New Golf Thinking...It's a long post

Let me make it clear, I will make up my mind solely based on my opinions of the material and my correspondence with the author that I have been grateful to have the opportunity of, not on what is posted on the forum. That said, its pretty boring to read people constantly wanting to nit pick about something (and its not just this thread, this topic or just you doing it but it is becoming endemic in the forum) and sadly that is lowering the quality of the forum and reducing the amount a lot of decent posters post

In my opinion, there is a time and a place to give an opinion and at times a lot of people want to give theirs when their really is no need whatsoever and adds nothing to the discussion that is being had but hey its a forum so they are allowed to

Spot on my man, well said.
In my opinion, there is a time and a place to give an opinion and at times a lot of people want to give theirs when their really is no need whatsoever and adds nothing to the discussion that is being had but hey its a forum so they are allowed to

I appreciate what you say, it can get tiresome if the same point is laboured, and quantifiable proof is required where there is none, but surely discussion should be encouraged. I'm reading the book, and have asked a couple of question of those who went on the day

'Is the career shot point a little at odds with the club up point? I mean, if I aim for a career shot as implied, but I miss, the risk reward element of the game would mean that a score worsener would be more likely than a score improver.
The club up point seems to imply play the percentages.

Also how can I possibly turn a massive slice OB, or a missed 2 foot putt into a opportunity? The implication is that you control your reaction, so react positively. I can't think of a positive spin on the above.'

Is this dismissing or just seeking understanding??:confused:
The "career shot" is more to do with remembering the mindset and thought process that enabled a career shot to happen and bringing that to each shot.

We have all stood over a shot and thought , I like this! Conversely we have all stood over a ball and thought the opposite.

So the idea is to bring career shot MPA to every shot we play.

The clubbing up is more to do with practical results and was 1 of only 2 tactical tips covered on the day

In truth new golf thinking isn't going to cure a 30 yard slice, but it will help you stay positive and help recover

Hope that helps
If my opinion was positive to the idea would it be welcome then ?

It wouldn't make a scrap of difference!

I have read a number of golf psychology books and definitely buy into the concepts that most cover, I think that my golf is better for it, but, how can I be certain? I can't, so I happily play thinking that, like a new club, ball or lesson that it is part of the package that makes my golf better than it otherwise might be. No, it's not quantifiable but equally it's not disprovable, so, my mental approach is personal to me but I know that I will not stand over the ball and think "don't hit it into the lake" because every psychology book tells me that the brain doesn't understand the word "don't" so, for me, the lake doesn't exist as I am concentrating on the place I DO want my ball to go rather than where I DONT.

Sceptics among you will not accept the ideas of this new book and I think believers will embrace all or part of it - it's as it's ever been!
The "career shot" is more to do with remembering the mindset and thought process that enabled a career shot to happen and bringing that to each shot.

We have all stood over a shot and thought , I like this! Conversely we have all stood over a ball and thought the opposite.

So the idea is to bring career shot MPA to every shot we play.

The clubbing up is more to do with practical results and was 1 of only 2 tactical tips covered on the day

In truth new golf thinking isn't going to cure a 30 yard slice, but it will help you stay positive and help recover

Hope that helps

I does shed some light on the thought processes, thanks.

I guess it's not a book in a linear sense, but a guide to be dipped in and out of.

I'm still vexed by the reaction section. I appreciate I control my own response, but I'm struggling to turn some of the negatives into opportunities as per the chart on pg 42.
Sceptics among you will not accept the ideas of this new book and I think believers will embrace all or part of it - it's as it's ever been!

Very similar that to another book Chris, one from your youth.

Those sceptics never did take to the New Testament, did they??:rofl::whoo:
I guess it's not a book in a linear sense, but a guide to be dipped in and out of.

Yup that's it exactly, you can read it from front to back, but the idea is that it's a reference where you go to the relevant section to find the help particular to you.

If you've done the self-assessment form, that will point you towards the "low hanging fruit" that will help you initially.

