at the shoulder turn much but will have a good look in a sec. :thup:

You're lucky to have a range where you've got plenty of space to take videos, without barriers etc in the way!

Have to pick up my own balls though!!

I seem to have stumbled into the 'ask the experts' section by mistake, can anyone show me the way out !!:D

see as I'm here I've got 2 things to say!!

1- the hat, no comment !!!

2- Maybe connected to Sawtooths' point, but the transition looks a bit quick to me.

I will defer to those who are qualifed to be here !!:thup:

The transition is a lot smoother in the last vid mate!!:)

I think alot of what Sawtooth mentioned is right but not sure it's directly related to the quick transition mate. I'd say in my defense that I'm only just getting my timing back in order and I need a bit of a run up before I jump!! Ideally would be a little smoother and hopefully will be with a little practise.

You're a touch under plane going back which might give you some problems on the half shots but recover well at the top to give a very good impact....and a lovely thump as the club meets mat.
I'm off out teaching in a bit so will just say this....
I wouldn't play you for money unless I was getting shots. :)
Great swing but check the grip

Many thanks for your thoughts and nice words Bob. I will be looking at the grip very soon. Would you think that the swing plane issue on the way back could be a result of the grip also?

I probably woudnt have noticed the hat if you hadnt said.
However i did have a chuckle,£7 your mad.
Having played with you,commenting would be stupid.

Some people would see a jumble sale where I see a bargin!!
They only had purple left but that was the only colour i wanted!

I tend to agree on the basis that he's probably not about to change anything, rather like Robobum who posted his swing the other week. Right hand grip does look a bit under the shaft. Not a fan of the spinning left foot or the lack of hip turn... but hey! you whack it! so who am I to comment :smirk:

Always interested to see what others think James but it would take a bit for me to make a change. Always think having a few other eyes taking a look might see something I've missed or look at things in a different light.
I'm comming to the realisation that I will need to address my grip ASAP to gain more consistancy. Would be interested to hear your thoughts on what the lack of hip turn


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Always interested to see what others think James but it would take a bit for me to make a change.

I would say so too because what you have is a GIFT :thup:. Pertly it's poetry in motion to watch and on the other hand there's so many wrongs it makes a right which is why I never gave you feedback last year when you asked. Your arm swing and upper body strength really are your engine, what happens through impact wouldn't be taught (looks like you have a flip-roll... you just put it all together rather like Jim Furyk, Luke Donald or Bubba Watson does. You just need to work on ways to control/limit your worse shots so they happen less, in my opinion. If I could pinpoint anything I think you just have difficulty staying balance especailly with your spinning left foot and just as a totally unrelated off the cuff comment.... it's awsome just how far away your hands are at impact than they were at address :p I've watch it 50 times now LOLOLOL


Disclaimer, I would love your swing: However just from a spotting point of view: Your club head gets quickly behind you, if you look at the 3rd video your club head is behind your body (knee) at the same time as its at knee hight. The risk is it gets stuck back there. I only really spotted it as my pro has me working on it night and day at the moment. As bob says, clearly your impact is so good you pull it all back.