My take on the career shot and improver sections; For example your next shot is to the green, MPA is 'I'm going to hole this', you swing and hit a career shot, the ball lands and skims the hole, you've not holed it, but the shot was up there with your best, you've not left it short and you've seen the line as the ball rolled past the hole, you've now got a 1 foot tap in birdie, an improver.
Currently reading through the book. So far I'm feeling the following:

I like the snooker mentality regarding how many "points are on the table" rather than trying to predict your score on the next few holes based on how things have went in the past few holes.
I like the idea of scoring each shot to enable us to think about one shot at a time.

I don't agree with the author when he suggests that seeing the pro to fix your swing is an old method that doesn't lead to better scoring.
There is also a lot of cheesy self help jargon and acronyms that I find hard to take seriously.

For me if my swing feels good I hit better shots, this leads to confidence. When I'm swinging well I care more about my short game, this leads to better scoring. Personally, I feel that a good mentality and confidence starts with having a sound "full swing" - maybe this is because I have a good short game.

Im reading the book purely because I'm interested not because I feel I make a lot of mental errors. However, I'm always looking to learn!
OK, as a follow up to my earlier post, I went out for a slow 9 holes this morning. I put a card in my pocket with a view to marking WIMC for each shot, and S/P when going for the green. I had to contend with slow play too, playing as a single there were a number of 4 balls in front of me playing matches, so I used the time to ensure I concentrated on the ideas of MPA and not leaving it short - wasn't thinking back of the green specifically, just took an extra club on a couple of holes, and on another couple I took the club I would normally use. I shot a 42, 3 under handicap for the 9, scoring 21 points. Hole wise I had 3 pars, a birdie, 3 bogies and 2 doubles. The two doubles were undone by W's off the tee making it harder to get back in to position. I hit three C shots out there including a drive and pitch to 6 inches directly behind the hole, almost eagling it. On the S/P front, I counted all shots into the green and putts on the green - coming in with only 3 shorties and 10 past the hole.

I didn't think about scoring or totals at all, just focused on the points available to me on the next shot. I only lapsed once of note, and that cost me the second double bogey because I wasn't paying attention. I'm not down on myself for that as I'd gotten round to the ninth before the small error. In general, I though this allowed me to play the round quite well.

Only the third round in, but that was definitely an improvement on yesterdays medal.
OK, as a follow up to my earlier post, I went out for a slow 9 holes this morning. I put a card in my pocket with a view to marking WIMC for each shot, and S/P when going for the green. I had to contend with slow play too, playing as a single there were a number of 4 balls in front of me playing matches, so I used the time to ensure I concentrated on the ideas of MPA and not leaving it short - wasn't thinking back of the green specifically, just took an extra club on a couple of holes, and on another couple I took the club I would normally use. I shot a 42, 3 under handicap for the 9, scoring 21 points. Hole wise I had 3 pars, a birdie, 3 bogies and 2 doubles. The two doubles were undone by W's off the tee making it harder to get back in to position. I hit three C shots out there including a drive and pitch to 6 inches directly behind the hole, almost eagling it. On the S/P front, I counted all shots into the green and putts on the green - coming in with only 3 shorties and 10 past the hole.

I didn't think about scoring or totals at all, just focused on the points available to me on the next shot. I only lapsed once of note, and that cost me the second double bogey because I wasn't paying attention. I'm not down on myself for that as I'd gotten round to the ninth before the small error. In general, I though this allowed me to play the round quite well.

Only the third round in, but that was definitely an improvement on yesterdays medal.

Did you play yourself? Do you normally play better when your playing a practice 9 holer or in a medal?

I think that clubbing to the back of the green is a great idea...I usually do this.

Just a question about "career" shots. If you have are faced with a difficult shot, and you have previously pulled off a similar shot, do you go for it? Or do your play safe? Does the book suggest a way to decide?
Did you play yourself? Do you normally play better when your playing a practice 9 holer or in a medal?

I think that clubbing to the back of the green is a great idea...I usually do this.

Just a question about "career" shots. If you have are faced with a difficult shot, and you have previously pulled off a similar shot, do you go for it? Or do your play safe? Does the book suggest a way to decide?

I played as a single purely as a practice round. Not always, but sometimes, medals usually come undone over a couple of holes. I wasn't looking at career shots in that view, i was counting shots that couldn't have been hit better if I'd tried, i.e. they went exactly where I tried to put them and were flushed. This aspect of shot judgement will be different for each of us, they may have been I or M for other players..... Two drives split the fairway about as far as I can hit, and one wedge in shaved the hole and finished 6 inches past, I'm happy to mark those all as C. There were a few other good shots too that could have been C on another day, but I put them as I today.
I played as a single purely as a practice round. Not always, but sometimes, medals usually come undone over a couple of holes. I wasn't looking at career shots in that view, i was counting shots that couldn't have been hit better if I'd tried, i.e. they went exactly where I tried to put them and were flushed. This aspect of shot judgement will be different for each of us, they may have been I or M for other players..... Two drives split the fairway about as far as I can hit, and one wedge in shaved the hole and finished 6 inches past, I'm happy to mark those all as C. There were a few other good shots too that could have been C on another day, but I put them as I today.

Good stuff mate. Sounds like you played well.

Was just wondering about other times where we might be faced with a tricky situation. I hit a cracking big draw out of the left rough with my hybrid on Saturday which I would class as a career shot. However, I never would have attempted it if there was trouble down the right side of the hole. I was wondering if the idea of a career shot might get people to be too hopeful/positive.
It was a 0.1 increase, third one in four since starting Saturday comps four weeks ago and without wanting to tell a story, I let myself down on three holes, two were due to duff tee shots and bad choices for the next shot, for which I will remember and change my tactic next time in the same situation, should it arise, the third was a poor bunker shot.

I was 5 over HC or 2 over buffer.

Positives were of the other 15 holes I played them well and par'd 5 of them, my driving was 90% FIR and by clubbing up I hit some long distance belters onto the green, thus not leaving them short as I had previously.

All in all although it was a 0.1 increase, my game is coming together and I'm feeling good about the rest of the season, as I know a run of HC cuts is coming, starting with next weeks comp.

Dave how did I do have you down as a 96
Which is 11 over handicap

Some computer mistake ?????

Mate honestly 9 handicap at end of year is massive push

I played in scratch comp yesterday which is a eye opener honest

Don't set big things what is nearly impossible
I've been around 5 6 for 3 year it's hard believe me
Oh and Homer - are you claiming some royalties from his books - it appears he is using paragraphs from your blog ? Is he giving you writing credits for that ?

Cheap jibe without having access to the facts. I asked permission on Tuesday. Do one smartarse

Used it for the first time in the stableford on Saturday. Came 5th and hit the buffer so definitely early signs of improvement. 5 x 3 putts killed the score and even if I have turned three of those into two putts would have been second. Played with Hawkeye in a pairs event today. We were great for 16 holes and I think he can see the difference in my approach and clarity.

I have no doubt a few will point to the three putts and say something glib like he makes no difference if you can't get it in the hole. My reply would be I got on some of the greens I've missed regularly, and today in particular used my MPA to produce a career shot at 14 to hit the green going between and under two big tress from 200 yards. My short game is more positive and despite the three putts my approach to putting has improved too.

Funny how the loudest voices are those who have absolutely no interest in using it. Good for the post count as you would say LP
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Cheap jibe without having access to the facts. I asked permission on Tuesday. Do one smartarse

Shouldn't you then put on your blog that they are not your words but the words of someone else ( as you ask for countless retweets ) - surely the people that read the blog will need to know who has actually said the words you type ?
It was a 0.1 increase, third one in four since starting Saturday comps four weeks ago and without wanting to tell a story, I let myself down on three holes, two were due to duff tee shots and bad choices for the next shot, for which I will remember and change my tactic next time in the same situation, should it arise, the third was a poor bunker shot.

I was 5 over HC or 2 over buffer.

Positives were of the other 15 holes I played them well and par'd 5 of them, my driving was 90% FIR and by clubbing up I hit some long distance belters onto the green, thus not leaving them short as I had previously.

All in all although it was a 0.1 increase, my game is coming together and I'm feeling good about the rest of the season, as I know a run of HC cuts is coming, starting with next weeks comp.

Seen scorecard on Howdidido

Has u down for Gross 96, Par 68, Thats 28 Over, and 11 Over Handicap....:confused:.......Not 5